Grandpa and grandma are still alive, grandpa became the fifth Hokage of Konoha, dad became the new leader of Akatsuki, and he also took mom to Akatsuki headquarters...

Something is wrong, this is very wrong!

Uzumaki Boruto can be sure that this is not what he has learned in the history books~

[So I did not travel back to the past, but came to a new time and space? ]

Uzumaki Boruto looked up cautiously at Naruto who was still smiling at grandpa.

[Except that a certain living father is unexpectedly violent... This world seems to be pretty good~]


[Master, are you there? Your apprentice misses you꒦ິ^꒦ິ...]

Uzumaki Boruto: Weak, pitiful and helpless.jpg


[Is this... Sound Village? 】

Although the surrounding environment made the Uchiha Sasuke of another time and space (too difficult to pronounce, referred to as Dazhuzi below) feel familiar, the unknown buildings full of technology in the village made him unsure.

When did the Yinyin Village have these things?

Even the Yinyin Village of his time and space... it seems that it has not developed to this point, right?

[So, is this world abnormal, or... my memory is messed up? ! ]

Dazhuzi began to doubt his life and even began to doubt himself.

"Hehe~ This guest who came from afar has been standing outside for so long, is he really not going to come in and sit down?"

The familiar voice that suddenly came from behind made Dazhuzi's body suddenly stiffen, and the slippery feeling of being licked by the tongue on his neck made him unable to help but tighten his anus.

Even if he didn't turn around, Dazhuzi knew who was coming, but...

[With Orochimaru's strength, how could he approach me now quietly? 】

There were too many questions accumulated in his heart, prompting the Great Pillar to urgently figure out which link of his journey through the past went wrong.

And the best way to solve the doubts in his heart is to find someone familiar to help him solve the doubts.

And it just so happened that there was such a person behind him who came to his door.

So the next moment, the Great Pillar turned around calmly and spoke slowly to Orochimaru.

"Sir Orochimaru, I..."

"Sasuke-kun, it seems that you will have a hard time in the future~"

Orochimaru smiled, and his words made the Great Pillar feel a chill in his heart.

[I didn't expect Orochimaru to recognize me at a glance... Is this the legendary connection between master and apprentice? 】

The Great Pillar laughed at himself in his heart.

As he got older, his feelings for his teacher Orochimaru became more complicated.

emmm... How to say it?

When Orochimaru was teaching him, he did covet the Uchiha family's Sharingan, but this did not prevent him from being a good teacher.

Kusanagi sword, Heaven's Curse Seal, Ryuchido summoning technique... Orochimaru almost taught him everything he could.

He is really... a good teacher~

[Then am I a good student? 】

Such a question suddenly emerged in the mind of the pillar, and then he remembered the scene of stabbing the teacher Orochimaru with a knife after he had learned a lot.

Pillar: (ー ー゛) emmm...


He also made full use of the traditional skills between the master and the apprentice in the Naruto world, right?

Besides, didn't he kill Orochimaru completely in the end~

So to sum up... Uchiha Sasuke is indeed a qualified and excellent disciple~

"So Sasuke from the future, how long are you going to stand there and smile foolishly?"

Oshira: (ー_ー)!!

Damn, I forgot that Orochimaru is standing here right now...

"Long time no see, Orochimaru."

Although someone had warned me countless times before crossing over, I must not reveal my true identity in the past world, otherwise it would have unpredictable effects on the future.


What can I do if someone recognizes me at a glance?

Oshira: ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ ~

Just admit it openly, at worst I can find a way to seal all of Orochimaru's memories of me before leaving.

“Tea? Or coffee?”

“Boiled water, thank you.”

A rebellious disciple forcibly found a third answer in the two-choice question.

Then the first generation of artificial mentally retarded robot independently developed by Orochimaru brought him a cup of boiled water mixed with tea and coffee…

This made Dazhu want to give him a good beating, but when he saw that this artificial mentally retarded robot had a handsome face exactly like his own when he was young…(ー`´ー)... Forget it, let's put this account on Orochimaru for now

"I have a question, how do you know I'm from the future?"

Looking at Orochimaru who was sitting on the sofa opposite with a smile on his face, Nibiru asked the key question.

"Well... some time ago, I and Mr. Gray Wolf had a discussion on the principle and structure of the time machine..."

"Wait, who is Gray Wolf?"

Oshira successfully found the blind spot.

Orochimaru paused slightly when he picked up the teacup, and there was a hint of surprise in his eyes when he looked at Oshira.

"It seems that you are not Sasuke-kun of this world... multiple time and space?

I didn't expect that my guess with Mr. Gray Wolf was correct..."

Oshira: ⚆_⚆? ? ?

Gray Wolf, time machine, multiple time and space...

Oshira knew every word that Orochimaru said, but when they were put together... emmm... So this world finally turned into something he didn't recognize?

The big pillar who was lost in thought didn't notice that he had been surrounded by a group of artificial mentally retarded robots holding syringes without knowing it;

And the look of Orochimaru on the opposite side at this moment was not so much looking at a person as looking at a rare treasure.


"Orochimaru, what do you want to do?!"

"Hmm? Samsara Eye?! And a broken arm...

Sasuke-kun, it seems that I have roughly guessed which world you are from...

And my interest in you... is also growing~"

Orochimaru: (σ≧︎▽︎≦︎)σ up~

Hiroshi: ("▔□▔) Don't come over!!!


"Sasuke-kun, if you really want to solve the doubts in your heart... I suggest you go to the Land of Lightning to have a look. There may be surprises you can't expect~"

After Orochimaru said this, he happily rushed into the laboratory holding a box of syringes filled with fresh blood.

The first generation of artificial idiot: "Tea? Or coffee? "

The big pillar lying on the ground: _(´ཀ`」 ∠)__ ...

He felt that compared to tea and coffee, he might need a bowl of ginseng, wolfberry and red dates soup more than tea and coffee.

By the way...why can this guy Orochimaru easily invade his mind? !

Orochimaru: ๑乛◡乛๑~Do you know about Charles Xavier (Professor X)?

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