The diabolical voice descended, and the Zanpakutō that Dong Xian wanted swept towards several people, temporarily forcing the captains back, leaving only the dust-free and solitary bound in place.

"Jie Jie Jie Jie..."

Chilling laughter came from Wuchen's throat, and he looked closely, the black bandage that sealed his left eye had been torn off by Jingle Chunshui.

Purple eyes exposed to the air!


Dongxian was about to be furious, and he would never do anything, and the Zanpakutō wrapped around Yinhan's killing intent, raised the blade ruthlessly, and slashed straight at Wuchen's head.


The two powers of spiritual pressure and chakra in Wuchen's body were released. Even if his limbs were still sealed, it was not mere Dongxian who could hurt him.

"Ninety-six of the broken way..."

The silent spiritual pressure ran wild, and the fermented ground turned red, very hot, and a giant knife-shaped flame was printed on the charred ground.

"This is…"

The Zanpakutō, which Tōsen was about to fall, suddenly stagnated, staring at the ground under his feet in awe, remembering that the commander-in-chief almost killed Aizen Sousuke's ban~ Ji broke the road, and hurriedly backed away.

"Leave everyone, this is [a knife cremation]!"

The pupils shrank, Jingle Chunshui hurriedly drank, and at the same time he quickly backed away, his eyes widened to look at Wuchen, and he secretly cursed a lunatic.In order to break the seal, he even chose to use No. [-] to break the road to attack himself!

"Crimson with a knife!"

The blue sky turned crimson again, and the devastated Jingling Court opened again.The power of this move is beyond recognition, and the moment the fire broke out, all living beings, whether it was Death God or Daxu, were forced to retreat by the temperature of the world.

Including Aizen Sousuke.

"Boom boom boom!"

The crimson magma knife exploded, and the aftermath shattered the Daxu that had not yet had time to escape, including the black cavity connecting the Soul and Soul Realm and the virtual circle was also smashed in one fell swoop.

In front of a knife cremation, everything is worthless and fragile as paper.

In the distance, Lan Ran Sang Yousuke's face turned black, his fists clenched, and he felt an unprecedented shame and humiliation. Just now, he escaped from the battle, his old face was flushed, and his body didn't listen to the reaction just now!

"What kind of material is this ghost thing? It's so hard, so hard that it was hit head-on by [One Knife Cremation], and it didn't even do anything."

From the pillars of fire connecting the heavens and the earth, there was a dust-free whisper.


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Chapter 1153 He killed Aizen with one knife [fifth more]

Whether it was Da Xu or the God of Death, they were all stunned. The fire from the super-large fire column almost collapsed their spirits. They seemed to be walking in magma from a distance of several hundred meters.

And Wuchen, who was in the center, didn't even have the slightest reaction, and the whole person was calm and unscathed.The lonely tone of voice just now was clearly complaining that the power of "one-knife cremation" was too small to destroy the various seal props that bound him.

"You bastard!"

Dongxian was about to reveal his murderous intentions, and locked himself in the bathing fire pillar, but he was chatting and laughing, and his heart seemed to be smashed into pieces by someone with a knife, and it was extremely painful.

"Don't worry about this group of death gods, give me all my power to attack the sealed man."

Looking around at the boundless Daxu around him, Aizen Sangyousuke gave a grim order, pointing his finger at Wuchen. Nine times out of ten, all the captains of the Soul Society have seen his Jinghuashuiyue, and it is very simple to clean up, only in front of them. This pervert is the most difficult to deal with. He has clearly seen Jinghuashuiyue's liberation, but he is not affected by anything!


Daxu nodded one after another, and all responded to Wuchen with the most powerful tricks. He sat on a special stone chair and was sealed and unable to move. This is a natural living target.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

All kinds of phantom flashes danced in the sky, burying the entire sky, the sky above the Soul Realm was rendered colorful, and all kinds of phantom flashes blasted towards the dust-free.

"Rukia, do we need to help him?"

Looking at the sealed Wuchen, Kurosaki Ichigo's heart was bursting, disregarding the wound in his chest that was badly wounded by Aizen Sosuke, and said in a serious tone: "The guy called Aizen Sosuke is very strong, He just killed me with a knife."

Hearing this, Kuchiki Rukia glanced at Kurosaki Ichigo and said indifferently, "Really? But Captain Wuchen once killed Aizen Soyousuke with one knife."

Ichigo Kurosaki opened his mouth wide enough to shove a fist, and his head exploded instantly!

"If he could be killed by Xu Shan at will, it wouldn't have taken so much effort for the Soul Realm to capture him back then. His combat power surpasses that of the entire army of the [-]th Team of the Goddess." Jingle Chunshui said very cautiously, lowering the brim of his hat.

All the captains bowed their heads in thought. Although they were quite unhappy with what Jingle Chunshui said, it was undeniable that it was a fact.

"What's in this illuminating light?"

Disdainfully pouted, Wuchen's left eye suddenly widened, a domineering aura lifted into the sky, and the golden ripples visible to the naked eye spread like waves.

The overlord's domineering swept across the entire Jingling Court, and the incoming Void Flash exploded in the void before it touched Wuchen.

"Boom boom boom!"

A series of explosions went on and on, and all kinds of phantom flashes burst one after another. In just one minute, the sky above Soul Soul Realm did not stop. It was filled with the aftermath of various phantom flashes and explosions, becoming a forbidden place to bathe. The impact of the aftermath, only Wuchen seems to be nothing, and everyone else is retreating.

All the gods of death looked at An Ran's Wuchen with complex expressions, and they felt very uncomfortable. The captain died in battle, as if the backbone of the soul world was broken, and the captains lost their faith and felt extremely confused.

Looking at Wuchen's eyes, he secretly sighed, the dignity of the soul world needs a prisoner to defend it, which is ridiculous.

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