




"...Nineteen at most, otherwise I'd rather go by myself."

In the capital of the Land of Fire, Kakuzu shook his head slowly, his tightly knitted eyebrows expressing to the outside world that he was almost out of patience at this moment.

He had already given a full 10% profit, but such a big concession still couldn't satisfy Naruto...

[Uzumaki Naruto~Are you a little too greedy? 】

Kakuzu secretly thought, should he give Naruto this brat a look after returning to the Hidden Rain Village...

"Hey, Kakuzu, you have to understand that this technique is taught by me, and I will be the one who will risk my life later, and you are only willing to give me 10% of the profit... Too much~"

Naruto rolled his eyes at Kakuzu in dissatisfaction, and then found that dozens of black tentacles stretched out from under Kakuzu's clothes, swimming towards him silently...

"Okay, okay, 10% is 10%, who let this be our first cooperation~"

Naruto immediately changed his mind and agreed to Kakuzu's distribution plan.

"...Take it, it's all in here."

Kakuzu threw a sealing scroll into Naruto's arms and urged him in a low voice.

"Hurry up, Naruto."

"Wait, you haven't told me how many banknotes are in there yet?!"

"...Enough for you to buy everything in the shops of Fire Country."


After separating from Kakuzu, Naruto, who had used the Thousand Changes to change his appearance, went to the street alone, found a shop at random and walked in.

"Dear guest, welcome~

May I ask what you need?"

The shop owner saw Naruto walk in and immediately greeted him warmly.

"What does your shop sell?"

Naruto glanced at the shop owner and asked calmly.

As a result, this question directly confused the shop owner.

Shop owner: (*°ω°*)ノ? ? ?

[No, you didn't even look at the sign outside my shop before coming in? Are people shopping so casually now? ! 】

"... Dear customer, our store specializes in selling ninja-related equipment.

From small shuriken kunai explosion talismans to specially customized armor, ninja swords and ninja tools, our store can handle it."

Naruto nodded with satisfaction and waved his hand.

"Buy it!"

Store owner: ⊙_⊙? ? ?

"... Dear customer, please tell me clearly, what do you want to buy..."

"I will buy all the stocks in your store!"

Naruto interrupted the store owner impatiently.

"Ah... Customer, although my store is not large, the goods in it are worth at least tens of billions.


The store owner looked at Naruto with pity.

[Alas~ poor kid, how could he go crazy at such a young age...]

"Heh~ who are you with?!"

Naruto was so angry that he laughed when he saw the deep meaning in the shop owner's eyes. He was a little annoyed and took out the scroll given by Kakuzu directly, and took out a lot of silver bills in front of the shop owner.

Looking around, Naruto took out all the large silver bills of 100,000 taels each;

And every time Naruto took out a bill, he threw a thick stack on the ground.

This heroic attitude of taking money as if it were not money made the shop owner dumbfounded.


"How is it, is it enough?!"

After a cup of tea, Naruto stood on the hill of 100,000 taels of silver bills and looked down at the shop owner, asking contemptuously.


The shop owner knelt down, his eyes devout like a pilgrim believer.

"Thank you, boss!!!"


"What do you sell in your shop?"

"Farm tools."

"I bought it!"


"Customer, my shop sells flowers."

"I bought it!"


"Customer, I..."

"I bought it!"


After Naruto spent a fortune buying out several stores, he finally alerted the Daimyo of the Land of Fire.

At this moment, the Daimyo of the Land of Fire had only one thought in his mind.

[A big (fat) customer (sheep) has arrived! ]

So he quickly got up from his ten-meter-long bed, changed into a set of gorgeous clothes in a lightning speed, and ran to Naruto.

As soon as he saw Naruto, the Daimyo of the Land of Fire gave Naruto a warm hug.

Even though Naruto pushed him away with a look of disgust, he was not annoyed and still spoke enthusiastically.

"Hello, distinguished guest. I am the daimyo of the Land of Fire, Jinsha Kushiro. What is your name?"

The fat on Jinsha Kushiro's face was piled together, trembling with the movement of his mouth, which made Naruto feel sick.But Naruto finally suppressed his nausea and replied with a fake smile.

"Hello, my name is Wang Quan Fugui, a traveler who travels by interest."

"Oh~ Mr. Wang Quan Fugui, this name sounds promising.

May I ask what you are going to do with all the things you bought during your visit to the Land of Fire?"

"Nothing, I just have a bad habit - I must buy anything I like.

After all, for me, I lack everything... except money!"

呙室振煞: ⊙▽⊙!!!

Big fat sheep!

A natural big fat sheep!!!

A big fat sheep made of pure gold!!!

呙室振煞 laughed even happier, he had already figured out how to make a lot of money from Naruto, the sucker...

Naruto also laughed happily.

呙室真沙...you are so stupid~

Uzumaki Naruto hasn't even tried hard yet, and you, the Daimyo of the Land of Fire, have easily taken the bait...

[Tsk~ I really don't feel accomplished. 】


"Mr. Wang Quanfugui, isn't it a bit too time-consuming for you to buy from every store like this?

As the most distinguished guest of the Land of Fire, would you like to hear a small suggestion from me?"

"Oh~ Daimyo, please tell me."

"My suggestion is...tell me what you like, and I will buy it from the store owner in the name of the Daimyo of the Land of Fire, and then you can trade with me in the end."


Naruto frowned deliberately, causing 呙室真沙's heart to rise to his throat.

"This is really the best!"

呙室真沙: ( ´▽` )~

呙室真沙's heart fell back into his stomach.

"But I have a small request, that is, every time you take any goods, you must pay the owner of the shop first... Can you agree to this request?"

"Of course, no problem, this is what I should do."

[You idiot, even if I buy everything at the original price and sell it to you at three or four times the price... I will still make a lot of money~]

呙室振沙 secretly thought, and his heart was trembling with joy.


So, 呙室振沙 took out a lot of funds and swept through most of the shops in the capital of the Fire Country. In the end, he sold them all to Naruto at a price more than three times higher than the market price.

For a while, both the host and the guest were happy. 呙室振沙 personally sent Naruto, who was about to leave, to the gate of the capital of the Fire Country;

When Naruto left, there were ten carriages following him, which were full of large and small seal scrolls...

Two months later, Kakutsu spread the method of identifying fake silver bills to every corner of the ninja world.

After realizing that he had exchanged enough fake silver notes to buy half of the supplies of the Fire Nation's capital...

呙室振杀 was so angry that he vomited blood on the spot and committed suicide by cutting his stomach open in the middle of the night~

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