Konoha Village.

The flower shop of the Yamanaka family.

Sakura pushed open the door and walked in slowly.

In the flower shop, various bouquets were arranged in a very professional manner.

They were generally arranged by color, smell, and shape. In short, Sakura didn't know much about the specifics. After all, she hadn't learned flower arrangement for too long, and the knowledge of flower arrangement had long been returned to the teacher.

"Sakura, why are you here?"

Ino was helping in the store at this time. When she saw Sakura pushing the door in, she hurried forward and asked.

"Aren't you going to help Sasuke, Naruto and the others train together?"

"Naruto didn't know where he ran off to. He has disappeared for two days. Sasuke is in special training with Kakashi, and I can't help much."

Sakura spread her hands. It was not good for the skin to stay in the place where they were training for a long time, so she didn't want to go.

"Besides, I have to practice myself."


Ino asked with some joy when she heard it.

"Are you here to practice with me?"

"No, you're overthinking."

Sakura replied emotionlessly, and then began to look at the flowers.

"Speaking of which, Ino, which flower is better to choose when visiting a patient?"

"Hmm? Is anyone injured?"

Ino asked with some doubts, but she still swiftly selected a bunch of baby's breath for Sakura.

"Xiao Li, he saved my life in the Forest of Death."

Sakura took the baby's breath and sniffed it gently. It was not bad.

"Later, he was beaten so badly by Naruto, so I still have to go and visit him."

"That was his own fault!"

Ino also reacted at this time. Sakura told her a little about what happened in the Forest of Death, but most of it was complaining that Naruto's words when he saved her were too annoying.

"You all know him, but he still uses such a ninjutsu. Only Naruto can do it. If it were anyone else, he would have been beaten into the hospital, right?"

Ino pouted a little, then looked at Sakura with shining eyes.

"By the way, does Naruto have a girlfriend?"


Sakura was startled when she heard that, and she really jumped back, then asked vigilantly.

"What do you want to do?!"

"Why are you reacting so strongly! Sakura, you already have Sasuke, do you still want to take it all?!"

Ino stared at Sakura with an unhappy face, and then quickly changed to an excited expression.

"Although Naruto is a little worse than Sasuke, that's just his personality problem. As long as he becomes more stable under my guidance, he will still be a very good resource!"

"We are sisters. You can't help me, right?"


Sakura was a little embarrassed when she heard this. She didn't know why, but she always felt reluctant to let others touch Naruto. It didn't matter whether they liked him or not, but little girls liked to be the one who was cared for the most, and Sakura was no exception.

Apart from anything else, if Naruto suddenly ignored her because of another woman, Sakura felt that she would be very disappointed at that time.

She looked up and down at Ino and said helplessly.

"If you are confident that you can beat Miss Nishikawa Kasumi."

"Who is Nishikawa Kasumi?" Ino shook her golden hair confidently.

"Is she more beautiful than this beautiful girl?"

"The owner of Kasumiya Bookstore, the noble lady of the Nishikawa family, her appearance and figure are all better than yours."

Sakura said expressionlessly.

"Yes, she is a super rich woman and beautiful girl who can only consider 1 million taels as pocket money instead of savings."

"So what?! Can emotional matters be measured with money?"

Ino swallowed her saliva and said with a lack of confidence.

"It's up to you."

Sakura shook her head speechlessly, then turned and left, leaving Ino who was still indulging in fantasy.

"Chaos! You didn't give me money!"

Ino heard the sound of the door being pushed open, and immediately reacted, chasing out in anger.


In a small forest on the outskirts of Konoha.

Under a huge old tree, there is a dark room of about twelve or thirteen square meters.

The secret room is very small, and the facilities are very simple. In fact, there are only some food and water supplies, plus a wooden bed and a small amount of daily necessities.

This is Hyuga Neji's secret base, and the layout is just like his personality, simple and lonely.

At this time, a week has passed since the preliminaries.

His injuries have completely recovered.

Apart from that, he occasionally returns to the tribe to show his face and prove that he is not missing.

He spends most of the rest of his time in this secret room.

"That person should not beAs for lying to me, if he wanted me to die, he wouldn't have said those extra words to me. "

Hinata Neji sat cross-legged on the bed, looking at the tube of dark liquid in his hand under his eyes.

If his guess is correct.

This tube of liquid should be some kind of serum, not some poison.

Combined with what the terrifying man said, it should be some kind of genetic serum that can make people "evolve".

It's just that I don't know what kind of serum it is.

Things at the genetic level have a very high degree of uncertainty. Hinata Neji actually doesn't know much about this kind of knowledge, and most of it was accidentally seen in the ninja school.

As for why he saw these things, it was simply because he was the head of his ninja school, and he had already learned the contents of the textbook.

These medical knowledge were also learned by him in order to more accurately grasp the weaknesses of the human body.

"Once this tube of unknown gene is injected, if everything goes well, you will indeed become another "person", but the risks are also very high. At the least, the body will undergo unknown alienation, and at the worst, the gene will collapse and die. "

"Moreover, the process is predictable and will be extremely painful. "

Life and death.

Is confinement and freedom.

What is true freedom?

Is it beautiful or cruel?

Perhaps I will get the answer when I am strong enough.

No matter how much the bird in the cage knows about the great principles of freedom, it is just an illusion.

What I pursue is... true freedom.


I didn't hesitate for too long.

Now his body and mind have reached the peak state.


Hyuga Neji made up his mind, and under the perspective of the Byakugan, he directly pierced the needle of genetic serum in his hand into the heart, and then slowly injected the serum completely.

Ah, ah--!!!

Almost at the same time, Neji, who didn't even frown when the needle pierced his heart, wailed in pain.

But he had long anticipated the pain, and before that, he put on a special brace to prevent biting his tongue because of the pain.

It's just obvious.

This pain is still a little beyond Neji's expectations.

"It's not time to faint yet. "

Ningji endured the pain that had surpassed the human stress response, and while the genetic drug had not yet spread throughout his body, he raised his hands little by little and began to make seals.

[Earth escape·Earth clone]

An earth clone that looked like Neji emerged from the ground.

Then, Neji commanded the sluggish earth clone to stab the nutrient solution beside him into his arm, and then tied himself tightly to the bed to prevent himself from dying in his own hands or starving to death due to some boring accidents.


The pain continued to increase, and it increased to the point that Neji's consciousness could no longer feel the pain.

I don't know how long it took, Neji only saw his vision suddenly shattered into several petals as if his eyes were broken, and finally fell into complete darkness.

ps: Rest tomorrow

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