"I don't know what happened, but the bastard who ordered Rukia to be arrested seems to be you, right?"

A ray of sharpness came from behind, and Aizen Sangyousuke turned his head, revealing half of his side face to look at the person who came. A strange color flashed in his eyes, and then he instantly converged.

"So it's you, Ichigo Kurosaki, you pawn... you did a good job."

Hearing this, Ichigo Kurosaki was furious. He was so arrogant that he had just learned the swastika, and the Zanpakutō swept out. Seeing the sharp edge, he was about to cut off Aizen Sousuke's head.

Aizen Soyousuke shook his head contemptuously and stretched out his arm indifferently.


Five fingers easily grabbed the blade of the Zanpakutō and held it tightly, Kurosaki Ichigo couldn't move.

"This, this... actually grabbed my Zanpakutō empty-handed?"

Kurosaki Ichigo widened his eyes, and said in a dazed expression. He looked at Aizen with a stunned expression, and his deadly eyes chilled his soul.

Aizen's expression was icy cold, the sharp edge of Jinghua Shuiyue swept out, and the air splashed with icy ripples.


Kurosaki Ichihu felt a pain in his chest, and a shocking wound suddenly appeared, which was instantly comparable to a captain-level death god. This casual gesture reminded everyone of the original dust-free.

It is also a knife to kill a captain-level death god, the so-called captain, in front of them, is as vulnerable as a chicken and a dog.

"Boom boom boom!"

The thick energy beam burst, and a tyrannical hurricane swept across the Soul Realm, the ground beneath the ground burst, and a figure swept out of it.


Jingle Chunshui, who was carrying the stone chair, landed safely, and put the sealed Wuchen to the ground.


Noticing that his body suddenly warmed a lot, Wuchen couldn't help but look up, his eyes that were sealed, saw the sun in a trance.


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Chapter 1152 Use evil to make evil [fourth more]

The appearance of Wuchen and Jingle Chunshui immediately pushed the atmosphere of the scene to another climax, and they all looked at the two unexpectedly.

"You should have died a few years ago? Why are you still alive now!"

The first person to come back to his senses, Aizen Soyousuke, said in surprise, forcing the shock in his heart to be suppressed. At the beginning, he saw Ichimaru Yin kill Wuchen with his own hands, and now he suddenly comes back to life with shocking eyeballs. How can he not be shocked?

Not only Aizen Sousuke was stunned, but the other captains were also so familiar with this face that they wanted to forget but could never forget, and were almost engraved in their hearts.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

The captains who were confronting the Daxu all fell to Jingle Chunshui, and said with a bad expression: "The leader of Jingle, why do you want to let this evil person out, you are disgusting that the soul world is not chaotic enough, and you want to speed up the destruction. speed?"

Hearing this, without waiting for Jingle Chunshui to answer, Wuchen turned his head and said, even if he couldn't see, he knew that this person was a broken bee through the domineering perception.

"Makes sense."

The paralyzed Kuchiki Byakuya nodded.

"team leader."

The Kuchiki Rukia, Hina Mori Tao, and Matsumoto Ranju were all surrounded by complex faces. If it wasn't for the dust-free, they might still be wandering around at the True Spiritual Art Institute now, and they could be regarded as the teachers of the three of them.

"It turned out to be the three of you... It's been a long time since I haven't seen you. It seems that you have made great progress." Aware of the three people's decent level of spiritual pressure, the corners of his mouth twitched, and Wu Chen said softly.

"Everyone, I can understand your dissatisfaction and resentment. I will naturally be willing to be punished in the future. However, the current corpse and soul world is in an unprecedented crisis stage. If I can survive this time, I will naturally be punished, but..."

Speaking of which, Jingle Chunshui looked at the vast void in the sky, extremely melancholy, and Ji Li'an who was still walking out of the black cavity, his heart fell to a trough.

Looking at Wuchen Jingle Chunshui, he pondered: "Using evil to defeat evil, I don't think there is anything wrong with this."

"Ah ah ah... You guys are really cunning, you want to use me as a gunman against Aizen Sosuke? At least you have to lift the seal on me, otherwise I can only be beaten passively, and your death gods may also be killed. All annihilated."

The words were very threatening, and they meant that they would not work until the seal was broken.

"No, I am firmly opposed. If the seal is released, who can control him? Don't forget the previous crisis!"

Toshiro Hitsugaya, the captain of the tenth division, said in an old-fashioned tone, not like a child at all.


Hearing this, Jingle Chunshui nodded, this worry is not unreasonable, people's hearts are separated from the belly, if Wuchen takes the opportunity to turn against the water, the now gradually defeated Corpse Soul Realm will definitely not be able to ponder the consequences.

"Then unseal the seal on his eyes!"

With bright eyes, Jingle Chunshui said decisively: "Even if we die, we have no choice. It is best to use his power to fight against Aizen Sosuke."

The captains were silent. Although they felt very uncomfortable, they knew that this was an undeniable fact. They could only go one way to the dark. Even if they knew that hell was ahead, they could only go forward.

"You can figure it out."

A faint smile appeared on the corner of Jingle Chunshui's dry mouth. Silence means approval, and now he reaches out and grabs the black bandage next to Wuchen's eyes.

"Humph! You can't let him go, when we don't exist!"

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