I remembered the roar of Zanpakutō coming out of the body, and two rays of light, one red and one blue, attacked back and forth.

"As expected of the subordinates of Aizen Sosuke, he chose to kill people if he didn't agree with him, which is very close to his own accident style, but the only flaw is that compared with Aizen Sosuke, you are too weak in strength. Far."

At the same time as Chakrabengteng was raging, Wuchen did not forget to ridicule the two of them and said contemptuously, "Your Aizen-sama is actually just a clown who plays tricks and tricks."

These words were like a blade penetrating into the bodies of the two of them, destroying their bodies and spirits, and the two of them invariably erupted into stronger spiritual pressure fluctuations.

"You two idiots are so naive, Aizen Suo Yusuke is not my opponent, let alone the two of you, the small world in the virtual circle is your territory, put it on the stage of the world, the two of you too fragile."

Energy fluctuations poured out of the body, transparent ripples spread, and at the moment when Ulquiorra and Yami wanted to smash themselves, a transparent air hood suddenly formed.

"Shen Luo Tianzheng!"

The invisible ripples contracted, forming a hard sphere, forming a perfect defense of three hundred and sixty degrees, with no dead ends.

"Deal with him together!"

Xun Yami and Ulquiorra looked at each other and exchanged glances quickly. The Reiatsu began to increase sharply, and the strength of the Zanpakutō in his hand gradually increased and deepened.


A spider web-like crack suddenly appeared in the air hood defense, and as the strength of the two men increased endlessly, the crack engulfed the entire sphere formed by the Shen Luo Tianzheng.

"Bang bang bang!"

After a second, the defense circle exploded and shattered, and the two Zanpakutō crossed and smashed into pieces at the same time.

"Cut, that's all, that's all, I'm looking forward to it." Boringly restraining the spiritual pressure, Yami said with contempt in front of his arms.

There are too many people who don't live up to their names these days.

Seeing this, Ulquiorra was on the verge of an enemy, his nerves were tense, his eyes swept suspiciously, and Vastord's detection ability was stretched to the limit.

I have been fortunate enough to play against Wuchen once, and I know that he will never be wiped out so easily.This means that it is absolutely impossible for a Vastord to be killed by Kilian.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

Sure enough, it was precisely at this moment that the vast sky was extremely dark, especially at the feet of Yami and Ulquiorra.

"The me you killed was just a shadow clone."

Glancing at the two people who were in a daze, Wuchen finally revealed the ruthless truth.

"Xianfa Ming Shenmen!"

"Boom boom boom!"

Massive hordes of mahogany crushed the sky, the pitch black seemed to suppress the whole world, and the hail of bullets mercilessly annihilated Ulquiorra and Yami,

Wuchen keenly found that the Reiatsu of one of them disappeared instantly.

"Being hit by [Ming Shenmen], he can still survive and barely save half his life. Although it is extremely embarrassing, it is commendable."

Looking at the group of pieces on the ground, Wuchen said with a secret smile: "The war has not yet broken out, and the so-called Ten Blades seems to be close to being wiped out."


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Chapter 1165 Aizen's Hatred [Fifth More]


Recommend a divine book that I just saw, it is absolutely powerful - "Hokage Super Farm", it is absolutely powerful, friends who like it may wish to support it, thank you very much! ! !


As for Ulquiorra, luck is obviously better, of course, it has to do with his carefulness and physical ability. Even if his limbs are crushed and destroyed by the strength of Myojinmen, he can still run freely and even regenerate.

And Yami was obviously a tragedy. The huge body was directly smashed by Rashomon. The most shocking thing was that Mingshenmen seemed to have an invisible big mouth and absorbed all his corpse.

Even Ulquiorra, who was used to seeing strong winds and waves, saw this scene, his face changed slightly, and his expression was unnatural.


Seeing Wuchen's quick-witted seal again, Ulquiorra suddenly realized that something was wrong in his heart, remembering the things that Aizen Soyousuke had delivered before, and immediately took out two photos and threw them to Wuchen.

"Vientiane Tianyin."

Wuchen frowned slightly, looking at the photo that was off track, and sucked it in with one hand, and then looked at the two lively girls in the photo, the palm of his hand swept out the Reiatsu uncontrollably, shaking it into pieces.

"Aizen Soyousuke threatened me?"

Wuchen asked indifferently, and the look in Ulquiorra's eyes also changed. If he was just joking, he would kill him now.

The two women in the photo are Candice and Bombieta.

"I don't know about this, I'm just following the orders of Aizen-sama."

Ulquiorra recovered from his injuries as before, and his body that had been shattered by Wuchen was restored.

The unchanging indifference was forever imprinted in Ulquiorra's heart.

"Wait a minute, tell Aizen Soyousuke a sentence for me..."

Glancing at Ulquiorra lightly, Wuchen said indifferently: "The biggest difference between a wise man and a fool is that he knows what to do and what not to do, and when he does some things that he should not do, he No matter how clever and how cunning, there is only a dead end left for him!

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