Since he merged with the adamantium metal and became the ninja world's Wolverine, Kimimaro's fighting style has become more brutal.

Just like now, he withstood the attack of the puppet crow and slowly tore the annoying puppet into pieces under everyone's eyes.

Kanjiro looked at the puppet fragments on the ground with horror. With this degree of damage...

Not to mention him, even if the creator of the puppet crow, the Red Sand Scorpion, came, he would not be able to repair it, right? !

"This kind of toy for children... is it what you rely on to claim to take my life?!"

Kimimaro's teasing eyes made Kanjiro instantly angry.

"Don't be so proud, bastard, I have more than one puppet like this!"


Puppet black ants fell from the sky, and puppet salamanders broke out of the ground!

"Black Secret Technique*Second burst!"

With Kanjiro's angry shout, the puppet Salamander tightly bound Kimimaro's feet, and the puppet Black Ant took this opportunity to swallow him into its stomach.

Both attacked Kimimaro at almost the same time.

"Go to hell!"


Instantly, the sound of countless sharp blades piercing the human body came from the Black Ant's stomach.

Kanjiro laughed crazily, but soon his smile froze.

Because it was not Kimimaro who was pierced, but his puppet Black Ant!

Countless bone spurs with a metallic luster pierced out of the Black Ant's body in an instant,

making the puppet Black Ant, which was still majestic a second ago, look like a rag doll pierced and ravaged by hundreds of steel needles by its cruel master, and could only be helplessly nailed to the spot and unable to move.

"Corpse Vein*Dance of Karamatsu."

With a soft hum, Kimimaro in the belly of the black ant suddenly rotated on the spot, and countless steel bone spikes extending from his body strangled the puppet black ant that trapped him into slag in an instant.

"Dance of Iron Wire Flower."

The spine that was pulled out of the body turned into an indestructible bone whip in Kimimaro's hand, reaching into the ground and pulling the puppet Salamander hidden in it into the air;

Then a bone spear came forward and blasted the puppet Salamander into fireworks that exploded in the air.

The two fought for only a short moment, and Kankuro's three puppets were all solved by Kimimaro without any delay.

[Oh no! ]

Temari, who was watching the battle, was shocked when she saw this.

Perhaps for Kanjuro in the past, the three puppets were all his trump cards;

But since Kanjuro was trained as a weapon by Rasa...these three puppets have become a restriction on Kanjuro, preventing him from completely losing his humanity and becoming a killing machine!

Temari had seen with her own eyes how crazy and terrifying Kanjuro was when he didn't use puppets to fight the enemy...

Just seeing it once left an indelible shadow in Temari's heart.

Because that time, all the ninjas who fought against Kanjuro, and even all the people who watched and supervised the battle...except him, all died in Kanjuro's hands!



Interesting, so interesting!

Only people like you are qualified to die in my hands;

Only by killing an existence like you...can I reflect the value of my existence~"

After seeing the three puppets that he was proud of being destroyed by Kimimaro lightly, Kanjuro laughed instead of getting angry.

His smile became more sinister, more crazy, and more... unbridled!

The smile that kept extending to his ears had even torn the corners of Kanjuro's mouth. The bright red blood left two obvious bloodstains on both sides of his chin, making Kanjuro look more like a madman...

A bloodthirsty madman who wanted to kill everything!

Kanjuro tore off his robe, revealing a strong but scarred upper body. The most eye-catching thing was that six black balls of unknown function were neatly inlaid on both sides of his chest from top to bottom.

[It's coming! ]

Knowing that Kanjuro was about to go crazy, Temari immediately helped Shunji retreat quickly, and at the same time did not forget to shout to the other people watching the game.

"Everyone retreat quickly!"

Just when everyone was confused, unexpected changes had occurred on the field.

Puff! ! !

The six black spheres suddenly split in two from the middle, and bursts of strange purple mist quickly gushed out from the gap.

The mist quickly spread outside, and in the blink of an eye it enveloped Kankuro within a ten-meter radius, and continued to extend to the outside world;

In the area covered by this purple mist, the grass withered, the trees died, and all living things quickly turned into decay..

"Damn it! It's poison, that guy is poisoning... Retreat!"

At this moment, no matter how stupid these people are, they have already understood what the purple mist emanating from Kankuro is.

Everyone was shocked and retreated, but there were still a few unlucky ones who ran too slowly and could only watch themselves being caught up by the purple mist, and finally had to fall to the ground with hatred.

Seeing this, Tsunade, who was hiding somewhere, suddenly rushed in and quickly pulled a few unlucky guys out, and then quickly took out a few pills from the ninja tool bag and stuffed them into their mouths.

"This is an outdated poison that has been outdated for many years, and the Sand Village is still using it?!


Is that old woman Chiyo dead?!

Without her, the Sand Village's poison will lose its innovation?!"

It's rare to see the poison that Chiyo prepared decades ago in Konoha.

As a mortal enemy, Tsunade not only helped the unlucky guys to detoxify, but also made some sarcastic remarks.

Temari: (ー ー゛)...

Dare not to say anything, dare not to ask anything.


In the battlefield covered by the purple poisonous fog, Kankuro looked at Kimimaro with a playful look on his face, quietly waiting for the moment when Kimimaro would die of the poison.

But after waiting for a long time, Kimimaro did not respond, even...

"Kimimaro, take it, this is the fish I grilled for you personally."

"Thank you, big brother!!!"

"Time is running out, you should finish the work quickly, and then we will collect the money in time."

"Okay, big brother, no problem, big brother!"

Naruto, who did not take any anti-poison measures, walked in front of Kimimaro openly, and then walked out of the coverage of the poisonous fog openly;

And Kimimaro... He was eating a grilled fish that was purple all over, which was obviously marinated by the poisonous fog.

Kankuro: (ー ー゛)...

For some reason I feel like these two guys are somewhat disrespectful of my ultimate moves...

Fuck! (╯°Д°)╯︵ ┻━┻!!!

"Impossible! How can you be okay?!"

Kankurō didn't want to believe this cruel fact, but the fact was... Kimimaro ate the fish faster.

"What's the big deal? Isn't being immune to all poisons the most basic quality of a ninja?"

Kimimaro, who was busy eating fish, took the time to look up and glance at Kankuro.

In the words of his good brother Naruto, it's not easy to get along in society these days without a physique that is immune to all poisons.

Kankurō: ( ̄┰ ̄*)!

"You're talking nonsense!"

The poison mist gathered into a purple ball of light in Kankuro's palm and hurled it at Kimimaro...the grilled fish in his hand.


The grilled fish was gone, and Kimimaro was angry.

"Damn... Kankuro, you bastard! How dare you touch the fish my big brother grilled for me?!"

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