The Zanpakutō was reduced several times and turned into a straight sword. The body of the sword was dark and long, and it was very elegant, reflecting the resolute face of Kurosaki Ichigo.

"If you don't give this kid some color, he really doesn't know how much he weighs."

With a chilled expression, Wuchen immediately responded fiercely. Some people only know how bad they are by beating him.


After the swastika, Kurosaki Ichigo's strength has been enhanced by the dimension, and the six light belts formed by the six-stick light prison have already shown signs of damage.

"Boom boom boom!"

The spirit pressure swept away forcefully, the light all over his body vanished, and the eagle falcon's pressing eyes looked at the dust-free, and the momentum climbed to the limit, like a ferocious wolf rushing towards him.

"You have to ask yourself for trouble. The Soul Society doesn't expect you to deal with Aizen Sosuke, and the future of the Soul Society cannot be in the hands of an outsider like you, Ichigo Kurosaki..."

No one has given him the solution to Aizen Susuke. As a human being, it is really difficult for him to destroy Aizen, especially after secretly killing his parents, this kid dangles in front of his eyes every day. Feeling unusually unwell.


Looking up, the icy Zanpakutō descended from the sky, sharp enough to stab people in the eye.

"Clang clang!"

The sharp edge slammed into Wuchen's left shoulder, and Ichigo Kurosaki was shocked. Under his anger, he didn't hold back at all. He was completely in his full strength. He thought that Wuchen would be severely damaged. difference.

Immediately after the Zanpakutō fell on Wuchen's body, a huge force sent Kurosaki Ichigo's bullets flying.


Kurosaki Ichigo's arm went numb and trembled so much that he couldn't even hold the Zanpakutō and fell directly to the ground. It was clearly slashing the human body, but it gave him a kind of slashing in meteorites and diamonds. The illusion of hard objects.


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Chapter 1161 Open?It's useless [First Update]

Kurosaki Ichigo was extremely shocked. He didn't expect Wuchen to be so strong. It would be fine if he raised his hand to kill the captain. The hardness of his body was like a golden steel bone, which was invincible. Any attack would not cause substantial damage to him.

Staring at Wuchen An Zhiruo's unchanging expression, Ichigo Kurosaki suddenly had the illusion that his full-strength blow just now seemed to be a tickling to Wuchen, without the slightest feeling.

No pain, no itching, as if nothing happened.

"Now do you know the gap between us? One is in the sky and the other is on the ground. The sky and the earth will never be on the same level."

A sentence was like a thunderclap, and it instantly hit Kurosaki Ichigo hard, which was more uncomfortable than killing him. His eyes were dazed, and the hands holding the Zanpakutō were obviously stained with sweat.

Incompetent voices rushed into every corner of his mind, stimulating the nerves of Kurosaki Ichigo.

"Jie Jie Jie... Leave it to me, one household, and I will help you shred that bastard who underestimated you."

A cold, hoarse and arrogant voice suddenly appeared in his brain, very arrogant and arrogant, and everyone was an ant worthless to him.

Ichigo, who was in a state of sluggishness, nodded uncontrollably, and then a strange white mask appeared on his face. At the same time, the air around him rapidly cooled, cold and biting, as if he had been stripped and thrown to the Antarctic Continent, his soul trembled.

"Hoo ho ho ho..."

The neighing that belonged to the beast spread, and everyone who heard it trembled and their hair stood on end.

"This Reiki seems to be..."

Carefully feeling the subtle changes in this spiritual pressure, the dust-free face loosened a little.


Seeing Wuchen's expression loosen, Kurosaki Ichigo's first thought was that Wuchen was afraid, and the consciousness of resistance instantly subsided, and the murderer hidden in the body was completely released.

"It's really you."

Staring at the white textured mask on Kurosaki Ichigo's face, Wuchen secretly despised: "If you can't beat it, hang it up. This is really similar to Kurosaki Ichigo's style."

"Oh it's you!"

Seeing Wuchen, Kurosaki Ichigo muttered in surprise, quite surprised.At this moment, his consciousness was completely replaced by the great void in his body, and the person who is talking to Wuchen now must be the void in his body.

"It's rare. You, a monster created by Aizen Soyousuke, are of average strength and have a good memory. You were beaten to the core by me a few years ago. I didn't expect you to transfer to Kurosaki Ichigo and still know me."

The dust-free eyes were smiling, and the violent wind and waves were blowing in front of him, and the black and broken hair kept dancing.

The big void hidden in Kurosaki Ichigo's body, that is, the void white, the complexion changed, the eruption of the spiritual pressure became more dense, and the ground was shaking.

At the beginning, Xubai was easily beheaded by Wuchen, but his spiritual pressure did not disappear. Because he bit Kurosaki Yixin, the power of the two merged into one, and now it is inevitable to inherit it to Kurosaki Ichigo.

"I want you to die!"

The virtualized Ichigo roared, the flames soared into the sky, the old and new hatreds were superimposed, and his strength increased endlessly.

"The crescent moon rushes into the sky!"

At the moment when the blade sprang out, the weak light instantly increased several times, and swallowed it towards Wuchen with the momentum of a whale. The slashing edge was powerful enough to destroy a mountain.Like the huge mouth of the abyss that cannot be seen materialized, the slightest contamination will be annihilated.

"It's not a big deal to burst out of the spiritual pressure!"

With open palms, Wuchen rushes up directly!

"Bang bang bang!"

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