Yami roared in shock and anger, and instinctively looked at Ulquiorra, only to see that his face was full of depression and fear, and even the depths of those green eyes were dotted with some unprecedented fear.

"Captain Yuori turned out to be [One]. Could it be that this guy is the strongest captain? No, I remember someone said that the captain of the Soul Society was a very old man."

Tetsuya said with a puzzled face.

The eyes looking at Wuchen are also very strange, and he can't feel his spiritual pressure. This person is small and withered, and the first impression is that he is terminally ill.

"Boy, who are you?"

Yami, who didn't understand for a long time, asked impatiently, his tone of voice was irritable and raging, and a pair of Tongling-sized eyes stared at Wuchen, his huge fist raised high, it seemed that he would not give him a satisfaction. The answer is immediate and dust-free.


Pointing to his face, Wuchen teased: "I advise you not to know who I am, or you will feel uncomfortable."

"Just you?"

Hearing this, Yami, who had a bad temper, laughed in anger, and his fist was suddenly covered with a layer of crimson brilliance. Just as he was about to blast out, Ulquiorra's next action shocked Yami.

I saw him take a few steps forward, and immediately bowed towards Wuchen ninety degrees: "Master Wuchen, Master Aizen has something for me to pass on to you!"

Call a Death Lord?

Yami suddenly felt his head spinning, staggered, and almost fell to the ground.

Just when he was about to ask why, Yami suddenly rang a name that has been popular recently in the virtual circle - the big virtual killer!

"You shouldn't be the [Great Void Killer], I heard that many broken faces of the Ten Blades were buried in your hands, and even the former King of the Void Circle, Baileganglu, was killed by you."

Yami's eyes changed obviously. He looked at Wuchen like a monster, and he was no longer arrogant. He even heard Wuchen's shocking record, and his body retreated uncontrollably behind Ulquiorra.

"Big Void Killer? That's a good title."

Wuchen nodded earnestly, although he didn't know what the Ten Blades Yami was referring to, but one thing was certain, he killed the one in Balegang!

"To be honest, this rash visit to the corpse soul world is actually entrusted by Aizen-sama, and I hope to participate in the grand event with Wuchen-sama..."

Ulquiorra's expression was humble, and his tone was respectful. In a world where the strong are respected, there are no racial divisions.


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Chapter 1164 The broken face and ten blades of collapse [fourth more]

Looking at the restrained Ulquiorra with great interest, Wuchen laughed dumbly.

"Participate in the grand event?"

As if hearing the biggest joke in the world, Wuchen pouted his lips disdainfully, "Dragon doesn't live with snakes, that kid is famous for being mean and shameless, he must have no good intentions."

Wuchen's blatant taunt made Ulquiorra and Yami both have unnatural expressions on their faces, and they twitched vaguely, but they couldn't help but dare not attack.

It is really hateful to ridicule the boss of Aizen in front of the two of them!

"Lord Aizen is sincere."

The eldest man overcame the fear in his heart, looked at Wuchen with piercing eyes, and said with a frenzy: "After unifying the whole world, we can..."


The golden edge roared, and it was infinitely powerful and difficult to capture.

"So fast!"

Yami was shocked when he saw this. This was not very impressive. It only had a light beam as thick as a thumb, but it gave a very dangerous feeling. Considering the power of this firefly light, Yami resolutely stepped back sideways.


The spiritual pressure under his feet erupted, and when he was about to dodge back, Ya Mi felt a tingling pain in his arm, and cried out in pain, his expression pale as snow.

There is already a burnt hole on his right arm!

"It is undeniable that your speed is very fast, or the speed of breaking your face is very fast, but compared with me, you are still too tender."

Both Yami and Ulquiorra were slightly discolored.

"You bastard...."

Just when Yami couldn't bear it any longer and was about to burst into a Reiatsu, Ulquiorra resolutely stood in front of him.This is the realm of corpses, and if you move your hands, you will suffer.

"Lord Aizen is willing to join hands with you. After success, we will join forces to divide the whole world equally." Ulquiorra changed her tone with endless temptation.

However, Wuchen smiled disdainfully, and his backhand was a huge flash of light: "The Eighty-Eighth Flying Dragon Strikes Thief Thunder Cannon!"

"This guy... doesn't know what to do!"

Staring at the thick flash of light that cut through the void, Ulquiorra's characterization was, at this moment, a flaming flame was burning in his green eyes.

He and Yami have lowered their posture and posture, Wuchen not only did not have the slightest sense of friendship, but instead fought over a trivial matter.


Aware of the flashing edge, Yami and Ulquiola didn't dare to be too big, and they avoided the edge of the sky and turned to attack from two different directions.


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