"Stop it! Otherwise I will kill him now!"

To be honest, Naruto thought of countless possibilities, but he never thought that Luo Sha's choice was to kidnap himself in public as a bargaining chip to threaten others.

When the gold sand sword was placed on his neck, Naruto had only two words in his mind-absurd.

Although he is a standard salted fish, it takes capital to be a good salted fish in this dangerous ninja world, right? !

When everyone present saw Luo Sha put the knife on Naruto's neck, there was only one thought left in their minds-

Luo Sha, the fourth generation Kazekage, is really brave!

You have to know that they can have the current strength without the help of Naruto;

And as Naruto can easily take out a bunch of treasures that can help anyone change their fate...

No one knows how strong this salted fish is in secret.

"...Fourth generation Kazekage, do you know what you are doing?"

Hinata Hiashi looked at Luo Sha with a very complicated look.

Although Hyuga Hiashi used to look down on Luosha, a shrew, but at this moment... Hyuga Hiashi admired Luosha from the bottom of his heart.

Because he dared to use a knife on Naruto, a little bastard;

This is a feat that even his future father-in-law wanted to do, but didn't dare to do...

Admire! Really admire!


At the moment when he was kicked back by my Emperor Kai and saw Naruto, Luosha suddenly thought:

Why can't I tie up this little bastard and use him to exchange for my daughter and my subordinates?

This can also be regarded as a sudden flash of inspiration for Luosha.

From all the previous things, Luosha has seen that Naruto must have a pivotal position in everyone's hearts;

So important that even the ninjas in Konoha and Sheep Village are willing to be driven by him.

Perhaps... the key to whether he can lead the ninjas of Sand Village to break through the dilemma today lies in Uzumaki Naruto!

So Luo Sha did not hesitate, and floated up and put the knife on Naruto's neck.

"Of course I know what I am doing!

You dare to kidnap my daughter to threaten me, I force Uzumaki Naruto to threaten you... This is fair!

The Fifth Hokage Hyuga Hiashi, I will say it for the last time!

Release my daughter Temari immediately, and let all the people in our Sand Village leave safely, otherwise...

Do you believe that I will kill this brat in front of all of you now?!"

As soon as Luo Sha finished speaking, a figure suddenly jumped out of the crowd and shouted at him.

"I don't believe it! If you have the ability, kill this guy immediately!"

Everyone present: →_→... Awesome! Which warrior is this? !

The inner OS of the second pillar who said this:

【Do it! You should do it quickly!

As long as you kill the last one, I, Uchiha Sasuke, will be the big brother;

As long as you kill the last one, I will immediately set up a tablet for you, Rasa, after returning to the Hidden Rain Village, and burn three incense sticks every morning and evening... wakakakaka~]

"That's right, I don't believe it either! Just because you are an old man, you want to kill my big brother... bah!"

Kimimaro looked provocative and strongly agreed.

Compared with the sinister intentions of the second pillar, Kimimaro simply believed that his good big brother would never die at the hands of Rasa.

It's just that the timing of the little fifth jumping out was too coincidental, so coincidental that even Naruto, who was most familiar with Kimimaro's temper, thought that this little brother was as rebellious as the second pillar.

Naruto: (눈益눈) !!!

It seems that after returning to the Hidden Rain Village, he really needs to take some time to educate some of his disobedient brothers...

Kimimaro didn't know that his straightforward words would hurt him badly in the near future, so badly... I am crying when I say it~


"Hinata Hiashi, what do you say? Do you want to let him go?!"

Hinata Hiashi glanced at Luo Sha who was still shouting at him like an idiot, and then quickly turned his head to admire the heroic posture of my Emperor Kai fighting.

This fist, this thigh, the powerful shock wave that is always hitting...

Oh, damn it!

At this moment, Might Guy is simply a walking male hormone, and his every move is full of violent aesthetics and the style of a real man.

Even Hinata Hiashi, who is also a man, can't help but be fascinated by Might Guy at this moment.

As expected of a man who almost kicked out the finale, he is really powerful!

Hinata Hiashi began to think, is it a bit of a waste of talent to let Kai Huang just be a guiding jonin...

At this moment, Luo Sha, who was completely ignored, said: Fuck... (▼皿▼#)!!!

"Hinata Hiashi, what are you talking about?"What do you mean? ! You really don't believe I will kill this little bastard, right? ! "

"Oh, go ahead, if you want to kill him, please do it as soon as possible."

Hinata Hiashi didn't even bother to turn his head, casually waved his hand, and answered perfunctorily.

Rosa: (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))? ! !

Rosa was a little confused about what Hinata Hiashi meant for a while.

Could it be that he guessed wrong?

Is Uzumaki Naruto not that important in the hearts of these people?!

Rosa felt that he needed to test it again, so...

The knife in Rosa's hand was closer to Naruto's neck, and the sharp blade had pressed the skin of Naruto's throat slightly, leaving a small red mark.

"I will really kill him! I'm going to do it soon!"

"Oh oh oh, okay!

If you want to do it, just do it. Don't bother me if you have nothing to do. Can't you see I'm busy with something? ! "

Hinata Hiashi still didn't look back.

"Hinata Hiashi, you fucking... I'm really going to kill this brat, don't you really want to stop me? ! "


Hinata Hiashi answered firmly.

"To tell you the truth, Luo Sha, if you can really kill this little bastard...

Maybe I will personally make a banner for you and give it to you personally...

Well, as a father. "

Hinata Hiashi finally turned around, but his eyes were full of expectations.

Rosa: (ー ー゛)...

Tell a joke, the Hokage wants to present a pennant to the Kazekage, and the reason is...

And why is this pennant presented by a father?!

Did the little bastard Uzumaki Naruto harm Hinata Hiashi's daughter?!

Ah this... I can only say congratulations to Rasa, you successfully found the blind spot.

Naruto: 눈_눈...

Q: What should I do if there is a moment when I want to kill my future father-in-law?

"Uncle Hiashi, you..."

"Shut up! The yellow-haired man is not worthy of talking to me!"

Naruto: (ー ー゛)...

[What's wrong with the yellow-haired man?!

Did the yellow-haired man provoke you?!

I tell you, if it weren't for the fact that you are Hinata's old father, I must... sue you for hair color discrimination, bastard!!! (ʘ̥∧ʘ̥)...]

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