[Foolish Oudoudou, accept my last gift to you...hahahahaha! ]

Itachi's voice was more carefree than ever before.

But if combined with the scene of Itachi's death that was playing in the mind of the second pillar...

The strong mental fluctuations have been stimulating a certain unknown brain area of ​​the second pillar;

Finally, at a certain moment, the shackles were completely broken, and the mysterious power hidden in that brain area was fully stimulated.

The second pillar looked up, and two pupils were derived from each eyeball. The shuriken and the hexagram reflected each other, and the scarlet light reflected was shining.

"My... double pupils?!"

Naruto, who had rushed back from the Iron Country with Uchiha Fugaku, saw this scene as soon as he landed, and couldn't help but exclaimed.

Naruto never expected that after the second pillar merged with Itachi's eyes, he not only opened his own Mangekyo, but also could do such a show...

It is said that double pupils are invincible...

What's wrong? !

Is Itachi afraid that the second pillar will not be invincible in the future, so he specially gave his eyeballs to him to play with? !


The second pillar let out a cry like a cuckoo crying blood, and the skeleton of Susanoo suddenly condensed around his body.

However, in just a breath of time, everyone witnessed the whole process of the purple energy skeleton growing meridians, muscles, skin, armor... until it completely transformed into the complete form of Susanoo.

The more than 200-meter-tall complete form of Susanoo stood proudly on the training ground, and the Hidden Rain Village at its feet was so small against it...

Everyone thought that the first time the second pillar summoned the complete form of Susanoo, it could reach more than 200 meters, which was scary enough, but they didn't expect that this was not over yet.


Red flames suddenly emerged from Susanoo's shoulders and quickly extended to Susanoo's body.

Soon, a red cloak covering most of Susanoo's body was completely formed.

"Two-color Susanoo, that cloak... is it the power left by Itachi?!"

Uchiha Fugaku stared at the red cloak on the shoulders of the purple Susanoo, tears had already soaked his eyes unconsciously.

Compared to his sad old father, Naruto was more concerned when he saw the red cloak...

Apart from the slightly conspicuous color of the cloak, let's talk about the shape of the cloak and the eight kaleidoscope phantoms in front of the cloak that looked like decorations...

Naruto: ꒰꒪꒫꒪⌯꒱? ! !

Bei Laohei, is that you? !

Is this really not your emperor cloak, Bei Laohei? !

Was your cloak stolen by Itachi? If so, just blink...

In addition... Where is this buy two get eight free event? He Uzumaki Naruto wants to participate with his real name.


The second pillar in Susanoo has not moved, and has not even blinked for such a long time.

Naruto, who vaguely sensed that something was wrong, immediately used Flying Thunder God to jump onto Susanoo's shoulder and shouted at the second pillar who was standing between Susanoo's eyebrows.

"Second pillar, how are you?!"

Hearing Naruto's call, the second pillar slowly turned his head and looked at him... His eyes were calm as if he was looking at a dead person.

"My brother told me everything through these eyes, and he also asked me not to blame you for his death because it was his choice...

But I am the last one... I only have one brother, Itachi!

From now on, you..."

Naruto knew that if he let the second pillar continue like this, things would probably get worse.

So Naruto, who didn't want to listen to the second pillar's nagging anymore, interrupted the casting directly.

"Calm down first, call Itachi out to see me."

Nizhuzi: ◝₍ᴑ̑ДO͝₎◞Huh? !

He was just about to say that he would break off all ties with Naruto, and that he would kill him with his own hands one day to avenge Itachi...

But Naruto just said this? !

[Could it be...]

When you are at the end of your rope, there is always a way out!

Nizhuzi's dead chest suddenly began to come alive again!

"Last-place guy, is my brother not dead?!"

"What the hell is he dead!"

Naruto gave Nizhuzi a look and let him understand it himself.

"Itachi is just a transformed weapon spirit, hiding in his eyes.

You should be able to see him if you calm down."

After hearing this, Nizhuzi hurriedly did as he was told, but...

"How was it? Did you see your brother?"

"...No, I just saw a door with a combination lock...The lock kept asking me to enter the password according to the prompt."

Naruto: ⊙_⊙What the hell? ? ?

"...What's the prompt?"

"Who is the person Itachi loves most in his life?. "

"Just enter your name, I'll tell you what I mean!"

"The lock... is a digital combination lock. ”

Naruto: (ー_ー)!!

Okay, okay, let’s play it this way, right?!

It seems that the bastard Itachi has made up his mind not to come out again in this life!

A nameless fire suddenly rose from Naruto’s heart, but unexpectedly... someone was even angrier than him!

Susanoo suddenly dispersed, and the livid-looking Nibiru pulled Naruto to the ground.

The next moment...


Itachi’s two eyeballs flew out of Nibiru’s eyes by themselves.


This can... still be taken out?!

Regardless of the dumbfounded Naruto, Nibiru grabbed the two eyeballs floating in the air and smashed them to the ground with a sudden force.

Naruto: Σ(っ °Д °;)っ Eh, eh? Eh?!

Uchiha Fugaku: (º Д º*)? ! ! Damn you, that's your eyeball!

Naruto and Uchiha Fugaku closed their eyes at the same time, fearing that Itachi's eyeballs would be smashed by the second pillar.

Fortunately, Itachi's eyeballs were of good quality. Not only were they not damaged at all when they hit the ground, but they also bounced a few times mischievously... like two glass balls.

The second pillar, who smashed his brother's eyes in anger, seemed to be still unsatisfied. He directly raised his foot and stepped on it into the ground, and then repeatedly crushed it.

Naruto: (°Д°≡°Д°) What the hell? What the hell? !

Uchiha Fugaku: (☞0 ☜) Eyes!

"Itachi! You're too much! "

The second pillar, who always respected Itachi, didn't even call him brother, but called him by his name...

It can be seen how angry the second pillar was at this moment.

"I, Uchiha Sasuke, will not sacrifice my brother for this little power!

You bastard who made such a decision without telling anyone, come out quickly, you hear me? !"


The second pillar scolded Itachi louder and louder, and the foot that crushed his two eyeballs never lifted up.

I don't know since when, the second pillar has been crying like a tearful man, big drops of tears slid down his cheeks, and burst into crystal tears on the ground...

"No matter what, please let me see you again...Brother!"

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