【My name is Shino Aburame, I am a promising young man with a low sense of presence but great ambition.

As a ninja, there are few people of the same age in Konoha Village who can beat me. I should have been very famous.

Unfortunately, all the people in my Aburame clan are born passers-by with a very low sense of presence, and are always easily ignored by others subconsciously.

This is also the main reason why such an excellent person like me is still unknown.

It is rare that many ninja villages jointly held the Chunin selection exam in Konoha this year. I took the initiative to sign up and broke through the thorns and entered the third exam...

Finally, I got the glorious moment of being able to stand on the field openly and welcome countless people's attention.

Mom, your son has finally made it!

But just when I was eager to show my skills on the field and let everyone's eyes gather on me...

Teacher Yuhi Kurenai suddenly came to me on behalf of the Hokage-I will admit defeat as soon as I enter this competition.


Faced with such an unreasonable request, I certainly wouldn't...

The Hokage's orders must be carried out.


Let me just admit defeat without saying a word...I! Shino Aburame really refuses to accept it!

So I decided not to rush to admit defeat after I get on the field, but to try to see how good the opponent is.

If the opponent is really strong and I really can't beat him, then I will admit defeat with all my heart;

But if the opponent is too weak...hum~

After knocking down your opponent like Gaara did, and then carrying him to the referee and saying "I admit defeat"...it's also admitting defeat~

OK, the plan worked.

Fuck the brothers!!!】


"Brother, can we start?"

Seeing that Shino Aburame was still immersed in her own world for a long time without moving, "My dad is the best in the world" finally mustered up the courage to ask timidly.

Shino Aburame was awakened and raised her eyebrows.

[Should I say this? The kid on the other side is quite polite...

Is he really only three years old? !

Then I have to fight him... What's wrong with him...?]

Shino Aburame was a little undecided.

To be more precise... Shino Aburame was soft-hearted.

But if she really just gave up without doing anything... Shino Aburame was a little unwilling.

[Oh, forget it, I'll just release a small parasite to test it. ]

After hesitating for a while, Shino Aburame finally made up her mind.

Just release a parasite!

Parasites are small in size, and it is even more difficult to be noticed when they act alone.

If the opponent can detect the existence of this parasite and accurately destroy it, then I will admit defeat;

If the opponent cannot detect it, then I... also admit defeat!

But from now on, Aburame Shino will look down on the kid on the other side from the bottom of her heart.

"Be careful, I'm going to attack."

After making up her mind, Aburame Shino also reminded "My dad is the best in the world" and at the same time, she quietly released a parasite from her hands behind her back, slowly flying towards the other party.


Although covered by the black robe, Aburame Shino was still sure that "My dad is the best in the world" nodded after hearing his words.

But then the other party neither made any moves nor paid attention to the parasite that was almost flying to his face.

Aburame Shino: 눈_눈...

Sure enough...

This is a weak little idiot.

[I really don't know what the Hokage is thinking. He would rather sacrifice me to ensure that this child advances...

Is he the son of a big shot? !

So Hokage-sama is… I never thought that the Hokage-sama, who seems to be so great and righteous on the surface, would also engage in such a dirty py deal behind the scenes.


Aburame Shino sighed secretly, and then looked at the referee with dismay and prepared to admit defeat.

But who knew that at this moment…

"Brother, why don't you attack me?"

Aburame Shino: (ー ー゛)! ! !

"…I have already attacked."

Aburame Shino said weakly.

"Huh?! So brother, you have already attacked me? In that case… Dad!!!"

With a long roar of "My dad is the best in the world", a strong wind suddenly blew and the sky and the earth changed color!

Boom! ! !

Under the gaze of everyone who was unanimous to the extreme, as if they had seen a ghost, the sky above the venue suddenly cracked open a big hole.

The next moment...

"Don't be afraid, Xiao Huihui, Dad is coming!!!"

The voice came before the person, but what arrived at the venue faster than the voice was...


There were dozens of people together.A beam of light as thick as a hug spurted out from the crack in the sky, brushing against the nose of Shino Aburame and falling to the ground.

With just one blow, the field between "My Dad is the Best in the World" and Shino Aburame was completely vaporized;

The parasite that was still mocking "My Dad is the Best in the World" in the last second was now completely gone...

"Hmph! A mere little bug dares to bully the son of my Big Big Wolf?!"

While speaking, a figure fell from the crack in the sky like a meteor, right next to "My Dad is the Best in the World".

After the smoke and dust dissipated, everyone saw clearly that the person who came was...

A big gray wolf that could speak and walk upright, with a yellow scarf around its neck, a patched orange hat on its head, and a silver-white cannon barrel full of technology in its hand!

Well, judging from what he just said...

The name of this wolf should be... Big Big Wolf? !


My dad is the best in the world... Oh, no, now I should call him Little Gray.

When Little Gray saw Gray Wolf appear, he immediately rushed towards him excitedly.

Gray Wolf, who hadn't seen his son for a long time, was also excited. He threw the cannon in his hand and hurriedly hugged Little Gray in his arms.

"Hey~ Little Gray, my dear son! Dad is here!

... Who told you to wear this?

It's so hot and you are still covered in this robe... You must be dying of heat!

Take it off quickly, we don't want to wear this~"

Gray Wolf frowned unhappily and pulled off the black robe covering Little Gray.

"Oh~ It was all the idea of ​​Brother Lazy Sheep and Brother Naruto~

They said that this would allow me to maintain a sense of mystery~"

Little Gray answered Gray Wolf's question with a smile.

Little did he know that just because of what he said... my father's notebook secretly recorded a big note about my lazy brother...

"Son, who bullied you again?!

Look, I won't help you beat him up!"

"Dad, no one bullies me.

I asked you to come here this time to ask you to help me play a game~

Well, it's to play with that brother✧(◍˃̶ᗜ˂̶◍)✩~"

Gray Wolf turned his head in the direction of Little Gray's finger, and just happened to see Aburame Shino who was still in a trance.

Aburame Shino: (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))? ! !

[I just released a bug... You actually called your dad? ! !

It's okay to call your dad... but your dad actually used a cannon to shoot bugs? !

You... aren't you bullying an honest person? ꒦ິ^꒦ິ? ...】

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