A few days after Leo and his party set out, Xiao Di came back.

He was tied up by Ohnoki and Huangtu, who led a large group of Iwagakure ninjas;

Kurotsuchi followed silently at the end of the Iwagakure team, and her face was obviously much rosier than before.

"I came here this time for only two things..."

The old man Ohnoki, who was floating in the air, had a face as black as the bottom of a pot, and reluctantly pointed a finger at Xiao Di who was tied up like a dumpling.

"First, my granddaughter slept with this damn stinky boy, and you Akatsuki organization can handle the betrothal gifts."

"Second, the little bastard blew down the gate of my Iwagakure, and you Akatsuki organization must compensate me."

Naruto: (ー`´ー)...

Listening to what Ohnoki said, Kurotsuchi should have succeeded in this trip, but... why does this sound a little different from the plan made by Naruto?

Wait a minute, let's sort it out first~

Kurotsuchi succeeded in taking down Xiaodi... good news!

The former Tsuchikage came to collect the debt with the new Tsuchikage tied up... not good, very bad!

(Kakuzu: Damn, this is for my (small coffer)~)

Naruto: (ー`´ー)...

"Let's talk about this later. I just want to ask you one question... Why is Xiaodi wearing your hat on his head?"

"Humph! I have officially passed the position of Tsuchikage to this little bastard... What's wrong?!"

"... So you, the former Tsuchikage, have kidnapped the current Tsuchikage of Iwagakure and come to our village to ask for money, right?"

"Nonsense! The people in your organization have raped my precious granddaughter, and I can't kidnap him and ask for compensation?!"

Naruto: (ー ー゛)...

"... He is now the Tsuchikage of your village. Isn't it a bit inappropriate for you to ask me for money with him?"

Oonoki: →_→…Tsk~

“Even if we throw away this little bastard, my granddaughter Kurotsuchi is also a member of your Akatsuki organization. You shouldn’t object to this, right?”


“That’s good. Then please prepare the dowry for my precious granddaughter immediately.”

Everyone in Akatsuki organization: (ー_ー)!!

Fuck this old guy…Fuck? !

He has no face for a little money? !

He even uses his precious granddaughter as a bargaining chip? !

…Double-span Ohnoki, you are a broken character, do you know that? !

Naruto: 눈_눈…

“If you say that, old man… then why don’t you from Iwagakure Village come to ask for my Kurotsuchi with a betrothal gift?”

Ohnoki: (ー_ー)!!…(눈益눈) ! ! !

The old man’s face turned red instantly, and he flew over and strangled Xiaodi’s neck tightly.

"Stop talking nonsense! I just want to ask whether you, the Akatsuki organization, will give the money or not?!"

Xiao Di: (ʘ̥∧ʘ̥)...


The money still needs to be paid. After all, the fact that Xiao Di and Kurotsuchi finally get married is a great joy for the entire Akatsuki organization, right? !

Besides... we can't just watch Xiao Di being strangled to death by the angry old man Ohnoki...


After discussing the specific compensation (color) and compensation (gift), old man Ohnoki took Xiao Di back again.

Although the old man said before he left that he would release Xiao Di when he got the money.

But Naruto had a hunch that they would not see Xiao Di again for a long time in the future...

Kurotsuchi stayed in the Hidden Rain Village for the time being. Before Naruto asked her, she was dragged away by a group of girlfriends.


"Kurotsuchi, tell us how you took down that stupid Deidara?"

When Kushina, the eldest sister in the girlfriends group, asked Kurotsuchi this question, the little girl's expression changed extremely unnaturally.

At that moment, Kurotsuchi's eyes flashed three parts of shyness, three parts of resentment, four parts of sorrow, and ninety parts of... indignation.

To this day, whenever Kurotsuchi thinks back to the day when he asked the entire Iwagakure Village to help him act out a play...

"Deidara, there is an old saying in the far east, called the Westerner Wei Junjie.

Quickly surrender, otherwise you will never see Kurotsuchi again in this life."

The wronged father Huangtu stood on the wall of Iwagakure Village, saying so with a dark face, and Kurotsuchi, who pretended to be tied up, stood next to his father.

Xiaodi under the wall: o_O? ? ?

Although he didn't know what the father and daughter were playing, Xiaodi was shocked.

At this moment, Heitu also began his performance...

Heitu pretended to struggle hard in his father's hands, while shouting at Xiaodi under the wall."Brother Deidara, don't worry about me! Just fire the cannon!"

"Oh, okay."


He agreed!

Xiaodi agreed without hesitation!

He took out a remote control from his arms and pressed it casually. A Dongfeng Express rose slowly from the Hidden Rain Village thousands of miles away, aiming at the Hidden Rock Village and shot straight at it!

If it weren't for the fact that Kurotsuchi had the same remote control in his hand and stopped its explosion program before the Dongfeng Express arrived...

The loss of the Hidden Rock Village would probably be more than just a city gate tower.

After the crisis was resolved, what followed was... the anger from Kurotsuchi!

Kurotsuchi: (▼へ▼メ)!!!

[I asked you to fire the cannon, and you really dared to do it? ! ]

[When Li Yunlong attacked Ping'an County, he knew to talk to that bastard Yamamoto first to see if he could find a chance to rescue Xiuqin!

But when it comes to you... you just fire without hesitation? ! ]

[You dead wood actually used Dongfeng Express... What? ! You want to wipe out the entire Iwagakure Village? !

...Is this so unpopular with you, Deidara? ! ]


The furious Kurotsuchi girl broke free from the ropes on her body and jumped off the wall.

Kurotsuchi: ☄ฺ(◣д◢) ☄! ! !

Xiaodi: (ー ー゛)...

"... Kurotsuchi, what are you going to do?"

"Lava Release*Gray Stone Sealing Technique!"

Three minutes later, Kurotsuchi returned to her boudoir carrying Xiaodi's cement pile without saying a word...

No words were spoken that night. When Onoki and Huangtu saw Kurotsuchi again the next day, she had already completed the transition from a girl to a woman.

...Old man Ohnoki, with red eyes, almost tore Xiaodi alive when he collapsed on Kurotsuchi's bed!

But when Kurotsuchi dragged them out of the village, dragged the unexploded Dongfeng Express to a far place across the Iwagakure Village, and then trotted back to press the remote control...

Boom! ! !

A huge mushroom cloud rose in front of them, and the huge sound waves blew up the old man's loose facial skin like a balloon.

Kurotsuchi: (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧~

Ohnoki: (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))! ! !

Huangtu: (๑ʘ̅ д ʘ̅๑)!!!

Suddenly I feel that it is not bad to have a grandson-in-law (son-in-law) who can make such a killer weapon...

"Grandpa, why did you take off your hat?"

"It's too hot, grandpa wants to cool down."

"Then why did you put this hat on my brother Deidara's head...Wouldn't Deidara feel hot?"

Grandpa Ohnoki: (ー ー゛)...

This silly granddaughter is hopeless.

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