"Uzumaki Naruto, I advise you to quickly change my son back, otherwise... I will let you know what an old father's anger is!"

The sharp blade of Kurokumo-Kiri was pressed against Naruto's carotid artery, and with just a little force, he could turn into a human fountain on the spot.

It must be said that Uchiha Fugaku's hand holding the knife was still quite steady... at least before the second pillar came here with Uchiha Mahyong.


"Damn old man, why did you call me here in the middle of the night?!

You insisted on letting me bring this little thing...

This little thing cried all the way, and it annoyed me to death, do you know?!

Damn, you old bitch, are you looking for a reason to fight with me, Uchiha Sasuke?!

Come on! Whoever is cowardly is a dog!"

Then I saw the second pillar tossing Uchiha Mahyong, who was constantly making a fuss in his arms, and rushed towards Uchiha Fugaku.

Uchiha Fugaku: Σ(っ °Д °;)っ! ! !

Uchiha Fugaku's hand trembled, and Kusukimei opened a small cut on Naruto's neck;

Blood flowed out instantly, and Naruto was so scared that he immediately covered the wound and dodged.

"I'm dying, dying, dying... Kurama, please heal me quickly, I'm dying!"

Kurama: 눈_눈...

As a tailed beast, in the long years that Kurama has gone through, he has never seen anyone die because of a little cut on the skin.

"Old man... Fuck!!!"

Uchiha Fugaku swung Kusukimei in a circle, and slapped the blade at the second pillar, and directly fucked the second pillar into the ground.

Although the whole process seemed to take a long time, it was actually just a blink of an eye.

Uchiha Shinyong was still flying freely in the air. A large group of Uchiha clan members had already gathered below her and were busy preparing to catch her. However, the next moment...


Uchiha Fugaku used Kusugawa Kiri as a springboard and took Uchiha Shinyong into his arms before everyone else. Then, after landing safely, he turned his head with wide eyes and looked at...

Where is Nizhuzi?

Oh, he is still under Kusugawa Kiri~

Uchiha Fugaku walked over and moved Kusugawa Kiri away, revealing Nizhuzi who was almost beaten into a pancake under him.

"Rebellious son! This is your sister... Ah~ your brother!

How dare you do this to him?!"

Uchiha Fugaku scolded Nizhuzi loudly, trying to awaken the conscience of his stupid son.

But Nizhuzi said: What conscience? Shit, it's over!

Compared to conscience, what Nizhuzi cares more about is...

"I don't accept it! You old bastard sneaked up on me and hit me with Whitebeard's knife... You old man are so bad!

Come on, come again!

I, Uchiha Sasuke, will make you old bastard..."

Uchiha Fugaku: (▼皿▼#)! ! !

Bang! ! !

Nizhuzi was kicked back to the ground by his old father.

"Tie this rebellious son up and hang him on the tree for me. Remember to gag his mouth... gag him!"


The troublemaker Nizhuzi was hung on the tree, and the victim of this incident, Uchiha Mahiro, had also arrived, so it was time to get back to business.

"I have only one question."

Uchiha Shinyuu in his left hand and Uchiha Fugaku Takeshi in his right hand turned around and looked around the crowd, and then...

"Where did that little bastard Naruto go again?!"

All the Uchiha: ⊙_⊙? ! !

The Uchiha clan members looked at each other...

No one could tell where Naruto had gone.

Somewhere, Naruto, who ran away while Nizhuzi was causing a commotion, was laughing like a fool.

[Thanks to Nizhuzi, my friend ꉂ(ˊᗜˋ*)~]

"You...you...are so angry at me! You, so many people, can't even take care of a naughty kid?!"

All the Uchiha: (ー_ー)!!

Speak with conscience, as for Naruto...can he be considered an ordinary naughty kid? !


"Search them all for me!"

The Uchiha people rushed into the crowd again, searching for Naruto's traces;

Unfortunately, they found nothing in the end, and Naruto had already gone to who knows where.

Uchiha Fugaku: (눈益눈) !!!

"Damn... Let's go, go to the door of that brat's house with me and block him!

He can run away, but I don't believe he won't even go home!"

Uchiha Fugaku waved his hand and rushed towards Naruto's house with a large group of Uchiha.

[Well, it happened that Mikoto was still playing mahjong with her girlfriends at Naruto's house...

I have to let her see with her own eyes that our San'er was harmed by that brat Naruto.What a mess! 】

Gone, all gone.

Only Erzhuzi was left hanging on the tree with his mouth blocked, shivering in the cold wind.

Neizhuzi attracted countless people in the night market to watch and discuss...


Soon after, the Uchiha people who came to Naruto's house saw Naruto standing outside the door with a smirk from a distance.

"Uncle Fugaku..."

"Wow~ You little bastard, don't say anything, take my sword first!"

Uchiha Fugaku leaped up, holding Kurogane Kiri and chopped it off Naruto's head.

However, Naruto, who was confident, was not panicked at all, and even took a step forward deliberately.

"Aunt Mikoto asked me to invite you in."

Seeing Kurogane Kiri was about to fall, Naruto said calmly.

Uchiha Fugaku: Σ(っ °Д °;)っ! ! !


Murakumochiri instantly fell from Uchiha Fugaku's hand, he looked up at Naruto with disbelief.

"You little bastard, you dare to complain first?!"

Uchiha Fugaku had seen Naruto's ability to confuse right and wrong, and even experienced it himself.

Once something is narrated through Naruto's mouth...

The plaintiff becomes the defendant, and the innocent becomes the death penalty!

God knows what Naruto, who returned home first, said to those people inside, especially his wife...

In short, Uchiha Fugaku suddenly had a bad premonition:

In the future, he is very likely to pay a heavy price for what he did today to chase Naruto...

"By the way, remember to bring Uchiha Mayu~"

At this moment, Naruto smiled like a little fox who successfully stole a chicken.

On the other hand, Uchiha Fugaku...

No matter how reluctant Uchiha Fugaku was, he had to embrace Uchiha Shinyuu and walk into Naruto's house with trepidation.


The door closed and even locked.

Naruto smiled and took the door key back into his arms, still greeting him.

"Uncle Fugaku, let's go~"

Uchiha Fugaku: =(꒪ᗜ꒪ ‧̣̥̇)...

[The disturbing feeling is getting stronger and stronger, I hope it's just my illusion...right...]


"Wow~ I really turned into a girl~"

"I feel more adorable than before~ Isn't it, little Mayu?!"

"Really? Let me see too..."

Uchiha Mayu looked at the group of aunts curiously unzipping their pants and taking a look, then couldn't help but exclaimed in admiration, and finally surrounded his old mother and chattered.


Walked over, unzipped his pants, loosened his pants, exclaimed in admiration, walked back and chattered...

The whole process repeated countless times.

Uchiha Mayu: (ಥ﹏ಥ)...

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