This was the first time in Naruto's life that he felt his conscience was condemned as never before.

Especially when Nagato, Konan and others who rushed over after hearing that all the nobles of the Land of Lightning had come to surrender looked at him with devilish eyes, the sense of guilt became even more serious.


He shouldn't have brought those two books containing the essence of the pyramid scheme organization in his previous life to this world, and he shouldn't have packed them up and handed them over to Hidan.

The main reason was that Naruto really didn't expect that Hidan, who didn't develop a single evil god cultist until he was offline in the original work, could brainwash these nobles of the Land of Lightning so thoroughly after getting those two books.

A wide and comfortable bed?

The nobles of the Land of Lightning said they didn't sleep on this, and immediately threw the bed out of the wooden house;

Then they spread a piece of cloth on the floor, shouted "Sleep on the floor today, be an evil god tomorrow" and fell asleep.

There were delicious fish and meat but they refused to eat them. They secretly ran to the villagers' fields to steal some white radishes and cut them into pieces to make soup.

After the soup was cooked, it was poured into bowls and each person took a sip of soup to eat. Before drinking, they had to shout "Thank you for the gift of the evil god".


All these weird behaviors made Naruto so frightened that he couldn't help but sigh in his heart-

Hidan, he is a talent for pyramid selling!

"Don't look at me like that. These things were caused by Hidan. I have nothing to do with it~

I, Uzumaki Naruto, am nicknamed a sunny and cheerful big boy. I am not a devil who believes in evil gods like Hidan."

Seeing that the eyes of the Akatsuki organization were looking at him more and more strangely, Naruto hurriedly spoke up to distance himself from them, but then...

"If I had known, I would not have let my fifty nephews use wood escape to build houses and also equip them with furniture.

It's not easy for people to come to the Hidden Rain Village. They should leave some chakra for them to take back, right?

Although I asked my useless father to pick them up and drop them off...

By the way, I have to ask my father to send them back to the Sheep Village before dinner. The food expenses for these fifty people are also a lot of money~"

Naruto whispered.

Akatsuki organization: →_→...

Uzumaki Naruto, you still say you are not a devil? !

“That’s what happened.”

Naruto raised his hand to push aside the big foot that was about to reach his face, and spoke to the Akatsuki organization.

“In short, Hidan caused the Great Evil Cult in the Land of Lightning to offend the Hidden Cloud Village, so the Fourth Raikage Ai took the people of the Hidden Cloud Village to kill Hidan.

Hidan’s upper body was abducted by the ninjas of the Hidden Cloud Village, and now he is probably still soaking in some cesspool…

As for the Hidden Cloud Village, they already know that the nobles of the Land of Lightning have brought all their belongings to our village, and it is estimated that a large number of Hidden Cloud Village ninjas will come soon…”

Bang! ! !

Hidan’s big foot kicked again, and Naruto, who was quick-eyed and quick-handed, changed the direction with a slap, and accurately imprinted on the forehead of Nibashiro who was sitting next to Naruto.

Nibashiro: (눈益눈) ! ! !

"So the next two main things for us in Yuyin Village are:

First, send someone to Kumo Village to retrieve the upper body of Hidan that is soaking in the manure pit;

Second, gather strength to prepare for the attack of the Kumo Village ninjas."

Bang! ! !

Hidan's lower body suddenly jumped up from the seat, and a high sweeping kick hit Nagato's chin directly.

Nagato: (▼皿▼#)! ! !

"Here I need to emphasize that since the nobles of the Lightning Country took away almost all of their assets when they left, the Kumo Village had not received the living supplies they deserved for more than half a year before that...

As the people who took in the nobles of the Lightning Country, we have already made enemies with the group of reckless men in the Kumo Village, and it is a mortal enemy!

So I don't rule out the possibility that the group of reckless men will directly abandon the defense of the Kumo Village and come to the Yuyin Village with the whole village to attack us..."

Bang! ! !

Hidan kicked Xiaodi who was dozing off to the side and knocked him over.

Xiaodi: ☄ฺ(◣д◢) ☄!!!

"Hidan you are the fucking one..."

Erizu: "Damn him!"

Nagato: "First of all, I declare that I am not a stingy person. Secondly... you two get out of the way, let me do it!"

Other members of Akatsuki: 눈_눈...

"Hey hey hey?! Forget it, why are you fighting with two legs?

Hidan is like this now... he doesn't know he will kick you..."


Everyone in Akatsuki: →_→...Are size 43 big feet nice?

Naruto: Fuck! (╯‵□′)╯︵┻━┻!!!"Fuck?!

Hidan, you are the leader of the Great Evil God Cult, you want to rebel, right?!

I am the godfather of your Great Evil God Cult... Are you kicking your father?!"

Bang! ! !

Everyone in Akatsuki: →_→... Scoring twice, it hurts to watch.

Naruto: ┻━┻︵╰(‵□′)╯︵┻━┻!

The next moment, Naruto jumped up from his seat with a roar, and with a flying pounce, he pressed Hidan's lower body tightly under him.

"Fuck me... Bring me a rope, I have to tie these two legs myself today..."

Bang bang bang bang!!!

Hidan: (θ(θ(θ(θ(☆(>口<-)Shadowless Kick

Naruto: (ꐦ ಠ 皿 ಠ) ! ! !

"Take the kidney!"

At the same time, Hidan, who was soaking in a cesspool far away in the Hidden Cloud Village, suddenly screamed, followed by an inexplicable... testicular sadness.

Everyone in the Akatsuki organization: (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))...


Naruto, this brat, is getting more and more brutal. Don't mess with him.


After a lot of chaos, Naruto finally threw the tightly tied lower body of Hidan out of the house as he wished, and the group of people could finally continue the discussion calmly.

"Hmm~ Where were we talking about just now?"

Naruto, who had just thrown the lower body of Hidan out, rubbed his swollen cheeks and sat back in his seat as if nothing had happened.

"Oh, right... We are talking about the two most important things in our Hidden Rain Village right now, right?"

"As everyone knows, Under the wise leadership of Uzumaki Naruto, Akatsuki has long since transformed into a peace-loving organization. "

Akatsuki: 눈_눈... ah, yes, yes, you are right.


Loving peace does not mean being weak and vulnerable!

The Hidden Cloud Village has messed with our people, and they dare to attack us... Then we will fight!!!"

"Even if our Akatsuki will be completely exposed to the world, I will let those reckless people in the Hidden Cloud Village know that our Akatsuki is not easy to mess with!"

Naruto slapped the armrest, stood up and gave an impassioned speech.

"So I hope that after this meeting, you will be ready for the war..."

"In addition, the task of going to the Hidden Cloud Village to retrieve Hidan will be left to..."

Naruto turned his head and looked at his father with hope in his eyes.

Namikaze Minato: (ーー゛)……

I treat you as my son, but you only want your father to touch you? !

While the Akatsuki organization was still discussing the upcoming attack from the Hidden Cloud Village in the meeting room, a certain Fourth Kazekage in a wheelchair suddenly passed by the door.

Luo Sha: (ー_ー)!!

Huh? !

What is that thing that has been lying in the grass for so long? !

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