The spiritual pressure in the body collapsed, Aizen Soyousuke's eyes focused on Wuchen, and his thumb pointed to the deep sky.

"Boom boom boom!"

It has to be said that Aizen Sousuke's Reiatsu is unbelievably powerful, and Achukas, who was close to him, was directly pressed to one knee, even Stark and Ulquiorra like Vastord His face changed greatly.

Relying on Reiatsu alone makes them unable to resist. The so-called Vastord, in front of Aizen Souyou, is simply a baby in the swaddle, not worth mentioning!

"Vaguely revealed..."

Aizen Soyousuke began to chant heavily, and every time he uttered a word, the sky darkened.

"This is a great opportunity."

Staring at the Great Void Fragment falling behind Ulquiorra and Stark, the distance is just right for that spell.The purple eyes stared lightly, and Wuchen shouted in a low voice, "Heavenly Hand Power!"

Even the characteristic stone chair with the seal suddenly appeared behind Ulquiorra and Stark!

"Lord Aizen is so powerful that he can suppress us by being close to Reiatsu."

Ulquiorra's respectful eyes were full of admiration and fanaticism, and even ignorant of loyalty. In his eyes, he might have regarded Aizen Sousuke as a god.

"Yes, Aizen-sama is the guiding light sent by God to guide the virtual circle forward!"

The Daxu who have suffered from the collapse of jade are grateful for the reversal of Aizen, and they are full of endless fanaticism.

"Ah ah ah... I'm so sorry, your god is about to fall!"

Hearing that, a kind of great imaginary people are all ghosts and gods, looking at the dust-free floating in the void, all of them feel that the world view is collapsed, and their IQ is not enough.

This fellow was obviously sealed, and he was dragging a huge stone chair, but it moved silently, not to mention for the time being, just like moving in space.

Glancing at Lan Ran Suo Youjie lightly, Wu Chen murmured softly, "The Ninety Black Coffins of Destruction!"

Time and space were distorted, revealing the depths of the cold and dark universe, from which a black, strange light emerged, and almost instantly blocked Aizen Soyousuke.

"Puff! Puff! Puff!"

The sharp shadowless blade pierced through Aizen Sousuke's body, and even his internal bones were chopped up, and there was a crackling sound.

Aizen Suoyousuke's body suddenly hurt, just as Wuchen said just now, the whole person began to fall slowly, and instantly lost the ability to fight again.

"Lord Aizen!"

Seeing this, the broken-faced younger brother of Lan Ran Suo Youji let out a mournful cry, and they all rushed towards Wuchen with red eyes.

"These idiots have been brainwashed, and the so-called Vastord's head is not very bright."

This group of Daxu who rushed towards Wuchen, including Ulquiorra, the confidant of Aizen Sosuke, drew their knives and waved them coldly at Wuchen.

"Good opportunity, take this opportunity to arrest them all!"

Seeing this, Jingle Chunshui issued orders in a drastic and extreme manner, which was the complete opposite of his usual condescending behavior.


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Chapter 1155 Defeated [First More]

Everyone knows the truth of taking advantage of your illness to kill you, and Jingle Chunshui, who is comparable to an old fox, is the first to seize this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and take the opportunity to attack Lanran Souyousuke.

"a bunch of idiots!"

Witnessing the hordes of big virtuals attacking, Wuchen shouted, and the boundless repulsion scattered.

"Super Shen Luo Tianzheng!"

The devastating impact came, and all the life forms within a few kilometers were fatally hit. The powerful ones were directly crushed into powder, and their ashes were scattered all over the world of corpses and souls.

"It's so strong, it really is the most perverted." Kurosaki Ichigo envied, with a touch of rare respect in his tone.

His eyes moved and fell on Aizen Soyousuke who was instantly killed. Kurosaki Ichigo was full of awe. At first, he thought that what Kuchiki Rukia said was nonsense, but now it seems that what he said is true.Aizen Sosuke can instantly kill himself, but Wuchen can instantly kill Aizen Sosuke!

Killing the captain-level Shinigami with a snap of his fingers, such a strong strength surpassed the cognition of Kurosaki Ichigo.

"If this kid knew that it was me who killed his parents, I don't know if this would be the case."

Out of the corner of his eyes, he turned around Kurosaki Ichigo, and Wuchen muttered to himself.

"Black Void Flash!"

The black afterglow from hell came in front. The giant beam was extremely powerful. The sharp edge of the light and the power that made the soul shudder.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

The black light passed through the shadows, and after a long journey, the final locked shadow was dust-free.

"It came just fine."

Seeing this, there was a flash of aura in Wuchen's eyes, not only did he not resist, but uncharacteristically used his will to control his body and slammed into the black phantom.

"Boom boom boom!"

The power of the virtual flash all hit Wuchen, and the power was enough to kill the captain in seconds. The surrounding space was distorted, and the characteristic stone chair floating in the sky, and Wuchen were not hurt in any way.

"What the hell is this thing made of? It's so solid."

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