
In the scorched black smoke, there was a sudden burst of piercing roaring, and when I looked up, a big virtual head struck at an absolute speed like the speed of light.

He also held a shiny long gun in his hand.


Only the exposed half of the eye, that is, Samsara Shunyan, jumped a little glossy, and Wuchen teased: "As expected of Aizen Soyousuke's number one loyal lackey, oh, no, he is the number one loyal fan."

The virtual detection nerve and hearing are second to none. Ulquiorra could hear Wuchen's words clearly, and the spiritual pressure suddenly improved to a higher level, and the spiritual spear in his hand was even brighter.


The body that was swooping down suddenly stopped, and the long spear in his hand was thrown out.

"The gun of thunder!"

The spear tip beats the edge of lightning, and the sharp crackling sound is even more chilling, carrying Ulquiorra's anger towards Wuchen.

Both the number one lackey and the number one fan have deeply stabbed Ulquiorra's self-esteem.

Wuchen's eyes tightly locked on the falling long gun, and irregular black flames flashed across his eyes: "Amaterasu!"

A ray of black flames burned from the body of the Thunder Spear, and in the blink of an eye, it devoured the entire body of the gun, and when it was about to hit the dust, it was devoured by Amaterasu.


Ulquiorra opened his mouth, but he didn't take it back.

"You will be defeated in one fell swoop."

Wuchen muttered to himself, in a plain tone as simple as eating and drinking.

"Just based on your state?" Aizen Sangyousuke raised his tone and sneered: "Do you understand how many phantoms are in the Soul Realm now? I can tell you clearly that this number is inestimable, and you have to find an adjective to cover the coffin. There are thousands of words!"

"You can't do it, but that doesn't mean others can't do it."

Wuchen glanced at it, and snorted lowly from the corner of his mouth: "The treasure of the king!"

Thousands of ripples splashed in the void behind him, and then countless weapons of all kinds came out of it, and the sky behind Wuchen was dyed golden by the massive weapons.

One thousand, ten thousand, tens of thousands... It's like a bottomless pit, and there is an explosion of similar weapons!

No one knows the exact number, but on the great void that traverses the Soul World, there are hundreds of weapons of all kinds suspended above the head!

"Well, how many abilities does this guy have?"

Aizen Sangyousuke said dementedly, his eyes were burning with jealousy, and his eyes were full of jealousy when he looked at Wuchen. This fellow seems to be all-powerful, and there is no ability that he can't!


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Chapter 1154 Easily annihilated [sixth more]

All kinds of artifacts are scattered all over the sky above the Soul Soul Realm, and the sky is crushed. There are almost no edges connected to each other, and it looks like a large dark cloud from a distance.


Seeing this, Aizen Sangyoujie's hair dropped bead-sized beads of sweat, and finally no longer had the arrogant and arrogant appearance before, a pair of sullen eyes stared at the dust-free spinning, and an unprecedented sense of frustration erupted in his heart.

This damn guy was sealed, and just showing one eye made him powerless!

"Go to hell."

The lazy voice fell, and the fate of countless great virtuals was instantly decided, and all kinds of magic weapons and weapons wandering in the void all fell.

"Puff! Puff! Puff!"

"Ow ooh..."

Within half an hour, the sound of the body being smashed and the hysterical screams became the main theme of Jingling Court, sweeping the entire Soul Society along the wind and waves.

The infiltrating howl made their spirits almost collapse!

"How is this possible? What series of abilities does this guy control?"

Looking at the virtual circle army that was instantly defeated, all the captains were shocked and speechless, and a heart almost jumped out.Wuchen smashed the entire virtual circle by himself, how powerful is this?Whether the captain can do it is a question. After all, he is old, and his physical strength is much lower than that of the young and strong Wuchen.

And the most irresistible thing is that the dust-free at the moment is still sealed on the stone chair, and the strength exposed now is far from his heyday.

"This bastard..."

Aizen Soyousuke's face became more and more ugly, and he was holding the azure-blue bead in his hand, which was Bengyu.

"Bengyu was forcibly taken away, but his strength has not weakened, but has become stronger!"

Aizen Soyousuke gritted his teeth, and his teeth were about to be shattered, and there were dense bloodshots.Since he met Wuchen, his unfortunate career has begun. Now, the strength he has earned through hundreds of years of hard work is not as good as the tip of this guy's iceberg. How can he be reconciled?

"He's too dangerous, his eyes should be sealed too!"

Komamura Zuozhen said with hair all over his body, looking at the expressionless Wuchen, he always felt that this fellow was an absolute existence that was omnipotent, whether it was illusion, body, or kendo, or ghost and bondage. , The absolute strength shown by Wuchen made them ashamed.

"You're right, the seal of the eyes should not be removed. I'm sure that he can defeat this group of invading Daxu without using limbs and eyes. Just now, the Vastord named Ulquiorra is an example. ."

This time, Jingle Chunshui rarely agreed with Komamura Zuozhen's point of view. He thought it was no big deal to just show one eye, but now it seems that his previous thoughts were too naive.

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