"I give up."

When Tiantian stood on the field and said this in front of everyone, Hyuga Hiashi finally let go of his hanging heart.

Sure enough, Tiantian is a good child, knowing to listen to him, the Hokage...

[Wait, Tiantian, what are you going to do? What are you trying to do by reaching out now? ! ]

In Hyuga Hiashi's vision, Tiantian, who had already given up, did not leave the field immediately, but quietly went behind Jerry and stretched out his evil hands to him...

Hyuga Hiashi: ("▔□▔)!!!

[Tiantian, don't do it!]


There is a saying that goes, never underestimate a girl's curiosity, especially when something is far beyond her previous cognition.

Although she took the initiative to give up according to the request of the Hokage, Tiantian did not feel sad at all. Anyway, the Hokage had promised to grant her a special quota for Chunin in the future.

Tiantian thought that she would be a girl anyway. As a chuunin, winning or losing the competition is no longer important.

Tiantian is more concerned about her opponent than this...

The person wrapped in a black robe opposite her is so small~

It's only as tall as Tiantian's ankle...

Before this, Tiantian had never thought that there was such a big person in the world.

[I really want to see what he looks like~]

Tiantian is a girl who dares to put her ideas into action, so she quietly went behind Jerry and blew off Jerry's black robe in full view of everyone!

And then...

"Mouse ahhhhhhhhhh!!!" ”

Tiantian: (ᗒᗩᗕ)՞!!!

Tiantian is a very courageous girl, and she is the type who is not afraid of anything.

But she is only afraid of one thing - big rats!

Because one day when she was young, Tiantian, who was guarding her own weapon shop alone, was scared by a rat and was almost bitten by the hateful rat...

This incident became Tiantian's lingering nightmare and even left a psychological shadow.

Now Tiantian has grown up and knows that a small rat can no longer hurt her...

But when she really encounters a rat, Tiantian will always do something extreme involuntarily - throwing things.


After seeing Jerry's true face, Tiantian, who was almost scared to tears, directly He unfolded his scroll, took out kunai, shuriken, sickle, hammer, mace, etc., and threw them at Jerry, who was still standing there and didn't understand the situation.

After seeing this scene, Hyuga Hiashi's body trembled slightly, and there were only two words in his mind-it's over!

"Uncle, don't worry for now. Things have not reached the point where they cannot be remedied. The most urgent thing is to first..."

Naruto saw what Hyuga Hiashi was thinking and immediately comforted him.

But before Naruto could finish his words, he saw a mace hit Jerry's big face with great accuracy, pressing the whole rat under him mercilessly.

Jerry struggled to push the mace that was pressing on him away, and then cried in front of everyone with a "wow".

Hearing Jerry crying Naruto's expression froze for a moment.

"...Uncle, this is the end..."


It stands to reason that Naruto could have kept Jerry, such a powerful helper, with him all the time, so why did he leave him in the sheep village?

This has to mention that Jerry's judgment on his "being bullied" is a bit too mysterious.

Naruto still remembers that morning, when he just woke up and was still in a daze, he accidentally sat on Jerry's butt...

Of course Naruto didn't sit firmly, he only sat halfway when he noticed something strange under his butt;

It stands to reason that Naruto didn't press Jerry at all, but Jerry suddenly cried out "Ah".


My cousin who I haven't seen for a long time Appearing out of nowhere, he pinned Naruto to the ground and beat him up~

The noise was so loud that everyone in the Hidden Rain Village could feel it!

When the Akatsuki organization rushed to the scene following the sound, they witnessed with their own eyes that the cousin beat Naruto like a broken sack in various ways...

The Akatsuki organization was once amazed by the cousin, and the second pillar recognized at a glance that the cousin was the big boss who had possessed him and bloody abused Pain's six paths...

From then on, the unforgettable life of the Akatsuki organization began!

Because Jerry always finds various reasons to say that he is "bullied", and then shouts "Ah" that his relatives beat up a confused "abuser"!

Naruto has counted that in JerryDuring the days in the Hidden Rain Village, everyone in the Akatsuki organization was beaten by Jerry's relatives, including but not limited to his mother Kushina, father Namikaze Minato, Whitebeard father and other big hands...

Naruto finally realized that the Jerry he summoned was not a normal Jerry. This rat was a glass heart~

In order to protect the people who stayed in the Hidden Rain Village from the murderous hands of Jerry's relatives, Naruto had to reluctantly send him to the Sheep Village to let him harm my lazy brother and his village.


In fact, the way to know when Jerry feels that he has been "wronged" is very simple, that is, to see when he cries out "Ah".

When the familiar "Ah" that made Naruto shudder suddenly came from the scene...

Naruto knew that Jerry was going to call out his immortal relatives again.

Sure enough, the next moment, the second cousin wearing a top hat and a magic hood appeared in front of Jerry out of thin air.

Tiantian: ꒰꒪꒫꒪⌯꒱…

“Ahhhhh! Two big rats!”

Tiantian threw his stuff more frequently, but before the weapons he threw could get close to Jerry, his second cousin snapped his fingers and turned them into petals all over the sky.

Tiantian: (இωஇ )…

“Ahhhh! Big rats that can still use weird ninjutsu that I have never seen before…”

Tiantian was really scared and cried.

[Huh, fortunately, it was the second cousin who came… It seems that the situation is not that bad…]

The second cousin is the most rational one among Jerry’s relatives, and generally does not make any big noise.

But just when Naruto was secretly rejoicing, another voice suddenly came from the field—“Ah!!!”

Naruto: ⊙_⊙? ? ?

Under Naruto's confused gaze, the figure of the eldest cousin slowly emerged beside Jerry.

Naruto: Σ(っ °Д °;)っ? ! !

[No... She is just a little girl every day. You can just let your second cousin educate her. Why do you need to call the eldest cousin as well? ! !

Wait... Jerry, what are you pointing at me for? ! !

Why is the eldest cousin walking towards me? ! !

Why is the eldest cousin rolling up his sleeves... Damn! Don't come over here! ! ! ! ]

Naruto: ε=ε=( °Д°)ノ! ! !

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