In a flash, Himawari came from her home to the Hidden Rain Village in another world.

In another flash, two more people appeared in front of her:

The grandmother she had never met, and...

Another grandfather? !

Himawari: (°Д°≡°Д°)? ! !

[Two, two grandfathers? ! ! ]

Himawari felt confused.

At this moment, Naruto also removed his disguise and restored his original appearance.

As a person who would face the photo of Team 7 led by Kakashi in the most conspicuous position in her living room every day, Himawari: ꒰꒪꒫꒪⌯꒱! ! !

[Grandpa suddenly became my father when I was a child? ! ! ]

Himawari felt even more confused.

"Himawari, grandma's sweetheart~"

Kushina hugged Himawari, who was still in a daze, into her arms, calling her "sweetheart" one by one, with a face full of pampering.

This old mother who had always wanted a precious daughter, finally got a lovely granddaughter today after crossing a generation gap...

Kushina was so proud of her, and she loved Himawari in her arms even more.

Kushina: (*╹▽╹*)~

"As expected of my granddaughter, she is so cute!

But... how come Himawari has two pairs of whiskers on her face?"

The old mother muttered in dissatisfaction, rolling her eyes at her former good son from time to time.

Naruto: (ー_ー)!!

"Neither your father nor I have such things on our faces, and I don't know how it became hereditary in you..."

Naruto: 눈_눈... You'd better not say such things that are not conducive to family unity... Do you think I'm right, Kurama? !

Kuruma: (눈益눈) ! ! ! I'll say it again, the beard on your face has nothing to do with me, no!

"I've brought the person back to you, old man. You can explain to her yourself. I'm leaving first."

"Get out of here~"

Naruto: 눈_눈...

The family's status has plummeted again.


"Give me a chance. I had no choice before, but now I just want to... Ahohoho!!!"

The long whip in his hand rejected Uzumaki Boruto's request on behalf of Nidi Boruto.

Uzumaki Boruto had to put down the bamboo basket full of fodder with tears in his eyes, and once again picked up the dung fork that he hated so much.

In just two days, Uzumaki Boruto felt that he was almost being smoked by the cow dung, horse dung, sheep dung, pig dung... In short, all kinds of animal dung.

[Master is still the best~]

Uzumaki Boruto couldn't help but envy the job that Nidi Boruto assigned to Dazhuzi in his heart.

Although milking is boring, it is easy!

Besides, he would secretly sip fresh milk when Nidi was not paying attention.

Perhaps it was because of these two sips of fresh milk that his master could still look rosy even though he had not eaten for two days...

"I asked you to milk a bull, but you brought a bucket of cow milk... idiot!"

Nidi kicked over the wooden barrel and stabbed the big pillar's abdomen viciously.

"Come on, take this slave away and lock him up. He still has no food today!"

Two strong men set up the big pillar as usual and sent the "slave" who had not been released from the "confinement room" for half an hour back.

Uzumaki Boruto: (ಥ﹏ಥ) ... Master is really, really miserable~

Uzumaki Boruto silently mourned for the big pillar in his heart.

But when Nidi Bo's eyes swept over him...

The speed of the dung fork in Uzumaki Boruto's hand suddenly increased.

And the big pillar who was locked in the "confinement room"...

Flowers, applause, fine wine, delicious food...

The big pillar is getting annoyed (ಡωಡ)hiahiahia ~


"Dog system, do I still have a summoning scroll for a different-dimensional character now?"

[Yes, host. ]

"Take it."

Naruto, who was lying on the bed, closed his eyes and ordered the system.

[Use successfully, the different-dimensional character is coming. ]

A white light flashed!

The vortex that summoned the different-dimensional character to descend on the ninja world slowly opened.

Although Naruto, who was lying on the bed, did not open his eyes, he heard the sound coming from the vortex...

Naruto knew that from now on, he no longer had to pretend to be strong in front of everyone.

Because he was strong, it was coming!


When Naruto heard this powerful roar in his ears, he felt his heart stop for a moment.

After experiencing the powerful but unreliable masters such as My Lazy Brother, Little Gray, and Jerry, Naruto, who had no hope for this summon, suddenly opened his eyes and got out of bed.Jump up.

He even opened his hands, ready to welcome the arrival of this proud Saiyan prince.

"Welcome to the world of Naruto, Bei..."

A silver-haired sloppy uncle cosplaying Vegeta jumped out of the whirlpool.

Naruto: (ー ー゛)...

The white-haired sloppy uncle: ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍~

"Who... who are you?"

"Yojiya, Sakata Gintoki... here!"

Sakata Gintoki, picking his nose, slowly took out his iconic "Toyako" from behind his butt.

"I heard you need..."

"No, I don't need anything, please go back, thank you."


The summoning whirlpool suddenly dissipated, indicating that the summoning had been completed, and the guy in front of him... was destined to stay with Naruto.

[Summoned Character: Sakata Gintoki

Nickname: Dead Fish Eyes, Silver Curly Hair;

Honorary Title: White Night Demon (Sword Swinging Speed ​​Bonus 200%),

Silver Natural Curly Warrior (Sword Skill Bonus 200%);

Sugar Control (Combat Power Bonus 250% after Intake of Sweets);


Tucao (An Alternative Enhanced Version of Mouth Cannon, Continuous Output Can Greatly Reduce the Combat Power of the Enemy, While Also Having the Effect of Partly Raising Our Rage);

Bad Peach Blossom (There Are Constant Peach Blossoms Around, But They Are Not Right Fate. )

Body of Summoning (easy to meet people or things from other worlds, the world becomes more exciting because of you);

A person without moral integrity (morality, what moral integrity? Only by giving up moral integrity can you get powerful power!);

Destiny without money (a strange man who can do anything with the money, but is born without the ability to save money);

White Night Demon Returns (Do you believe that I can kill a Big Tsutsuki with this knife?!)

Weapon: Lake Toya;

Mount: Aiche Gin;

Strength: ? ? ? ;


Note: Sakata Gintoki's strength is unknown. He can be bitten by a dog and his face is covered with blood, and he can beat Frieza to call him daddy;

White Night Demon Returns will make Sakata Gintoki gain unparalleled terrifying combat power, but the premise of activating this ability is that someone Sakata Gintoki cares about has passed away;


Naruto: 눈_눈... What the hell is this summoned? !

As the saying goes, once you enter Gintama, it's like entering a deep sea, and moral integrity is no longer important.

Could it be that his Akatsuki organization... is about to usher in an era where all members abandon their moral integrity? !

Naruto: ヾ(༎ຶД༎ຶ)ノ No! ! !

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