PS: It's finally idle, tired and old, and everyone seems to have no love for mixing, so let's return to the single world mode.

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"Ding! The system has been patched and the upgrade has been successful..."

"Ding! Because the host did not complete the task, the only task judgment failed this time, and the data was reloaded..."

"Ding! The character has been corrected, due to an unexpected change in the previous world, the punishment mission has been interrupted, and the punishment mode has been restarted!"

Accompanied by the system prompt that made people palpitate, Lin Ling was completely stunned, this voice had not been heard again for five hundred years, but this time it appeared again, without waiting for Lin Ling to react, the extremely familiar system space came into view again, and before the words came out, the power of time and space of the system was turned on again, and in the next second, when Lin Ling came back to his senses, the person had appeared in a room that seemed to be a palace.

"Ding!After evaluation, the host did not actively complete the only task, and re-education is needed to correct the personality, all abilities are blocked, the mall is blocked, and all other functions 540 are disabled, the basic ability is retained, the physique is changed, and the masochistic physique, charm physique, and physique are attached, and part of the immortal power effect is retained. "

This time, the world view adopts the different world version of "The King of the Undead", and the only corrective task is opened: Atonement, achieve more than 100 people and completely attack the protagonist can leave the world, otherwise he will stay in the world until the task is completed. "

"Ding! Memory implantation... Character generation complete!"

sighed and came to the floor-to-ceiling mirror in the room, looking at the people in the mirror, Lin Ling touched her sharp ears, her current identity is the elf clan, and she is the youngest and most beautiful princess of the royal family, her name is still Lin Ling, she has an extra surname Bilodis, she just turned 80 years old this year, which is equivalent to the age of 16 years old for human beings, a carefree and innocent and romantic little girl, for the fine issued by the system, Lin Ling can only admit it, the ghost knows that the system can still rely on its own strength to wake up, and even if she resists, it seems useless, even if she is now the princess of the elf clanIs it impossible to live in peace with the urine of the system? It is impossible to think about it (CHCA), in this case, it is better to find a chance to see the scenery of this different world.

"Your Highness Princess, are you up? His Majesty the Elven King is looking for you. Outside, an elven maid knocked on the door.

"Get up! Subconsciously, Hui Ling put on the dress hanging on the green rattan, and then reached out and generated a water balloon out of thin air to wash it, and then left the room

Everything is very natural and familiar, Lin Ling went to think about something, followed the maid who had been waiting for a long time, and came to the hall outside, today is the day for Lin Ling to participate in the training, or the coming-of-age ceremony belonging to the elves, it is very simple to go to the unicorn territory in the depths of the forest to bring back a unicorn Even if it is completed, generally speaking, it is just a formality, it is good if it succeeds, and it will not be anything if it is not successful

As an elf, the talent of the race is the affinity of natural magic and the unique beauty, and after the ceremony is completed, Lin Ling will be considered independent, unless you want to choose a new king, the elves are also the same as other ordinary elves to work, to contribute their own strength to the construction of the elf kingdom, it can be said that the elves are the most united race, but also the so-called high and low concepts are the most indifferent, as long as you are not the elf king or the oracle, sacrifice, The positions of wise man and elder are generally equal to ordinary elves, and your compatriots will not look down on you or despise you.

"Bilodis, go to the sacrifice to receive the blessings of the goddess, and then start your rite of passage, after today, you will be independent, choose your favorite profession and contribute to the kingdom. In the main hall, Lin Ling, who was half-kneeling, was full of majesty, and a beautiful girl with a childish face and huge breasts signaled to Lin Ling to leave.

"Yes! Respectfully responded, Lin Ling retreated, after today, Lin Ling means that she has become an adult and can be independent, and she will not be able to continue to live in the palace at that time, and will build a small cabin of her own around the ancient tree of life as a place to live, and then choose a career to start her own work and support herself.

The strength of this world is very simple to divide with one to nine, but basically above the seventh level is no longer the strength that mortals can have, beyond the ninth level is already the realm of God, Lin Ling's natural magic talent is very high, in the stage of the third level, plus the basic ability attached to it is probably comparable to the strength of the fourth level, it can be called a genius-level little master, for its own planning, Lin Ling already has an idea, that is, to become an adventurer, to see more of the outside world, but because of the elves themselves and other races' greed for the elves, there are very few elves who can become adventurers and go outAt the very least, it is necessary to have the strength of level 4 or above, so that you can have enough capital to protect yourself when you travel abroad.

After all, it is a coming-of-age ceremony, it is the tradition of the elf clan, in addition to Lin Ling, there are several elf compatriots who embarked on the road of ritual with Lin Ling, of course, in order to ensure the safety of the ceremony, there will be a small team of elf guards to protect it, so as not to have an accident, after following everyone to the territory of the unicorn, the guards will not continue to follow, and the next thing is to let the elves who carried out the ritual enter to find the unicorn and bring it back, the time is within one day, and if the time is exceeded, it will be considered a failure.

Not with other elves, Lin Ling walked alone, and the other elves who came to participate in the ceremony were only the second level with the highest strength, not to mention that to find the unicorn and bring the unicorn back in addition to part of the strength, it mainly depends on luck, for the creature of the unicorn, Lin Ling is still very curious, and left the team and did not immediately continue to go deeper, but used natural magic to communicate flowers and trees to explore the traces of the unicorn.

But a few minutes later, the unicorn has not been found, what surprised Lin Ling was that he found the traces of human beings first, and at the first time Lin Ling thought of those greedy slave hunting groups, those human traffickers who came specifically to capture the elves, after all, all within a radius of a hundred miles belong to the scope of the elf kingdom, generally speaking, human adventurers will not enter the range of the elves at will without the permission of the elves, and there are countless greedy people who die in the hands of the elves every year, but they still can't reduce the greed of the human heart, this situation must be reported, without hesitation, Lin Ling gave up looking for the unicorn for the time being, but immediately returned to the edge area where the escort team rested。 _

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