When Rasa saw Gaara carrying the unconscious Kankuro in front of everyone, his face was dark.

But when he heard Gaara say "I give up", Rasa's face gradually returned to normal.

[It seems that Gaara still has the Sand Village in his heart. Should I contact him and try to persuade him to return to the village? ]

That's what Rasa thought.

But when he pushed the wheelchair towards Gaara...

"Sand Wall!!!"

A three-meter-high wall made of yellow sand suddenly rose from the ground, blocking Rasa and Gaara.

Rasa's old face looked even darker than before, mainly because he was not sure whether Gaara's "Sand Wall" just now...

was he calling the name of a ninjutsu or scolding his father.

The venue of the Chunin selection exam was destroyed, and this time it was completely destroyed;

Fortunately, Gaara built a new one with sand, so that the progress of the exam would not be delayed.

So there was a competition venue in Konoha Village with the style of Sand Village.

Although it was made of sand, it was damn solid. After thousands of years, it remained standing and became another landmark building in Konoha Village...

Of course, this is a later story. Since the problem of the venue has been solved, the competition will naturally continue.

"Konoha Genin Inuzuka Kiba, vs.... Sheep Village Genin Meliodas."

"Please enter the venue!"

When the referee came on stage and read out the list of the next duel, Naruto knew it was time for him to perform...

If we talk about the Twelve Konoha Warriors in the original work, the one who is most obsessed with "becoming Hokage" is Inuzuka Kiba, except for Naruto.

Unfortunately, there can only be one Hokage...

So the final ending in the original work is that Naruto became the Hokage as he wished, and Inuzuka Kiba had no choice but to become the Dog King of Konoha.

As for why he is called the Dog King...

As we all know, "Inuzuka Kiba" is actually a group. The soy sauce in this group is called "Kiba", and the main force is another dog named "Inuzuka Akamaru".

This is not fabricated, because even when the old thief Kishimoto introduced Akamaru in the Book of Fighting, he said that he has the blood of the Inuzuka clan in his body...

The ninjas of the Inuzuka clan are much stronger than ordinary people in terms of smell, hearing and vision, and have intuition beyond ordinary people;

They have lived with dogs since childhood, so their relationship with dogs is also extraordinary, not just master and servant, but more like friends and brothers.

This is particularly obvious in Inuzuka Kiba and Akamaru.

Then the question comes~

Naruto has always had a question. In the original work, Kiba Inuzuka did not give up his dream of becoming a Hokage even after Naruto became Hokage, which shows that he is very determined in his heart to "become a Hokage".

So... between Hokage and Akamaru, which one will Kiba Inuzuka choose?

Naruto wants to do a small test on him...

Okay, from now on, the salted fish Uzumaki Naruto will be offline temporarily, and the next one to appear is the little devil * Uzumaki Naruto!



"Uzumaki Naruto, let me be your opponent~ Wakakakaka!"

As soon as Kiba Inuzuka came on the stage, he put one hand on his waist and the other pointing at Naruto and laughed wildly and provoked wildly.

Naruto: (ー ー゛)...

"...Kiba Inuzuka, you must have recognized the wrong person. My name is Meliodas."

"Don't think I don't recognize you just because you changed your name. You are Uzumaki Naruto!

The man who wants to compete with me for the position of Hokage!"

To this day, Kiba Inuzuka still remembers the first class in the Ninja Academy.

At that time, when Teacher Iruka asked "What is your dream?"...

Only Naruto gave the same answer as himself - to become Hokage.

Because of this, although Naruto was always the last in the Ninja Academy, Kiba Inuzuka had always been paying attention to this yellow-haired boy...

Until one day... this guy suddenly defected!

For this guy who casually abandoned his dream... Kiba Inuzuka had long wanted to give him a good beating!

Now that the opportunity has come, Kiba Inuzuka has been rubbing his hands and eager to try for a long time.

[This time, I will make you know how unforgivable it is for you to defect from the village and give up the dream of "becoming Hokage"... Hehehehe~]

Naruto: (||๐_๐)...

[Although I am indeed Uzumaki Naruto, you f*cking shouted it out in front of so many people... Are you really a man?!]


At the same time in the stands.

Rasa: →_→...

"The Fifth Hokage, didn't you say he is not Uzumaki?Naruto?

Why are the ninjas from your village..."

Hinata Hiashi: (ー_ー)!!

"As we all know, the reason why the ninjas from the Inuzuka clan in our village generally have a keen sense of smell and hearing is because they sacrificed their vision.

In short, the ninjas from the Inuzuka clan are all blind.

Fourth Kazekage, can the words of a blind man really be trusted? ! ”

Inuzuka clan: (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))? !!

[What do you mean?! If we don’t pay attention, our entire Inuzuka clan will become blind?!]

The reputation of the Inuzuka clan suffered unprecedented persecution at this moment.

Many years later, there are still many young women who are unwilling to marry men from the Inuzuka family. The reason is that they don’t want to marry a blind man.

For a long time, the members of the Inuzuka family believed that the Fifth Hokage Hinata Hiashi had an unshirkable responsibility for the fact that the proportion of newborns in the clan was decreasing year by year...

Rosa: ( ̄- ̄)...

[Okay, okay, this is how you play, right?! I wonder how long you, Hinata Hiashi, can play?!]


"Uzumaki Naruto, you..."

"Uzumaki Naruto..."


Naruto: (๑•ૅω•´๑)! ! !

"Naruto, your uncle, Naruto?! Are you going to fight or not? If not, get out of here, you bastard!"

Naruto was really pissed off by Inuzuka Kiba.

If Naruto just wanted to do a little test on Inuzuka Kiba before, then now...

Naruto wants to beat him! Beat him! Torture this bastard severely!

Inuzuka Kiba: ⊙▽⊙! ! !

"Fight, fight, fight, of course we have to fight!"

Inuzuka Kiba immediately got ready and shouted with great momentum.

"Akamaru, let's go!"


"What?! Akamaru, Akamaru?

My Akamaru... Damn, where's my dog?! ”

Inuzuka Kiba: Σ(っ °Д °;)っ? !!

The dog that had been lying on his head suddenly disappeared, and Inuzuka Kiba was visibly in a panic.

Long-term experience tells us that smiles will not disappear, but will only shift.

While Inuzuka Kiba was busy looking for the dog all over the world, Naruto smiled happily.

“Brother, are you looking for this? !”

Naruto silently took out a wooden stick as thick as his arm from behind, and a dog with its limbs and mouth tied up was hanging on the stick...

Inuzuka Kiba: ◝₍ᴑ̑ДO͝₎◞!!!

“Akamaru? ! ”


Naruto snapped his fingers, and a pile of firewood poured out from the system space, neatly arranged in a ring shape on the ground;

Naruto snapped his fingers twice, and a spark flew out from his fingertips, floating all the way to the firewood pile and instantly ignited it.

The fire…burned.

Naruto smiled and slowly moved the stick in his hand closer to the fire.

“Dog meat…nourishes yin and yang, a good thing…”

Akamaru hanging on the stick: …(´ºωº`)…

【Family, who understands?!

I was lying comfortably on my shit shoveler’s head in the last second, and was inexplicably moved away in the next second.

And the man who kidnapped me looked ferocious…He actually wanted to eat dog meat!

Shit shoveler, save me, save me, save me, save me, save me, save me… (*꒦ິ⌓꒦ີ)……】

If his mouth hadn’t been blocked by himself, Naruto really doubted that Akamaru would be so anxious that he could speak human words.

Akamaru kept struggling, but Naruto tied him too tightly, so he could only put all his hopes on his shit shoveler, Inuzuka Kiba…

But the sudden change had already made Inuzuka Kiba completely confused. He stood there in a daze and watched the wooden stick in Naruto’s hand getting closer and closer to the fire…

Inuzuka Kiba was scared and wanted to save… but he didn’t know how to save his own dog.

Inuzuka Kiba: (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))……

Akamaru: (ーー゛)...

When he met the clear and somewhat stupid eyes of his own shit shoveler, Akamaru knew that this guy was unreliable.

As expected, the shit shoveler is only fit to shovel shit, and the dog has to rely on himself at critical moments!



Akamaru: ( ̄▽ ̄)~

Naruto: (ー_ー)? ! !

[Hmm? What's going on? ]

Naruto looked down and saw that it was Akamaru... who peed.

God knows why such a small dog can pee so much, and even put out most of the burning fire.

The dog is very proud, the dog is very proud, the dog looks back at Naruto and smiles...

Naruto also smiled, and the fire was extinguished with a wave of his handIt ignited again, and the flames were even stronger than before.

Akamaru: (°ー°〃)! ! !


Naruto added more firewood and added more fire.


Add more firewood and added more fire.

After several rounds of back and forth.

“You pee~ You pee again~”

Naruto looked at Akamaru who was exhausted with a smile.

Akamaru: ꒦ິ^꒦ິ…


[No more, really no more.

The dog is already dehydrated… woooooooooooooooo~]

“I heard that dehydrated dogs are more fragrant and crispy when roasted~”

Akamaru: (꒪⌓꒪) … ga~

Akamaru fainted from fear.

After dealing with the dog that was doing tricks, Naruto looked at the completely panicked Inuzuka Kiba with a smirk on his face.

"Young Inuzuka Kiba~ If you want to save your dog, then..."


Before Naruto finished speaking, Inuzuka Kiba knelt down without hesitation.

"Hero, spare my life!"

Inuzuka Kiba shouted four big words loudly, then turned his head and looked at the referee in the audience with a serious face.

"Well... referee, I admit defeat in this competition~"

The degree of being so straightforward... It directly confused the referee in the audience.

Inuzuka Kiba: (இωஇ )~

Naruto: (ー ー゛)…

The fire was right in front of him, but the wooden stick with Akamaru hanging on it was not good to stretch it out, nor was it good not to stretch it out.

Naruto had arranged everything perfectly, but who would have thought... Inuzuka Kiba didn't follow the routine!

Before Naruto could finish the lines he prepared for himself, Inuzuka Kiba knelt down and admitted defeat... It was outrageous.

"You... knelt down quite straightforwardly~"

"I can't help it, I only have this one dog."

Kneeling on the ground, Inuzuka Kiba spread his hands and started to move.

"...Are you... not going to struggle anymore?!"

"Hero, you're kidding~ I only have this one dog."

"The problem is that I haven't even finished my words, and you're doing this... It's very difficult for me to deal with it."

"Ah... Actually, I didn't want to, but who made me only have this one..."

"Can you please stop mentioning that you only have one dog?!

By the way, whose dogs are counted by the piece, asshole?!"

"But I really only have this one..."

Naruto: (눈益눈) !!!

Naruto thrust the stick in his hand forward fiercely, and the burning sparks directly gave the frightened Akamaru a free curl.

"Try to mention another one?!"

Inuzuka Kiba: ◝₍ᴑ̑ДO͝₎◞! ! !

"No more!

No more!

Calm down, calm down, hero!!!"

Inuzuka Kiba was so scared that he jumped up from the ground, but then he quickly knelt down.

"From the first time I saw the hero, I knew that you, the hero, are not an ordinary person!

I, Inuzuka Kiba, want to be an enemy of the hero, which is just like trying to stop a car with an arm or an ant trying to shake a tree. I am seeking my own death...

Inuzuka Kiba knows my mistake, please spare my life, hero~"

Naruto: ꒰๑•⌓︎•๑꒱ᵎᵎᵎ

Inuzuka Kiba can actually say idioms, and he said so many in one breath... Awesome, so shocking.

But even though he was shocked, Naruto was quite unhappy at the moment.

Originally, he was planning to give Inuzuka Kiba a good beating, but...

Did you kneel so quickly and so smoothly, bastard? !

Naruto was frustrated!

I haven't been so frustrated in so many years!

[I can't stand this kind of grievance! 】

"Inuzuka Kiba, get up."

"No, hero."

"…Get up."

"I won't."

"Get up!"

"I won't!"

Inuzuka Kiba thought to himself that my dog's life is still in your hands…How can I dare to get up in this situation? !

Inuzuka Kiba decided to kneel all the way to the end, no matter how shameful!

Everything is to save his dog…No shame!

Naruto: (▼へ▼メ)! ! !

"You...will you get up?!"

Naruto directly put the stick into the fire.

Inuzuka Kiba jumped up from the ground with a "bang".

"Get up, hero, get up!"

Naruto: 눈_눈…

What if Inuzuka Kiba really becomes Hokage in the future…

Will he really sell off the entire Konoha because of the dog? !

"Fight with me, I will let your dog go regardless of whether I win or lose."


"What? Just one sentence! Is that okay?!"

"Okay, okay, okay!"

"Then come on."

After saying that, Naruto stood there and waited for a long time, but he never got there.Inuzuka Kiba's attack.

Naruto: 눈_눈...

"Fight! What are you waiting for?!"

"No, that... hero, without the dog... I can't fight~"

Naruto: (ー_ー)!!

It turns out that without Akamaru... you, Inuzuka Kiba, can't even use a ninjutsu, right? !

So the real main force in your group is Akamaru, right? !

"... Let me ask you a question, who am I?"

"Of course you are Uzumaki... Meliodas~ hero!"


Inuzuka Kiba's answer finally satisfied Naruto for once.

"Give it back to you."

Naruto took Akamaru off the stick and threw it to Inuzuka Kiba with his skill.

"Be gentle, hero, watch out for my dog's life~"

Inuzuka Kiba immediately flew forward and caught Akamaru steadily.

After stuffing his dog back into his arms, the Inuzuka Kiba, who was so humble in front of Naruto and called him a "hero", suddenly became a different person.

"Wakakaka~ Uzumaki Naruto! I must do it well... Puwa!"

After kicking Inuzuka Kiba away, Naruto felt...


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