Now only Deidara and Kakuzu have their business on track.

It will take some time to develop the Gundam of Scorpion. Even if it is developed... considering its powerful destructive power, it may not be sold to the outside world.

Seeing the time limit on the system task interface decreasing day by day (Chapter 16, helping at least five members of the Akatsuki organization to successfully start a business), Naruto never thought of the third way to make money.

Naruto was worried, couldn't sleep all night, and his hair fell out in clumps~

Unexpectedly, just when Naruto was in great distress, Biwa Juzo and Hoshigaki Kisame, who he had never paid much attention to before, brought him a big surprise.

After attending Nagato's wedding, the two ran out of the Hidden Rain Village together again.

This time they successfully found Momochi Zabuza and Mizunoe Haku, and successfully persuaded them to join the Akatsuki organization.

Good news, Haku is a 100% pure cute girl!

Naruto said~ Haku is so cute, how could she be a boy? !

As expected... Old Kishimoto knows nothing about Naruto!

Fuck! (╯°Д°)╯︵ ┻━┻!!!

After these four talents who were also born in Kirigakure gathered together, they did not return to Kirigakure.

They fully demonstrated the outstanding spirit of daring to challenge and work hard, announced the establishment of Akatsuki's Kirigakure branch, and quietly entered the ninja security industry.

From then on, the four of them made great strides and became the team most likely to meet the system requirements first.

And the first customer they served was a big boss in water transportation, who had been stationed in the Land of Waves for a long time, named Kado ...

"Boss Ka, with such a small amount of money... it's hard for us to help you~"

Biwa Juzo swung the beheading sword and brushed it across Kado's scalp, making Zabuza's eyes brimming with jealousy.

Zabuza: [What a great ninja sword~ I really want to hold it in my own hands...]

Biwa Juzo raised his eyebrows when he noticed what Zabuza was thinking, and felt secretly proud.

Such a great beheading sword, but neither Nagato nor Konan was willing to accept it...

What a poor vision~

But it's okay if they don't accept it, he Just in time, I don't have to worry about where to find another suitable weapon.

Cardo curled up in his leather boss chair and trembled. He felt that he was about to be scared to death by the three ferocious people (not counting Mizunotsuki Haku).

"Since you said so... then how about our cooperation end here?"

"No, what we brothers value most is the spirit of the contract.

And Boss Ka, you signed a 20-year contract with us!

In the next 20 years, we brothers will take care of your affairs "

Biwa Juzang's beheading sword swept over Cardo's head again, and he rejected his proposal verbally.

After hearing this, Cardo wanted to slap himself twice.

I shouldn't have signed these four people for cheap...

How can this be called four bodyguards for yourself?

It's clearly four fathers for yourself!!!

Whose bodyguard asks the employer for reimbursement every day, and asks for millions of taels?!

Fuck, can you believe that four people can eat 500,000 taels for a meal?!

Cardo: I regret it... (*꒦ິ⌓꒦ີ)...

"Oh, by the way, old man Danaz came to me and told me that he wanted to build a bridge...

I've said it several times, I'll have to trouble you, Boss Ka, to pay for the bridge~"

Biwa Juzang looked down on Cardo who was slumped in the chair and said calmly.

"What?! Those bastards want to build a bridge?! And they want me to pay for it?!"

Hearing this, Cardo forgot his fear in an instant, stood up from the chair and roared angrily at Biwa Juzang.

Swish! ! !

Swish~ Swish~ Swish~

Momochi will not... Zhan's figure suddenly disappeared, and when he reappeared, he had come behind Cardo, with two ninja swords in his hands crossed against Cardo's throat.

Mizunotsuki waved her white hands, and three Senbon flew through Cardo's legs at a high speed, almost piercing his vitals.

Cardo: ◝₍ᴑ̑ДO͝₎◞? ! !

Cardo always thought that Bai was the only civilized person among the four, but now it seems... she is the most ruthless one!

As for the honest man Hoshigaki Kisame...

Well, he put down his hands that were still in seals.

"We agreed to let old man Danaz build a bridge in order to shorten the travel time so that we can better serve you, Boss Ka~


Do you have any objections, Boss Ka?"

Biwa Juzang glanced at Cardo with a playful smile on his face.

"Throat, spine, heart... these are all fatal parts of the human body. Guess which one I'll stab? Mr. Cardo..."

The sinister voice of Zabuza Momochi came from behind, and Cardo couldn't help butHe shuddered.

But the shudder was stopped by Cardo just in the middle;

Zabuza's knife was still on his neck, and he was afraid that if he moved a little too much, he would get himself killed...

"Boss Ka, why are you silent? We are still waiting for your answer~"

"... I have no objection, absolutely no objection!

Tomorrow I will personally hand over the money for the bridge construction to that old... old man Danaz..."

[I have an objection! I have a big objection! But I don't dare to say it... (*꒦ິ⌓꒦ີ)...】

"Hahaha, Boss Ka is very righteous... We admire him!

Since the matter has been settled, we will...

Oh, by the way~

I almost forgot, Boss Ka, please settle today's expenses first.

It's not much, just three million taels..."


Soon after, Biwa Juzo left with three people with a lot of money in his pockets.

Leaving behind Boss Kadoka, who had lost his dream, he knelt in the increasingly simple office and cried silently.

On the way back, I could vaguely hear the elder brother Biwa Juzo giving advice to the other three members of the team...

"Did Zabuza see that? It's useless to be humble in front of a man like Kado. If you want to squeeze the most out of him, you must be stronger than him."

"Kisame, I'm not saying anything bad about you. If you have time, ask the brothers how to release the unsealed ninjutsu.

What era is this? A proper ninja needs to cast a seal to release a ninjutsu. ..."

"Bai, you should talk more often. Don't be silent like a little girl."

"I am just a tool of Zabuza-sama. As a tool, I don't need..."

"Don't listen to Zabuza's nonsense~

If he says you are a tool again, just tell me. I will beat him up or not!

And don't I know what Zabuza is thinking?

Let me tell you, he actually..."

Zabuza: (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))!!!

"Brother! You are my real brother! I beg you to stop talking about brother..."

Biwa Juzo: →_→...

"Tsk~ I'll kill you again, you coward~"


"Remember the old rules, divide the money you get into three parts: small, medium and large:

The smallest part is for the brothers' daily needs;

The middle part is reserved for the organization;

The largest part is used to improve the lives of nearby villagers..."

The four-member team of the Akatsuki organization's Tiantuan Kirigakure branch, although most of them look a little scary...

But they are all extremely gentle people in their hearts✧(◍˃̶ᗜ˂̶◍)✩~

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