Mao Zhihualie's face was red, and he regretted that he was just joking with Wuchen. Who would have guessed that he was actually doing a fake show, and Mao Zhihualie, who was caught off guard for a while, could only let it go.

"So despicable."

Mao Zhihua, who can't really fight against the dust, is dissatisfied and complained, and his tone is full of unwillingness: "You can only get my people, but not my heart."

"Who wants your heart, I just want your people!" Shrugging, Wuchen said indifferently.

In one sentence, Mao Zhihua Lie almost fell down, she turned her head and stared at Wuchen indignantly, the cynical smile on her face fell into Mao Zhihualie's eyes, and she knew Wuchen did it on purpose.

"What's the matter, Lie."

Stopping the movements at hand, Wuchen hugged Uzhihua Lie steadily, his emotions changed in the blink of an eye, and his steady voice sounded very serious and confident.

"What an incomprehensible guy."

Uno Hana Lie restrained his thoughts and said bluntly: "I found out that Kurosaki Ichigo's companion, Inoue Orihime, her ability is very special and magical, if possible, she might be able to use his ability to lift the seal on you. "

Wuchen couldn't help but stagnate when he heard the words, the strange color in his eyes flashed away, and asked: "Lie, you came to me just for this?"

Mao Zhihualie glanced at Wuchen strangely, her face couldn't help but raise a strange look, and she questioned: "Of course, after all, you are threatened by the group of zero team, since I choose to spend time with you on the same boat, I will sincerely Really help you."

The voice fell, Wuchen did not answer, but the waist holding Uzhihualie was tighter, and the two were almost stuck together.

"Lie, I'm sorry, it's my fault to make you worry..."

Wuchen sincerely apologized, and immediately said without concealment: "Don't worry, there is no seal in this world that can bind me, and it is just the wishful thinking of Team Zero to make me obedient. They are too self-righteous."

Hearing this, Mao Zhihualie couldn't help frowning, her bright eyes flashed with doubts, and when she was about to speak to discourage her, Wuchen's calm eyes were like a peerless medicine, soothing the worries in her heart, I don't know why she suddenly became enlightened .


Mao Zhihua's head was fiercely raised, her white lower head tapped lightly, and her worries also disappeared. It is not surprising that a person who is equivalent to a miracle in itself can perform miracles.

Wuchen had been sealed before, and in the end, he was still flying.

"Whether you believe it or not, I am immortal, and they can't limit me at all."

Although the voice is very light, it sounds more like a joke, but Luo Zhihualie is really firm, giving people the feeling of full of confidence.

"What an exquisite Reiatsu."

At this moment, the decent spiritual pressure fluctuations spread quietly, like a breeze that silently enveloped the Soul Realm. The faint energy fluctuations were mixed with the wind and waves, and even the captain-level Death God might not be able to detect it.


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Chapter 1163 Great Void Killer [Chapter Three]

There is no perfect trick in the world. Although the spiritual pressure of this sudden invasion is very subtle, Wuchen is quite aware of it. After all, his own strength is there.


With his head lowered, Uzhihualie was also very strange, holding a puzzled look and looking quite cute.

"Let's go and have a look. At this time, I, the captain, should come forward to suppress the situation."

He patted his chest, smiled proudly, and was very arrogant. He kicked Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai Shigekuni from the position of commander-in-chief and replaced him by himself. Many people have thought about this kind of thing, but he can really do it. of people have not yet.

"Go on your own, there are still a lot of things in the fourth division waiting for me to deal with. I can only cure the Kurosaki Ichigo just now. You, the captain, have a childish mentality." , with the meaning of complaining.

"That brat is overthinking his own abilities. If you want to use my strength to measure the strength of Aizen Sousuke, he is extremely stupid. Not killing him is considered to give him face."

Wuchen disapproved and said, if it were placed in the past, Kurosaki Ichigo might have been dismembered long ago, and he still wants to challenge others despite his own strength, which is a capital crime in itself.

"I'll leave first, to see who the little devil who is peeping at the Soul Realm is."


In the sky above the Soul Corpse Realm, two figures stood, barely acquainted.

"Hey hey hey... Ulquiorra, is that guy really as scary as you said? I feel that Aizen-sama deliberately lied to us, I must be afraid that we will be careless when we face the Soul Society, so he made up an enemy out of thin air. Come out, the purpose is to let us proceed with caution."

The sturdy broken face affirmed, blinking his eyes, looking like I was very smart.Ulquiorra just kept silent, without even looking at him, deliberately releasing a weak Reiatsu to sweep across the Soul Realm.

There are only a handful of people who truly feel Ulquiorra Reiatsu.

"Hey, that guy is here, I have to crush him and let him know how good Mr. Yami is!" Shaking his giant fist, Yami was full of confidence, "I don't believe that someone in this world can defeat Aizen. My lord, the news of the defeat must have been fabricated out of thin air by those scoundrels."


Unable to bear the chattering of Yami, Ulquiorra turned his head and said bluntly, "The group of scoundrels you mentioned includes me..."

"And you? Impossible! You are Vastord! How could you be a scumbag?" At the end of his words, Yami was confused, and then he showed a sly smile, like you were joking and teasing me.

"Because the defeated minions you mentioned include me and, of course, Aizen-sama."

Yami was stunned for a moment, sweat dripped, and looked around suspiciously, as if looking for whether Aizen Soyousuke would suddenly come out and kill him.

"I just said how familiar Reiatsu is, no wonder it's the two of you."

In front of Yami, the light surging, condensed into a dust-free body, looked at Yami and Ulquiorra carefully, and Wuchen asked incomprehensibly: "Why are you coming to the Soul World? Are you dying?"

After speaking, Wuchen released his murderous aura.

"What's up with this bastard? How many people did he kill!"

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