The small hand, which seems to be more delicate than a woman's skin, is surprisingly powerful. I saw that the incoming black slash was directly caught by Wuchen with one hand, and it was tightly grasped and unable to move the slightest.


The sound of wear and tear came, and the provocative "Crescent Moon Sky Chong" hit the dust-free sharply, and even due to the excessive force, the dust-free palms were bursting with dense sparks!

"sucker Punch."

Glancing at the substantive slash in his hand, Wuchen's five fingers suddenly folded together, and then he exerted force, the roaring impact stopped immediately, and the whole world returned to peace.

"Bang bang bang!"

The huge black slash disintegrated, turned into inch of black light scattered all over the sky, the scene is quite beautiful, like snow.


A murderous cold light came from the left side, and the murderous intent contained was thrilling. The place where the blade slashed, all would condense a layer of cold ice.

"Don't let go of murderous aura when attacking people, idiot!"

Shaking his head and sighing, a dazzling golden light flashed out: "Laser!"


The straight beam of light hit Huang~long, and when the blade of Zanpakutō was about to penetrate Wuchen's head, the big virtual mask hit by the golden light turned into countless particles.

The blade also stagnated, just an inch away from the dust-free eyes.


The blurred mask was destroyed, and Kurosaki Ichigo also regained consciousness, but he didn't even have the strength to support his body, so he could only lie on the ground and admire himself.

The eyeballs that flickered with shocking light from time to time were reminiscing about the previous battle.

"Bang bang bang!"

There was a tremor in the corridor, and most of the gods of death rushed over to surround the fallen Kurosaki Ichigo, all staring at him fiercely.

"How dare you do something to the commander-in-chief? Human beings are so courageous!"

The team members who arrived were stern and fierce, and their fierce eyes could not wait to slaughter Kurosaki Ichigo.In the crisis a while ago, Wuchen was equivalent to saving the life of the entire corpse and soul world, and everyone respected and obeyed him.

"The world of corpse souls has turned out a heresy like you, and attacked the commander-in-chief. I don't know how high the sky is!" The god of death who came here rolled up his sleeves, as if he wanted to teach Kurosaki Ichigo a lesson.

"It was a misunderstanding."

Mercy glanced at Kurosaki Ichigo, Wuchen closed his eyes, waved his hand and said, "Send him to the Fourth Division for treatment."


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Chapter 1162 Mao Zhihualie's concern [Second]

The Shinigami who wanted to teach Kurosaki Ichigo a lesson all stopped, and their sleeves rolled down again. After hearing that Wuchen was covering up Kurosaki Ichigo, they also gave up their plan to beat Kurosaki Ichigo.

Reluctantly, he carried Kurosaki Ichigo to the fourth division.

"Dare to attack the captain, and when his injury heals, he will be maimed."

"Hmph, if it wasn't for the captain, we might have died a long time ago. This guy who didn't know what to do was also there at the time. If it wasn't for the captain, this kid might have perished. Now that he knows the law and breaks the law, the crime is one more class!"

"If the commander-in-chief hadn't ordered us to send him to the Fourth Division for treatment, I would have perished with him now!"


The chaotic and angry shouts echoed back and forth, and finally all fell into the ears of the dust-free.This group of death gods seems to have been brainwashed, showing a deadly loyal attitude towards Wuchen.

No difference from a fanatical religious person.

"Inadvertently, I'm taking advantage of you, idiot."

Sitting in a chair bored, looking up at the monotonous ceiling, smacking his lips without dust, feeling speechless for this group of death gods, when they can use you, they will offer you as a biological father, worthless At that time, it is the target of all the people who are scorned and abused.

"You have won everyone's sympathy, but you are still complaining. You are not greedy enough to swallow an elephant."

A pleasant voice broke into both ears, Wuchen deliberately stern face, followed the source, a figure came in a blink of an eye, and muttered dissatisfied: "It is a big crime to break into the first team without permission, You must be punished, Captain Unoka!"

"Sitting in the position of commander-in-chief, my temper has also grown." Walking gracefully in front of Wuchen, Uzhihualie chuckled with ridicule.

The seductive body fragrance hits the nostrils, and Wuchen suddenly becomes distracted and distracted, staring straight at Mao Zhihualie, her invisible charm is like a deadly poison.

Even though she knew that this woman was a rose with thorns, Wuchen couldn't help but want to touch her graceful figure.

"Ouch, it hurts."

A big hand suddenly attacked from the side, slackly hugged the unexpected Uzhihualie, and pulled him into her arms arrogantly, and the other hand slid into her clothes.

"Don't be fooled, this is the first team!"

Mao Zhihualie panicked, her pretty face flushed, and at the same time, she looked around suspiciously, for fear that a spoiler would come at this time.

"Don't worry, all of my fanatical fans have gone to your fourth team. Now that the first team doesn't even have a ghost, who will care about the two of us. Besides, this captain has always been open-minded and never mind the situation."

Wuchen's eyes jumped up and down, as if he was choosing which position to attack Uno Hanaritsu from.


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