Gintama's protagonist, Sakata Gintoki, is a unique and shameless old driver in the entire animation circle.

Such a scourge... must not be allowed in the village!

Sakata Gintoki: Picking Nose.JPG

It's best to send him out like Crocodile, and let him cause trouble to others.

Sakata Gintoki: Picking Nose.JPG

This guy...

But he can do six times a night, eat curry with anus, hide a knife in the ass, Doraemon Gin howling... and countless other famous scenes!

Staying with him for a long time...

Naruto is worried about the moral integrity of the Akatsuki members~

Sakata Gintoki: Picking Nose.JPG

Naruto: (ー ー゛)...

"Can you please stop picking your nose?!

I'm afraid you'll bleed and die in my room."


The black booger was directly bounced by Sakata Gintoki on the wall behind Naruto.

If Naruto hadn't tilted his head just now... the booger might not have been on the wall, but on Naruto's forehead.

Naruto: (눈益눈) !!!

Although I felt that this silver curly-haired man was very funny when I watched Gintama in my previous life, when he really stood in front of me alive...

Naruto really wanted to kill him with a knife!

Dead fish eyes, disdainful face, love to pick his nose, exuding a mixture of scum, salted fish, perverted old driver from inside and outside...

Even if he just stands there and doesn't say anything, it is enough to make everyone who sees him angry.

[Oh~ Damn, how can such a person exist in the world? !

Sure enough, the netizens' speculation in the previous life that the author of Gintama was not a blue star was not groundless. How could a real blue star conceive such a bitch? ! ]

At this moment, Naruto hated it so much that he wanted to take the dog system out of some unknown space and bite it to pieces.

[If you must summon a character from Gintama, wouldn't you summon a fragrant and soft Kagura for me? !

If it really doesn't work, I won't mind if you call Shinpachi's body!

But, why is it Sakata Gintoki, who has no motivation all day long and has cosplayed including Kakashi...

Wait, Kakashi? ! 】

Naruto: (ー_ー)!!

Perhaps Naruto should know what he can send Sakata Gintoki to do, but before that...

He has to convince Sakata Gintoki to change to a new look.



Tsuchi-kun: →_→...

Nohara Rin: →_→...

"What's wrong with you, Kakashi... Are you sick?"

"Don't mind him, Rin, he just can't stand us showing affection in front of him... Come on, open your mouth, ah~"

Tsuchi-kun put a big spoonful of mango pudding into Rin's cherry mouth.

Lin: ∗︎˚(* ˃̤൬˂̤ *)˚∗︎

Tsuchi: ଘ(੭ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ✩~

Kakashi suddenly felt a chill in his heart the last second, and felt that he had been targeted by a peerless old bastard. Now he just wanted to...

Kakashi: 눈_눈...hiccup~

Maybe he should find a future partner.

Kakashi, who just had this idea in his mind, didn't know how much he would want to travel back to the present to slap himself twice, and then shout at himself:

"What are you thinking about?! You don't want to! Get this sinful thought out of your mind!"


Especially when he was chased and hacked by a group of girls in the future who shouted "Hatake Kakashi, you are a heartless man".

Future Kakashi: Which shameless bastard pretends to be me and flirts with girls all over the world? !

Fuck! (╯°Д°)╯︵ ┻━┻!!!

Naruto: ๑乛◡乛๑~ I won't lose you~

Sakata Gintoki: Picking nose.JPG

Early the next morning.

[Stinky brat:

When you see this letter, I've already run away from home.

How does the saying go...

The world is big, I want to see it.

And now, I think it's time for me to go out bravely!

So I'm leaving, leaving your body and setting foot on the distant place I long for.

But you don't have to Worried about dying, because I still left a ball of chakra in your body.

(Although I know that you will not die even if you leave me, I still leave it.

How is it? I treat you well?!)

Don't think about looking for me, you won't find me.

From now on, the road is long, and we will meet again if we are destined.

- Your uncle, Kurama. 】

To be honest, when Naruto woke up and found that the red-haired fox he kept in his body was notWhen he saw it, there was an extra letter like this in his consciousness space...

Naruto was really shocked.

The red-haired fox was now as fat as a pig, and he was so tired that he wanted to die on the spot after walking a few steps...

How dare he say that he wanted to go to the outside world? !

Naruto: (ー ー゛)...

Something is wrong, it is very wrong!

What on earth is the reason that a big red-haired fox who has been staying in his body for so many years since he was unsealed and never thought of going out is willing to leave his "love nest" willingly?

Naruto couldn't figure it out, so he decided to catch the red-haired fox and ask him.

"You'd better come out, you dead fox~

Otherwise I don't mind making you never come out."

Naruto shouted to Sunflower who was sitting on the sofa in the living room waiting for breakfast.

Sunflower: Õ_Õ? ? ?

There was no change at the scene, not even a fox hair appeared.

Naruto: (๑•ૅω•´๑)? ! !

"Okay, you dead fox, you have guts... I'll count to three, if you don't come out, you'll have to bear the consequences~


Naruto: (눈益눈) !


Naruto: (ꐦ ಠ 皿 ಠ) ! !


...still not even a strand of fox hair appeared.

Naruto: ☄ฺ(◣д◢) ☄! ! !

"Damn, I'll go find Lazy Sheep and pull you out and beat you up, then find a bottle to seal you in and throw you into the pit!"

As soon as these words came out, a fox head suddenly appeared on the belly of the cute Sunflower.

"You little brat, I'm warning you guys not to bully the fox too much!!!"

Sunflower: (Ő∀Ő)...(@ω@๑ゝ∠)...

The little girl fainted on the sofa.

Kurama: (▼皿▼#) Bite you!!!

Naruto: (๑ʘ̅ д ʘ̅๑)!!!

"Damn... cough~ Kurama, why is your face...swollen?"

"Ask your mother... and the sheep!"

The bruised and red-haired fox said this hastily and got back into the body of Sunflower.

Naruto: (ー_ー)!!

I have to say that at this moment, Naruto has already imagined that his mother took advantage of his sleep and asked me to run into his consciousness and drag the sleeping Kurama out;

Then his mother rode on the fox's back and hit the fox's head with a frying pan, forcing him to let Himawari become the new Nine-Tails Jinchūriki...

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