The two of them were so angry that they had to face each other.

Sakura looked at Zabuza with a look of regret.

"What on earth made you so proud, Mr. Zabuza?

You've already suffered a loss once, why do you still dare to use the weapon you took back from the enemy?

I've said it twice:

'Weapons obtained from the enemy are not so easy to use'

Why did you fall into a similar trap twice?

Why do you always think about your ninja sword?

Mr. Kirigakure, how does it feel to have your weapon turned into handcuffs that bind your hands?"

Sakura's expression was still gentle, but her sharp words were like slaps in the face, making Zabuza dizzy.

Even his ears were buzzing.

"Don't underestimate me, little girl!"

Zabuza shouted and began to exert force with his feet.

The stickiness of love that can be stretched freely far exceeded his imagination;

At this point, even if his skin and even flesh and blood will be torn off, he must break free from the restraint of the beheading sword.

But Zabuza's feet suddenly slipped, and his feet were stretched to the sides;

Because of the restraint of the beheading sword, Zabuza did not perform a split on the spot;

But Zabuza's knees were half-kneeling and his legs were half-split, which was still very funny.

"Alas~ It's you who underestimated me, Zabuza."

Looking at the embarrassed Zabuza in front of her, Sakura shook her head and sighed.

"It's useless. I have already covered this area with a smooth film with a thin illusion. With the lubricant, it will be difficult for you to keep your balance once your movements are too big. In fact, I have also given you a hint on this point, but you didn't pay attention..."

Sakura shook the empty bottle in her hand and continued to explain to Zabuza.

"It takes more than a whole bottle of lubricant just to smear the handle of the beheading sword. You don't think my lubricant just ran out, do you?

No way, no way, I've already given you a hint, but the powerful Mr. Oni didn't notice it at all!

No, this must be fake, you must not just be Mr. Oni, someone else must have used the transformation technique to pretend to be you!"

Sakura was extremely sarcastic, shaking her head like a rattle, as if she really couldn't believe it.


Zabuza's eyes seemed to be able to spit out anger, and he wanted to say something, but couldn't.

Seeing Zabuza like this, Sakura also lost interest in performing, and her face became cold.

"In front of me, a Konoha Genin, you even have to use all your strength to stand.

From the moment you instantly fell behind me, you had no chance of winning, Zabuza!"

Sakura calmly declared her victory.

"Sakura, so cool!"

Naruto looked at Sakura with stars in his eyes.

"Kid, is all this in your plan?"

Zabuza widened his eyes, his face full of disbelief.

He couldn't understand why the Seven Ninja Swordsmen would lose to a Genin from Konoha Village!

The kid in front of him defeated him with just a gum ninjutsu and a film ninjutsu; from beginning to end, he was played with by her like a toy, and the other party even gave him several hints, not taking him, a Jonin, seriously at all.

A feeling of despair surged in his heart, almost making him collapse!

Now his hands were firmly stuck to the hilt by the ninjutsu, and the beheading sword was bound. Even standing up required a lot of chakra to his feet.

Even if the enemy was so close, he had no way to do it.

But Zabuza quickly calmed down. Although the current situation was very desperate, he was not without a backup. He could use Haku in the distance to make himself fake his death and escape.

Sakura frowned slightly, and used her flexible love to bounce herself backwards, and shouted at Naruto and Sasuke who were already dumbfounded:

"Sasuke, Naruto, why are you still standing there, throw shuriken at him!"

Naruto immediately grabbed a shuriken and threw it at Zabuza.

Sasuke was shocked by Sakura's strength and the strategy of capturing a long-established jonin alive. He was stunned for a moment, but soon reacted and posed and threw several shurikens.

Even Kakashi threw two.

Zabuza's hands were bound by the beheading sword, and his feet could not move freely on the smooth ground. He could only use his shoulders and legs to protect his vitals.

Zabuza was hit by more than ten shurikens and was seriously injured. He could only move in a certain direction without leaving any trace.

A flaw...


The sound of breaking through the air and the sound of metal entering the flesh sounded one after another.

The two Senbons came like two lightning bolts, rushing over quickly and piercing Zabuza's neck accurately.

Zabuza seemed to be frightened by this sudden attack. His eyes widened, full of astonishment and unwillingness.

Just like that, Zabuza "died with his eyes open" and fell to the ground with a "plop".

As Zabuza fell, the whole scene fell into a dead silence.

However, at this moment, a mysterious figure suddenly appeared in front of everyone! The figure appeared silently like a ghost, which made people feel cold.

Everyone was also stunned by this sudden change. They widened their eyes and tried to see the true face of this mysterious figure.


Sasuke immediately became alert, holding a kunai in his hand.

Kakashi also pulled open the forehead protector covering his left eye, although he didn't know whether the ninja who was trying to steal someone's head was a friend or an enemy.

But judging from the opponent's instant body technique, he seemed to be quite strong.

"Everyone from Konoha, please be patient."

The man saluted slightly to the few people. He was wearing a mask from the Kirigakure Anbu, so his appearance could not be seen. However, judging from his voice and height, he should be not much older than the three little ones.

This person was Mizunoe Haku who was ambushing with Zabuza.

"Although I'm sorry to steal your prey, I am a member of the Kirigakure hunting team, and Zabuza is our mission target this time."

Kakashi was relieved when he heard this, and explained the Kirigakure hunting team to his students.

"How could this happen! Why let this stinking guy take Zabuza away!

It seems that he is not much older than us!"

Naruto was obviously very dissatisfied with this result.

Sasuke also nodded. This Kirigakure was obviously not very old, and Sasuke felt that he might not be his opponent.

Kakashi held down his two students. It was troublesome enough that the C-rank mission became an A-rank mission. If he had a conflict with Kirigakure, he didn't know how to write his mission report.

"Naruto, Sasuke, I understand how you feel."

Kakashi comforted Naruto and Sasuke.

"But you must know the truth that 'there are always people who are better than you';

Knowing yourself is also an important part of growth;

There may be kids in this world who are younger than you but more powerful than your teacher!"

Kakashi curved his eyes and smiled to reason with the two.

Naruto and Sasuke fell silent at the same time.

Seeing that everyone relaxed their vigilance, Bai also breathed a sigh of relief:

"Then I will take his body back to the village."

After that, he slowly walked towards Zabuza's "corpse". Due to the light illusion and the presence of lubricant, Bai's steps were cautious.

"I will help you remove the ninjutsu."

Sakura gave Bai a warm smile.

Sprinting to the edge of the film, she used inertia to slide to Zabuza's side

Sakura half-knelt on the ground with a serious look and slapped the ground with her right hand.

"Remove the frivolous illusion!"

The ground around her immediately returned to soft soil.

"What a powerful ninjutsu, thank you..."


Before Bai could say thank you, Sakura used her flexible love to eject herself and Zabuza, who was pretending to be dead, out together.

In fact, as long as Sakura's chakra touched the frivolous illusion, she could remove the ninjutsu at any time.

The reason why she pretended to slide and slap the ground was to get close to Zabuza without alerting the masked man.

"It's the enemy, Kakashi-sensei!!!"

While ejecting, Sakura shouted at Kakashi.

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