The enemy was killed, but the enemy was killed.

"......To give you a hint, I used the word [obtained] instead of [seized]!

It seems that the cultural education of the Hidden Mist Village is not very good!"

Zabuza felt his forehead throbbing when he heard Sakura's mocking words. He originally thought that his only opponent in this mission was Kakashi;

But he didn't expect that Kakashi hadn't made a move yet, and he was tricked by Konoha's Genin first.

" are very good!"

Zabuza was even laughed at by Sakura.

"I won't be so kind as to return the weapon to the enemy.

I have already covered the beheading sword with a smooth chakra film using a thin illusion.

By the way, I also applied some lubricant."

Sakura was still explaining tirelessly, and reached into the ninja tool bag on her waist and took out an empty bottle with "vaseline" written on it.

As a respect for the strong, Sakura thought it would be best to let him know how he was defeated.

"I have been waiting for the moment when the beheading sword slips out of my hand.

Faced with a sudden attack, if you can't react in time, you will subconsciously use your dominant hand to block it."

Sakura put her left hand on her waist and pointed her right hand at Zabuza like a sharp sword, looking majestic like a judge who is judging a crime.

"Zabuza, my target from the beginning was your hands!"

"Amazing... Sakura, well done!"

Seeing Sakura's wonderful performance, Naruto couldn't help but admire

"Is the flying speed of the kunai so fast because of the elasticity of love that can be stretched freely?"

Sasuke swallowed his saliva, and opened his one-magatama Sharingan to observe before Sakura answered.

Unlike the two-magatama and three-magatama, the one-magatama Sharingan cannot bring Sasuke a lot of Yin attribute chakra, on the contrary, it will greatly consume his own chakra, and the insight effect is also unsatisfactory.

So Sasuke rarely uses the Sharingan.

After opening the Sharingan, what caught Sasuke's eyes was:

Several chakra lines were extending from Sakura's hands to the cylindrical ninja tool bag with the zipper half open behind her.

"It seems that as long as it is not given elasticity and stickiness, love that can be stretched freely is just an ordinary attributeless chakra, which ordinary ninjas cannot see at all.

Is Sakura always in a state of preparation like this?

And even if it is a ninjutsu that is not as powerful as the fire escape, it can hurt the jonin as long as it is used properly."

Sasuke thought so, and suddenly noticed that Sakura's left hand, which was pinching her waist, was secretly making a bodhi seal!

He quickly scanned the surroundings with the Sharingan, and he accidentally saw Sakura's arrangement, and his eyes widened in shock and surprise.

"Sakura, when did you become so powerful that even the jonin..."

In order not to be exposed, Sasuke immediately pretended to be furious and pounded the ground angrily.

? ? ?

Sakura didn't know where she had stimulated Sasuke, but when she found that Sasuke had opened the Sharingan, Sakura quickly reacted. This was Sasuke's acting skills of improvisation.

Kakashi saw Sasuke's abnormality and quietly pulled the forehead guard open, and quickly pulled it up again.

Although Kakashi's face was calm at this time, his heart had already set off a storm:

What did I just see? Did Sakura want to...

The furious Zabuza did not notice Kakashi's little action. At this time, he had only one thought in his mind:

Kill the little girl in front of him.

"The target is my hands?

It's obviously just a flower in a greenhouse, don't be so shameless!"

In Zabuza's opinion, Sakura, who explained her battle plan, did not take him seriously at all.

The other party was humiliating him!

"Don't think of me as a tepid ninja like you.

My hands are already covered with blood at your age!

Just a minor injury, don't underestimate my will!"

Zabuza yelled at Sakura hysterically, pulled out the kunai that was stuck in his right hand, and threw it aside.


Zabuza tore a piece of cloth from his clothes, tied his bleeding right hand with his hands and mouth, and kicked the handle of the beheading sword.

The kick full of chakra instantly shattered the thin illusion covering it.

"I wanted to leave you a whole body, congratulations, you pissed me off!

Go to hell, you little brat!"

Enduring the severe pain, Zabuza held the beheading sword tightly, used all his strength to perform the instant body technique, and instantly moved to

Behind Sakura.

The furious Zabuza was so fast that even Sasuke, who had his Sharingan on, could only see a shadow.

Zabuza used all his strength to swing his beheading sword, determined to cut Sakura in half...

However, something even more shocking happened to Zabuza:

His beheading sword actually hovered in the air again, unable to move forward!

Zabuza was not the only one who was shocked.

Naruto and Dazna, who had no pupil technique, were also shocked;

Because in their eyes, Sakura's ponytail instantly spread out, and her long cherry-pink hair floated in the air, wrapped in the same pink chakra to entangle Zabuza's beheading sword, and attached chakra lines of different thicknesses to the beheading sword.

The dense chakra lines connected the ground and the trees in the surrounding forest. The thick chakra lines were about the same thickness as an arm, and the thin ones were only as thick as a cigarette.

The tightly bound beheading sword was restrained by everything around it. Unless Zabuza had the strength to uproot more than 20 trees at the same time, he would not be able to swing the beheading sword.

"The flexible application of love - the emperor's barrier."

Sakura said softly, lowering her head and crossing her arms, with both hands crossed and forming the Bodhi seal.

While explaining her method to Zabuza, she quietly spread the chakra line all over the battlefield.

"You can actually control chakra with your hair, what a great skill!"

Kakashi praised Sakura.

"It's not using hair to control chakra, but using hair to simulate chakra channels to store chakra in the hair, and then using chakra to drive the hair.

Although the effect is almost the same.

I call this move - Purple Lover."

Sakura explained.

As a ninja, she definitely cannot leave such an obvious weakness as long hair. Sakura did not want to cut off her beloved long hair like in the anime. When learning medical ninjutsu, she also developed [Purple Lover].

Kakashi glanced at Sakura. The pink hair was deepened by the superposition of the same pink chakra, and it was faintly lavender.

The name is a bit strange, but it is barely appropriate.

Soon, the love on Sakura's hair climbed onto the beheading sword.

Sakura's hair also returned to the cherry pink color and fell back to her back.

Zabuza was in no mood to listen to Sakura's bragging at this time. After trying many times, he found that he really couldn't swing the beheading sword, so he decided to give up the beheading sword.

However, Zabuza found that his hands were firmly stuck to the handle of the beheading sword.

Looking down, he found that not only the blade, but also the handle of the beheading sword was covered with a layer of translucent pink chakra.

I tried to let go several times, but my hands didn't move at all, as if they were welded to the handle.

"Did you find it?"

Sakura turned around and looked at Zabuza with a smile.

"Not only is there a stretchable love on your handle, but there is also a light illusion under the smooth film;

Really, I clearly told you

'My goal from the beginning was your hands'

I didn't want to hurt your dominant hand!"

Sakura shook her head slightly, as if she felt sorry for Zabuza.

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