"I've never seen such a mean ninja!"

Until he returned to the stands, Naruto was still angry about the fight with Inuzuka Kiba.

However, what Naruto didn't notice was that when he said this...

The companions standing behind Naruto looked at him meaningfully.

[No, you have seen him, and you see him every day...]


Although he was angry, Naruto still knew that he had to do his business first.

It was soon the turn of the battle between Hyuga Neji and Kimimaro.

With Hyuga Neji's current fighting power... he would definitely lose to Kimimaro, and lose miserably.

But who is Hyuga Neji? !

Naruto's brother-in-law~

Naruto has countless brothers, but he only has one brother-in-law.

For Hinata, for a happy life in the future...

Naruto felt that it was time to strengthen his brother-in-law!

So Naruto went straight to Hyuga Neji, and before he could say anything, he stuffed several glittering balls of light into his body.

Hyuga Neji only felt that there were many more things in his brain, making his head swell up.

"Naruto, you..."

"Don't say anything, don't ask anything.

Think about it well, experience it well... I believe you can do it."


"Hyuga Neji, the Genin of Konoha Village, fights... Kimimaro, the Genin of Sheep Village!"

"Please enter the venue."

Kimimaro jumped up from his seat as soon as he heard the referee call out his name.

"Brother, it's my turn! Look at my performance~"

Before he finished speaking, Kimimaro ran towards the entrance passage in a hurry.

The next moment, he was grabbed by the collar by Naruto with a dark face.

"Wait a minute, I have something to tell you."

"Brother, you tell me."

"Hinata Neji is your future sister-in-law's elder brother, that is, my brother-in-law... Do you understand?!"

Kimimaro: ⊙_⊙...

"...Brother, I understand."

"Well, if you are a child, you can teach him~ Go..."

Naruto patted Kimimaro's shoulder with confidence, loosened his collar and let him go to the competition channel.

Unfortunately, Naruto's heart was relieved for a short time, and he was pulled up again by Kimimaro who ran away.

"Brother, don't worry~

I will definitely let your brother-in-law distinguish between the big and small kings!

Brother, you are the biggest here!

Don't say you are a brother-in-law... Even if my sister-in-law's father comes, he will lose face!!!"

Hinata Hiashi: ☄ฺ(◣д◢) ☄! ! !

Naruto: (´இ皿இ`)! ! !

The death stare from his future father-in-law made Naruto shiver all over;

At this moment, he wished he could grab Kimimaro who ran away and beat him up right now.

[Is that what I mean to you? ! ]

But the competition had already begun, and he could only settle the score with Kimimaro later.

But thinking of Kimimaro, the reckless man, threatening to beat up Hyuga Neji...

Naruto secretly thanked himself for giving his brother-in-law a lot of life-saving things just now, otherwise it would be difficult to end it after Kimimaro made such a fuss.


"You are my eldest brother's brother-in-law, right?!"

Hyuga Neji: (ー_ー)!!

[Your eldest brother...who? Naruto? ]

"Well...brother-in-law, my eldest brother asked me to teach you the rules..."

Crack! Crack, crack, crack!

Kimimaro clenched his fists fiercely, and his knuckles immediately made a sound like popping beans.

"Don't think that just because you are my sister-in-law's brother, you can ride on my elder brother's head and shit~

In our place, my elder brother is the sky!!!

If you dare to sing against my elder brother... I will dare to take my elder brother's place to deal with you! Do you understand?!"

Hyuga Neji: Õ_Õ? ? ?

[No... this set of sets... what are you talking about, brother? ! ]

"Be good and let me beat you up later, and then admit defeat obediently;

After it's over, come with me to my elder brother and kowtow to my elder brother three times respectfully...

I, Kimimaro, will recognize you as my brother-in-law, otherwise... hehehe~ Do you understand?!"

Hyuga Neji: 눈_눈...

Hyuga Neji raised his head and slowly turned his eyes to Naruto, who had already covered his face in shame in the stands.

Hyuga Neji: [Your brother? ]

Naruto: [Don't look at me, I don't know him. 】

Hyuga Neji: [Can you beat me?]

Naruto: [As you like, just hold your breath.]

In that case...Hyuga Neji is relieved...

Bang! ! !

The back of his head was hit hard.

Hyuga Neji: (꒪⌓꒪)? ! !

"I'm talking to you,Why are you looking at my big brother? !

I tell you~ If I want to beat you up... even my big brother can't protect you, do you believe it? ! "

Kimimaro: ٩(๑`^´๑)۶!

Hyuga Neji: 눈_눈...

Although I don't know where Naruto got this weird talent with incomplete brain development and completely undeveloped cerebellum from.


[You patted me on the back of the head, right?! And you're threatening me, right?!

Just to test my new trick on you...]


"If you beat me, everything will go according to your words; otherwise... let your big brother come and tell me in person."

Hyuga Neji slowly stepped back a few steps and took a stance, hooking his finger at the arrogant Kimimaro.

Kimimaro: ("▔□▔)! ! !

"Oh~ It seems that if I don't give you a good beating, you really can't tell the difference between the big and small kings, right?!

Brother-in-law~ Let me explain in advance... I'm a bit heavy-handed, you have to bear with it for a while~"

Kimimaro smiled playfully, and the next second he also took an attacking stance.

Hyuga Neji: ∩_∩~

"Don't be afraid, I should be able to take it."

"Hey~ That's what you said, you can't blame me if I hurt you later... Here it comes!

Corpse Vein*Six... What the hell is going on?!"

Kimimaro, who was about to attack Hyuga Neji, suddenly cursed.

Because he found that his body was... completely unable to move at this moment!

It turned out that at the moment Kimimaro launched the attack, Hyuga Neji's hands suddenly emitted two rays of light, one black and one white.

Black and white light met in Hyuga Neji's hands, and in the blink of an eye, a Tai Chi symbol was formed;

As the symbol appeared, a huge Tai Chi diagram also emerged under Kimimaro's feet.

Kimimaro could feel that it was this Tai Chi diagram that restricted his movements.

Kimimaro: (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))...

"What kind of magic is this?!"

"Oh, the Two Principles Static Field, your big brother gave it to me."

Kimimaro: (ー ー゛)...

[You agreed to let me teach your brother-in-law a lesson for you... Big brother, why are you still helping the enemy? ! ]

(Naruto: I didn't say that, bastard!!)

"Don't use this if you have the ability, let me go and fight!"

"No problem."

Upon hearing this, Hyuga Neji really withdrew the Two Principles Static Field as Kimimaro wished.

"Hehehe~ Brother-in-law, I will make you die rhythmically~"

Kimimaro, who regained his freedom of movement, grinned.

"Well, okay... I'm looking forward to it, come on~"

Hinata Neji waved to Kimimaro again.

It just so happened that he had a few more explosive moves that he wanted to try on Kimimaro...

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