PS: The water is a little bit watery, but it's just an overrun, and it won't grow.

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"Who are you, and what is the relationship with that wild fox?" The leader of the big country took the lead and asked Lin Ling below, after all, Lin Ling is not their target, and the realm of the big demon is not easy to provoke, if you can, you really don't want to have a grudge with the other party, but the majesty of being a god does not allow him to put down his body, not to mention that at this moment when eight million gods gather, there can only be advance and no retreat.

"First, that little ghost is not a wild fox, his name is Ba Wei, and second, I am his elder, you can call me Lin Ling, if you are here to crusade against Ba Wei, I'm sorry, pass me first. Lin Ling grinned.

After listening to Lin Ling's words, the gods were in an uproar, after all, since Ba Wei's debut, everyone only knew that Ba Wei was a powerful demon fox, but they really didn't expect that there would be elders, but even so, it was impossible for the gods to retreat like this, and the dignity and face of the gods couldn't get by, and Lin Ling said this, it was also obvious that there was no room for maneuver between the two parties, and they had to do a fight.

"In that case, it's useless to say more, let's see the truth under your hands. Sighing, the great lord waved his hand and motioned to the gods to move, eight million gods, even in the face of the top big monsters, they can compete with it, not to mention that Lin Ling's aura is only a preliminary stage, and it is not enough to make the gods awe.

And with the order of the great power, the gods tacitly launched an attack on Lin Ling, countless streamers erupted from the hands of the gods, and in an instant, a pillar of light was formed towards Lin Ling, shaking the sky and the earth, and in the face of the attack of the gods, Lin Ling was not afraid, and directly unfolded the nine tails, and a huge colored lotus unfolded with itself as the center, and forcibly withstood the huge pillar of light that shrouded it.

"Suppress this demon! You increase your output!" Looking at Lin Ling, who was able to join forces with the gods to launch an attack, the big lord said angrily.

With the loud shouts in unison, the gods directly increased their divine power, and suddenly the entire pillar of light became much more condensed, like a golden pillar that quickly turned into substance, suppressing the colorful lotus below little by little, on the other hand, Ba Wei looked at the situation outside and was also anxious, but he was not relieved to be weak and snowy.

"Stupid, don't leave quickly, if you stay here, it will drag down the old lady, and I have my own way to leave if you leave. Looking at Ba Wei, who was still stupid and didn't run, Lin Ling said angrily, he didn't run over in such a hurry for him, a stupid boy, when did he not take anyone away, you must know that he has not recovered yet, staring at the attack of the eight million gods has already used up all the strength of milk, and when he can't support it at all, if he doesn't leave, he will have to stay.

"I'm sorry, Mother. Nodding, Ba Wei also knew that it would not be time, so he decisively picked up Xuelu and ran out of the back door of the house.

"The big lord, the fox demon has run away!" said a god who noticed the situation on Bawei's side.

"Don't worry, it's not too late for everyone to suppress the eye demon with all their might!" said the big lord who presided over the audience, and seeing that he still couldn't take down Lin Ling for a while, the gods used all their strength very silently, and the effect was also very obvious, Lin Ling just used the colorful lotus to defend with all his strength began to fall apart little by little, and the ground sank.

"Withdraw!" At the bottom, Lin Ling naturally would not be stupid to continue to resist, and a dodge came out of Cailian, and without Lin Ling's blessing, Cailian was instantly shattered by the golden pillar, and the ground was also hit into a huge pit.

"Oh no! This demon fox is going to run!"

"Trap her!"

Seeing their own gains in one fell swoop, the morale of the gods was greatly boosted, and they all took action to use their own housekeeping skills, wanting to leave Lin Ling behind, after all, the big monster is not ordinary, this time the gods are there, it's okay to take it down, if it is run away, this feud is settled, no one wants to guard against the prying eyes of a big monster all day long, one-on-one, none of them dare to say that they can continue to be free under the plot of a big monster, since everything has been done to this point, it must be killed.

"The gods listen to my command! Don't mess around!" Looking at the situation in front of him, the big lord naturally understands the thoughts of the gods, but it is useless to mess around like this, only the condensed forces can pose enough threats to the other party, like the gods fighting indiscriminately, resulting in the dispersion of power, many attacks are missed, not to mention, even if they hit, they can't cause any damage.

Having said that, it was still too late after all, Lin Ling would not give the other party the slightest chance to reorganize, and took advantage of this time to escape directly into the forest and quickly disappeared without a trace, chasing after Ba Wei's breath.

"Great lord, what should I do?"

"What else can I do? The other party has completely hidden his breath, so let's withdraw. "After thinking about it, the lord of the big country said helplessly, you can't keep chasing it, not to mention that their respective shrines still need their gods to be stationed, and the eight million gods are out to eliminate the demon fox in one fell swoop, if the time drags on for a long time, maybe something will happen.

(Lee's) On the other side, Lin Ling, who quickly caught up with Ba Wei, looked at the scene of feeding the woman water by the stream, and felt a sense of powerlessness, maybe this is Ba Wei's fate, sometimes this kind of fate is really unclear, take out a bottle of pill and give it to Ba Wei, this thing is Lin Ling's leisure and boring refining, it is useless, but it can still enhance the physique to treat injuries for people, it is a panacea for ordinary people, of course, it cannot work for the woman's lifespan, but at least it will not make her body too weak, and she needs to take care of Ba Wei himself from time to time, and let the two of them deal with it in the last bit of time。

"I'm going back, I'm tired, just come back, that's your home. Looking at Ba Wei, who was like ashes, Lin Ling had the urge to give this kid a slap, but she didn't bother to care, she didn't say anything more, and turned to leave. _

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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