"Kurosaki Ichigo...do you have anything else to do?"

In the first team's dormitory, the captains all went back separately, only Kurosaki Ichigo stood still, neither speaking nor answering Wuchen's questions.

"This kid..."

Wuchen stared at Kurosaki Ichigo, who was a little embarrassed, and saw that he was holding the Zanpakutō tightly, his face full of unwillingness... Seeing this scene, he guessed something in a trance, and joked: "Do you want me? training you?"

Hearing this, Ichigo Kurosaki couldn't help but glanced in surprise, then directly admitted: "Yes, I hope the captain can train me."

"My mother and father were both killed. I must have enough strength to protect my sister, and bring the prisoner to justice. I must let him pay with blood!" Kurosaki Ichigo clenched his fist and said unwillingly, referring to the prisoner. When the word is two, it is even more fierce with gnashing teeth, full of rare madness.

Wuchen was uncomfortable, whoever made Kurosaki Ichigo's enemy was him.

"I don't have time to train you, and I don't know how to train you. The only way I can tell you is to talk less and focus more on fighting!"

Train an enemy to kill yourself?Only an idiot would do it!

However, Kurosaki Ichigo obviously did not give up and insisted: "The captain only needs to play against me. Only by finding a suitable opponent can I improve."

"A suitable opponent?"

Hearing this, a trace of contempt flashed in Wuchen's eyes, and the current Kurosaki Ichigo was as small as a grain of sand to him.

"Go to Zeraki, I believe he is willing to compete with you, as Kenpachi of the Soul Society..."

"I've already played against him, and we're a little better!" Ichigo Kurosaki said loudly, with a clear arrogance in his tone.

Seeing this, Wuchen secretly said: "This kid seems to have won a captain, so he doesn't know the sky is high." He didn't have time to mess around with Kurosaki Ichigo, so he continued to shirk; "Then you go to the world, I believe that Aizen will soon follow. Soyousuke will send someone to investigate the situation in this world."

With a wave of his hand, Wuchen planned to leave, but Ichigo Kurosaki didn't know what to do, and his next rash move immediately angered Wuchen.


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Chapter 1160 You are too far away [sixth more]

Kurosaki Ichigo resolutely pulled out his giant Zanpakutō and blocked his way in front of Wuchen, with a resolute expression on his face, as if he would not give up until his goal was achieved.

"Ichigo Kurosaki, you are playing with fire."

Wuchen, who looked bad, said, with a warning in his tone, and said, "I am the commander-in-chief of Soul Soul Realm. What you are doing is equivalent to fighting the entire Soul Soul Realm."

However, the unstoppable Ichigo Kurosaki did not appreciate it, and said in a resolute tone with no remorse, "I also ask the commander-in-chief to enlighten me, and I will definitely do my best to—"

"Boom boom boom!"

Before the words could be heard, a tyrannical impact swept away Kurosaki Ichigo arrogantly. He was like a willow branch and was worthless. Wuchen didn't even make a move.


The walls of the first team burst in the blink of an eye, and Ichigo Kurosaki collapsed into it, his face stunned.

"You didn't make a move?"

Kurosaki Ichigo said dumbfoundedly, his tone was somewhat earth-shattering, and there was a huge sense of frustration in his heart that he had never felt before.

"The gap between us is so big. With your strength, it is impossible to catch up with me, let alone train you, so you should give up."

Wuchen, who stood with his hands behind his back, struck indifferently, mocking him with a light tone of being overly capable.

"Can't catch up with your body? Not necessarily!"

With a look on his face, Kurosaki Ichigo crossed the heavy space, and almost in a breath, he came to Wuchen, and his sturdy big hand grabbed towards Wuchen's face.

Seeing this, Wuchen did not hide or avoid, six huge light belts attacked from all directions, and the corner of his mouth murmured: "The sixty-one-six sticks of the Binding Dao Light Prison!"

The rays of light gathered directly, and Kurosaki Ichigo's movements were instantly stopped, unable to move.

"Bound Dao?"

After being a Shinigami for a few months, Ichigo Kurosaki is not a little white who knew nothing at the time, and said quietly: "Last time Kuchiki Byakuya used this kind of thing when he went to catch Rukia in this world."

"It's useless to me, I won't fall down twice with the same trick!"

As soon as he bit his teeth, he tore the "Six-Stand Light Prison" with all his strength, but the effect was very small, even negligible. After twisting for a long time, the Six-Stand Light Prison showed no signs of loosening. Red gasped.

"This, how is this possible? It's all the same trick, why can I break through Kuchiki Byakuya's bondage, but cannot break through the guy's bondage?" Kurosaki Ichigo muttered to himself in amazement.

"The reason is simple."

Wuchen looked at the struggling Kurosaki Ichigo calmly, and said very calmly: "Because I am the chief captain, Kuchiki Byakuya is only the captain of the sixth division, and the reason is so simple."

Although they are all captains, Wuchen is not comparable to Kuchiki Byakuya. This is the case in all aspects. Death God "kills ghosts and fights". Every item of Wuchen has reached the peak level. Kuchiki Byakuya is naturally incomparable. On him, the two sides are completely different, there is a huge difference.

Kurosaki Ichigo's face was extremely ugly, and he looked at Wuchen who was close at hand, but he couldn't reach the distance.

"Let it go, it's too far away, the so-called training is really reluctant, it's only a one-sided crushing." Wuchen ruthlessly shattered Kurosaki Ichigo's self-esteem, I thought this kid would just give up, but he continued instead. Erupting Reiki within the body.

"No, this kid isn't talking about training, he actually just wants to test the gap between himself and me."

Seeing through the purpose of Kurosaki Ichigo, the color of Wuchen flashed across his eyes, Aizen Sou Yousuke designed to hurt Kuchiki Rukia and his companion, it is estimated that he wanted to use Wuchen To measure the gap between himself and Aizen Sou.

A huge Reiatsu erupted from his body, and Kurosaki Ichigo's appearance changed dramatically.

"Unlock the Heavenly Lock and Slash the Moon!"

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