"Today, I would like to thank you...young...young sir for helping us to defeat the Hidden Cloud Village."

Naruto: (ー_ー)!!

"Mr. Mifune, just call me Naruto."

When he is out, age has always been Naruto's weakness.

Especially at times like this...

Your Excellency is your Excellency, why do you have to add the word "young" in front of it? !

If you really don't know how to address me, can't you ask in advance? !

Resisting the urge to flip the table on the spot, Naruto took the tea handed over by Mifune with both hands and took a sip of it.

After working for so long, Naruto did feel a little thirsty.

"I just happened to be here today, Mr. Mifune, don't mind...

But please forgive me for being frank about one thing."

Hearing this, a gleam of light suddenly flashed in Mifune's lowered eyes.

He had long guessed that Naruto's late-night visit was not just to chat with him, and sure enough...

"...You can talk about it."

"Although the Hidden Cloud Village invaded your country today, they were frightened away by me and my companions by accident;

But when we leave and the Hidden Cloud Village attacks your country again...does your country really have the confidence to stop them?"

The words were rough but true, and Naruto's words hit the point that Mifune was most worried about.

Although the Iron Country also has its own armed forces, compared with the former guardians of the Lightning Country - the group of reckless men in the Hidden Cloud Village...

To be honest, even Mifune himself did not have much confidence.

However, as a permanent neutral country in the ninja world, Mifune believed that the Iron Country still had an advantage that other countries could not match.

"Don't worry about that... Your Excellency, I will ask for help from the other four major ninja villages.

I believe the four major ninja villages will not watch the Hidden Cloud Village wreak havoc on the Iron Country and do nothing. After all... the agreement to never invade the Iron Country was signed by the five major countries!"

Naruto: →_→...

"Are you sure, Mr. Mifune?"

"Yes, I am very sure!"

Mifune answered decisively, but Naruto really didn't know where his confidence came from.

"Didn't Mr. Mifune ask for help from the other four major ninja villages before the Hidden Cloud Village attacked your country this time?"

Mifune: (ー_ー)!!

In fact, as early as when he found that the Hidden Cloud Village was aggressively attacking the Iron Country, Mifune had already sent a letter asking for help to the other four major ninja villages.


"If I'm not mistaken, Mr. Mifune should have sent letters for help to the other four major ninja villages a long time ago... But did they come in the end?"

In fact, Naruto didn't guess, because the letter that Mifune sent to the four major ninja villages was lying in his arms at this moment, and even the wax on the envelope had not been opened.

Well... This was handed over by the four major ninja villages after receiving the letter. Naruto definitely didn't force them.


"And Mr. Mifune really thinks... that the four major ninja villages will go to war with a group of completely crazy reckless people who lost their homes for the Iron Country?"


"As for the agreement signed by the five major countries not to invade the Iron Country... Is a piece of waste paper really so convincing?"


Naruto's questions one after another had already made Mifune speechless.

If Mifune could still use the damn "Never Invade the Iron Country Agreement" to deceive himself when the four major ninja villages did not send ninjas to rescue in time;

Then now... Naruto has ruthlessly torn the last fig leaf of the Iron Country to pieces.

[Yes, if the four major ninja villages really want to save the Iron Country, then their people should have arrived long ago...]

Mifune suddenly felt a sense of loss, followed by deep despair.

"So Mr. Mifune should understand, right?

The current situation is - no one can save the Iron Country."


"But I can, or... our Akatsuki organization can!"

Mifune: (ー_ー)!!

Naruto's words seemed to be a light in the darkness, injecting a dose of cardiotonic into Mifune's desperate heart.

"What do you mean, sir?!"

"Mifune, you should know why those reckless people in the Hidden Cloud Village have fallen into such a miserable state today. At the same time, you have also seen our strength today...

I can save your lives from those people in the Hidden Cloud Village, but the premise is that you must lead the citizens of your country to leave their homeland and join our village."

Hearing this, Mifune's first reaction was that Naruto was joking with him.

It is undeniable that the Akatsuki organization behind the Hidden Rain Village is indeed powerful., and even forced the Hidden Cloud Village to abandon its homeland to attack the Iron Country...

But with just this one sentence, they want the people of a country to condescend to join a small ninja village... Are you kidding? !

After feeling a little absurd, Mifune couldn't help but think about the feasibility of Naruto's plan in his heart, but the more he thought about it, the more he felt...

[... No!

This is not a joke... This may be the only ray of hope for our Iron Country. 】

It is undeniable that Mifune was moved.

But the unprecedented thing of the whole country merging into a small ninja village is not something he can decide with one word.

Mifune felt that he might need some time to communicate with the top leaders of the Iron Country.

So Mifune raised his eyes and looked at Naruto, and at this moment Naruto seemed to have noticed his thoughts.

The next moment, Naruto said.

"Mr. Mifune, you don't have to rush to give me an answer now. I will give your country three days to consider.

If the Hidden Cloud Village attacks your country within these three days, our Akatsuki organization will stop it.

As for three days later... I believe your country will make the right choice, which will be beneficial to both you and me."

After saying that, without waiting for Mifune's answer, Naruto slowly put down the teacup in his hand.

"Thank you for the hospitality, Mr. Mifune's tea is really good.

Then... I am looking forward to seeing you again in three days, goodbye."


In the flash of golden light, Naruto's figure disappeared directly from the seat.

Mifune: (ー_ー)!!

Just leave as soon as you say, without giving him this old man face at all? !

I really don't know whether to say that this young leader of the Akatsuki organization is vigorous and resolute?


"Next time we meet, I will warn this kid - young people should not be too impetuous."

Mifune pressed his swollen temples, stood up and walked slowly towards the study.

People of his age already have trouble sleeping, and after being affected by what Naruto just said...

"I'm afraid I won't be able to sleep tonight, alas..."

He has to think carefully about how to tell other high-level officials of the Iron Country about this tomorrow.

Letting a country merge into a village... It's really outrageous!

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