The summer is hot.

The temperature has reached 35 or 36 degrees.

In such weather, without air conditioning, where would you like to go?


Where do the girls with amazing figures like to go?

The answer is...

Clang clang, the quiet pool under the waterfall.

"Hey hey... Hey hey, this one is good, this one is big. Mmm, the one over there is not bad either, that one is whiter, eh, that one... Gulp... White and big!"

In the grass on the slope not far from the waterfall, a wretched uncle squatted behind the grass, looking at the beautiful scenery below with relish from the top.

Well, it is an angle that makes goo lovers ecstatic.

That deepness is our faith!

"Stupid Immortal, I didn't expect you to be so erotic, I'll just call you the Sorry Immortal."

Naruto woke up and saw a sneaky and wretched figure hiding behind the grass not far away.

He came forward and looked down curiously. Wow, his eyes were almost dazzled. The white light reflected by the fine water droplets was like holy light.

The fluctuations that trembled with breathing were okay. I didn't take it seriously at all.

Emmm, my ultimate secret has room for improvement.

Sure enough, what the otaku said was right. It is better to drive a thousand miles than to read ten thousand books.



"I say, you are so naive, you don't want your peeping to be discovered by the ladies below, right?"

Naruto called Jiraiya several times but he didn't respond. He shook his head helplessly and spread his hands.

"Ahem, what do you know? I am just collecting materials! Do you understand collecting materials?!"

Jiraiya looked around like a thief, and he was relieved when he saw that no one had noticed.

"What do you call yourself talented? Do you have any works?"

Naruto curled his lips in disdain. Some people just want to see young ladies, but they still find such boring excuses.

"How can a wretched uncle like you pretend to be a cultured person? He tui!"

"Good question!"

Speaking of this, Jiraiya was no longer sleepy.

He turned around suddenly, proudly stretched out five fingers to Naruto, and one foot...

"It's really stupid to do the same set of movements on both sides, so rude!"

Naruto looked at Jiraiya like a fool, with a full head of black lines. It was the first time he lost to someone in this aspect of being frivolous.

Sure enough, there are all kinds of things in the world.

Naruto couldn't help but cheer himself up secretly.

On the road of being silly, you are just a young seedling that has just broken through the ground!

There is still a long way to go in the future, and you will definitely become the most popular silly person in the world!

Come on! Oli Ge!

"Damn it, at least wait for me to finish my words!"

Jiraiya was interrupted in his spellcasting, and was immediately furious, but he felt better when he thought that the brat would admire him extremely after knowing his identity.

"Hmph, I'm not afraid to tell you that I'm the legendary author of "Genji Ninja" and "Intimate Paradise" - the great writer Jiraiya!"

"Are you the rubbish author with childish writing?"

Naruto did not hesitate to start the literary jealousy after hearing this.

"Look at the shitty Ninja Legend you wrote, you didn't even introduce the cause and effect, and why Naruto in it always has his ribs broken by his female companion!"

"What's more annoying is that Naruto still likes that woman!"

"Who would like such a violent and flat-chested woman!"

"Especially, his female teammates actually like a cruel brain who wants to destroy the world all day long on the same team, and don't like Naruto! I'm really impressed by you!"

Why do you write so much like my life as a loser!

Wuwuwu, the water of West Lake~ my tears~

"And you, you also wrote Naruto to death! You @#!%¥..."

"What's wrong with me! Isn't it normal for the protagonist to sacrifice himself to save the world!"

Jiraiya didn't expect that he didn't have any admiration, and was scolded badly, and immediately retorted loudly.

"And how can you only look at the appearance of things like feelings! You superficial guy!"

"Huh? I'm superficial, who was staring at the young lady below and drooling and peeping just now?!"

"Damn! Can the things of cultured people be called peeping?!"

"Then why does Naruto in your book also like to peep at the young ladies in the bathhouse? Is he also a cultured person?"

Naruto sneered.

"He is just a pawn of your desire!"

"You ultimate pervert!"

"You are right about this~"

"Asshole! You actually admitted it shamelessly!"

Naruto was stunned, his firstThis is the first time I have seen such a shameless person!

"Hehe, thank you for the compliment."

Jiraiya scratched his head a little embarrassed.


From which words did he hear that I meant to praise him?

Naruto's eyes were about to roll up to the sky.

He sighed and turned away. He was afraid that staying with this LSP for too long would taint his pure soul.

That's right, Sister Nishikawa always said that I was too simple and too kind.

Sure enough, her vision of people is accurate!

"Hey, where are you going?"

Jiraiya saw that Naruto suddenly stopped arguing and turned away, which made him a little dissatisfied. He hadn't had enough of arguing yet.

After all, most of the people who read his books are LSPs.

Few people have their own unique insights like Naruto.

For example, the sentence "chess piece of desire" just now.

It's simply, it directly hits Jiraiya's heart. Isn't the Naruto in his novel the embodiment of Jiraiya's own desire!

"Go home and eat."

Naruto touched his stomach. He actually woke up hungry. This is the bad thing about practicing physical skills. He always feels hungry.

"Now that you mention it, I'm a little hungry too."

Jiraiya also touched his stomach and followed Naruto.

"So, why are you following me?" Naruto asked impatiently.

"Have you forgotten? I came to help you with special training. Now I go to your house for a meal. This is not too much, right?"

Jiraiya said in a matter-of-fact tone.

"I didn't even ask you for another price!"

"...You make a lot of sense."

Naruto thought about it and always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't find it.

"Then, after dinner, you can help me with special training."

"Haha, let's go for special training after dinner!"

Jiraiya nodded confidently and planned to run to collect materials after dinner. After eating and drinking, who the hell wants to go for special training? Is the young lady not pretty? !

"Okay, I'll trust you for once."

Naruto's face was full of disbelief.

"I'm a powerful ninja who can stand shoulder to shoulder with the Hokage. I won't lie to you!"

Jiraiya said confidently.

"You're standing shoulder to shoulder with the Hokage because you're 'shameless'!"


"So it's bullshit, so disgusting!"

"You stinky brat!"


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