"Who gave you the fox inside you?"


"Then is there a problem with me taking back what belongs to me?!"

Kushina: (▼ヘ▼#)Frying pan warning.JPG

Naruto: (ー ー゛)...


"Why don't you get out of here?!"


As expected, people are creatures who like new things and dislike old things. Since I have a daughter-in-law and grandchildren, I have become less and less important in my mother's heart.

Naruto: o(╥﹏╥)o...


On the calm sea, a huge ship is riding the wind and waves, tightly biting the buttocks of another slightly smaller merchant ship.

"Speed ​​up, speed up!

Make sure to catch the merchant ship in front for this vice-captain before lunch, hahahaha~"

On the observation deck, Kimimaro put one hand on his waist and pointed forward with one hand, laughing arrogantly.

Behind Kimimaro, Terumi Mei stood there quietly, with spring water in her eyes.



"Do you know what it means that there are three thousand diseases in life, but only lovesickness cannot be cured?"


Kimimaro: ⊙_⊙? ? ?

Mei Terumi: (ー ー゛)...

Okay, it seems that this fool doesn't understand, but...

Mei Terumi seems to be about to hold back and want to grab this little man in front of her and eat him up~

Gaara, who is flying in the sky on the sand because of seasickness: 눈_눈...

Gaara still hasn't figured out what the Fifth Mizukage Mei Terumi likes about Kimimaro.

And with his own fifth brother's elm head... Can he really get together with Mei Terumi in the end? !

"Gaara, what are you still standing there for? Help me!"

Kimaro's voice awakened Gaara, and the lid of the gourd on his back opened, and the yellow sand flew out and instantly cut off the path of the merchant ship in front.


Run, are you running again?!"

Kimaro jumped onto the deck of the merchant ship, and his laughter became more rampant.

"My elder brother finally arranged a mission for me. Do you think you can get away?!"

Kimimaro tapped the chest of the leading Cloud Village ninja with his fingers one after another.

"Now, immediately, right now!

Turn back and tell Ai that guy - the waterway is blocked. If you dare to come over again... I will throw you all into the sea to feed the fish!"


[The Land of Earth has Xiaodi in charge. Ai will never dare to bring people to cause bad luck. ]

[The Land of Wind has Laosha blocking it, plus Scorpion and Xiaoxue who have already rushed over... it is still safe. ]

[Kimimaro and Gaara are blocking the sea, so they will definitely not be able to get through. ]


Naruto looked at the map of the ninja world hanging on the wall thoughtfully, and finally locked his eyes on the location of the "Iron Country".

"Now Ai has only one way to go, which is to take the Iron Country with his men, right?"

Everything is developing as Naruto expected.

The Iron Country was originally the gathering place of the future "anti-Akatsuki" organization selected by Naruto himself.

As for the residents living in the Iron Country now...

Naruto will send the strong men of the Akatsuki organization to rescue them.

Naruto can already foresee the grand occasion of a large number of excellent blacksmiths and samurai from the Iron Country taking the initiative to join the Akatsuki organization.

It's just who should be sent to rescue...To be honest, Naruto hasn't thought about it yet.

Because the people who go to rescue this time must be able to grasp the opportunity of rescue;

Too early or too late, it will not achieve the effect Naruto expected...


"Huh~Finally done..."

When the last trace of Uchiha blood was successfully condensed into his eyes, Itachi finally exhaled a breath of turbid air as if relieved.

"Did it succeed?"

Quan's voice rang out slowly, causing Itachi to open his eyes involuntarily, and his eyes looked at Quan with a complicated look.

The silly woman in front of him seemed calm, and still smiled at him gently as usual;

But her hands holding the teacup were shaking slightly unconsciously, which showed that her mood at the moment was indeed not as calm as she showed.

"Yes... Quan, I should go."

These few short words seemed to have exhausted Itachi's life's strength.

Recalling his short life,

I'm sorry for my parents,

I'm sorry for my brothers,

I'm sorry for my family...

It seemed that he had abandoned the whole world that loved him, and was abandoned by this world because of this.

Itachi thought that his life would be like this, but he didn't expect that in the end he would have to let down his wife and the unborn child in her belly...Perhaps when Izumi quietly slipped into the room late that night, lifted the quilt and slowly lay in his arms without him rejecting her immediately, this tragic ending was already doomed...

"Well, OK."

Izumi tried his best to suppress the trembling in his words, silently picked up a teacup and poured Itachi a cup of hot tea.

"Drink it before leaving."


Itachi picked up the teacup, sipped the hot tea in the cup, and thought... regret it?

Does he regret slaughtering his own family?

Does he regret choosing to sacrifice himself to fulfill the second pillar?

Does he regret leaving an unpayable debt of love in this world before he died? !


At this moment, Itachi asked himself countless times, but in the end he got the same answer - he didn't regret it!

Just... a little guilty.

Especially for the woman in front of him - Uchiha Izumi.

He and she are already married, and she has their child, but he has not even given her a promise, let alone a wedding that every woman longs for.

[So Izumi... many years later, will you regret it... regret choosing me as your man...]

Itachi did not ask this question, nor did he need to ask it.

Because his eyes had penetrated the darkness and saw the exact answer from Uchiha Izumi's eyes.

She does not regret it!

Oh~ Otherwise, how can you say she is a silly woman?

A silly woman who, once she falls in love with someone, is willing to rush forward like a moth to a flame without hesitation, and has no regrets even if she is burned to death by the scorching candlelight...

"After I leave, you can move back to the Uchiha base.

Father and mother will be very happy to see you."

Itachi drank the tea in one gulp, turned the teacup upside down on the table, and stood up.

It was time to go. He was afraid that if he didn't leave, he would really be reluctant to leave...

"Live well, Izumi.

Raise our child well, and... don't let our child know that he (she) has a father like me."

Itachi's figure suddenly exploded and turned into a group of crows and flew out of the door. Only his last words left for Uchiha Izumi were left.

"Forgive me, Izumi, this is the last time..."


In the darkness, the sound of tears falling on the ground was so clear.

"Don't treat me as Sasuke's child, idiot..."

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