
The virtual circle, the desolate virtual night palace.

Although Aizen Sosuke escaped from the Soul Realm safely and ruled the virtual circle, the most essential changes in the virtual circle have not changed. Even after Aizen Sosuke took power, the fight in the virtual circle was more serious than before.

After reaching the virtual circle, Aizen Soyousuke discovered a big problem. The ten-blade plan that he painstakingly researched was all destroyed directly or indirectly by Wuchen.

More than half of the members of the Ten Blades were killed by Wuchen. What a great loss, just imagine Aizen Soyousuke is a severe headache!

Inside the spacious palace.

"Bang bang bang!"

The aftermath of the destruction wafted out of Aizen Suoyousuke's body, shaking out countless cracks around the Xuye Palace, and Aizen Suoyousuke stared at Ulquiorra below.

A gigantic majesty overwhelmed him.

A group of big virtual souls were terrified, looking at Aizen Sosuke in the main seat, their bodies all bent down uncontrollably, and their knees were even close to the ground.

"Ulquiorra, is that the man who said this?"

Aizen Soyousuke was unmoved, and his voice remained as gentle as before, and it seemed that there was no change in the slightest, but in fact the skin inside his body was already bursting with blue veins.

Being so humiliated by Wuchen is like slapping him ten times in the face, and his old face hurts.

"Lord Aizen."

Toxian, the number one lackey, is going to stand beside Lan Ran Suo Yusuke, bow his head and say, "After we evacuate the Soul Realm, that man Wuchen will become the commander-in-chief."


Hearing this, Aizen Suoyousuke scolded loudly, spitting out a very high-density spiritual pressure, and the soldiers standing around were directly crushed into powder by Aizen Suoyousuke.

"Killing Yamamoto Yuan Liuzai Shigekuni is worthy of congratulations, but who would have thought that in the end, that kid would be cheap, and no one in the Soul Society would choose a prisoner to be the captain?"

Aizen Suo Yusuke felt very uncomfortable. For the first time, he knew what it felt like to lift a stone and hit his own foot... That's a pain, that's a suffocation!He couldn't spit out his stomach full of bitter water, so he could only endure it and stuff it into his stomach.

It is gratifying to kill the difficult Captain Yamamoto, but it is extremely sad to get a god-like opponent in exchange!In contrast, Aizen Sousuke suddenly felt that the captain was too cute!

"Lord Aizen, attacking the Spirit King Palace requires the creation of a [King Key], and Kakuza-cho is undoubtedly suitable, and the Death Gods have all evacuated there, are we..."

Toxian made a gesture of wiping his neck, and the meaning was self-evident. He obviously suggested that Aizen Soyousuke should take advantage of such a rare opportunity to attack Kakuza-cho.

"There's no need to worry, we're not ready yet, all the processes are still in progress, the broken face and ten blades were all annihilated by that man, I have to continue to raise other troops to deal with the soul world."

Thinking of the broken-faced ten blades that were torn apart by Wuchen, Aizen Soyousuke's face turned blue and white, although these were just chess pieces, but now they are of great use to him.It can even be said that it is related to life and death, and now almost all the original members of the Ten Blades have been scrapped by Wuchen!

So much so that Aizen Sosuke now has to recreate other plans to deal with the Soul Society.


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Chapter 1166 Daily life [sixth more]


Recommend a divine book that I just saw, it is absolutely powerful - "Hokage Super Farm", it is absolutely powerful, friends who like it may wish to support it, thank you very much! ! !


The scenery of Jingling Court is like spring all year round. It is very beautiful, and a hundred flowers are in full bloom.

"Lanju, I asked you to slap your back, but I didn't want you to hang my neck, and do you want to kill someone or slap your back with such strength?"

Turning his head, he looked at Ranju Matsumoto, who seemed to have eaten gunpowder, in a very unhappy manner.

Matsumoto Ranju heard the words and was silent, her beautiful eyes were like a veil with no substance, turbid and dull.

"Sister Ranju, Captain Ichimaru Gin has betrayed." Hinamori Momo pulled the corner of Matsumoto's clothes and reminded him.

"Yes, he has followed Aizen Sou Yusuke with all his heart, and stood on the opposite side of the Soul Society. The next time he encounters it, I am afraid that he will be an immortal enemy." Kuchiki Rukia also sighed.

A dear friend who can be called a childhood sweetheart betrayed the Soul Society and himself, and no matter who he was, he would be hit hard.

"What they said makes sense, Luan Ju."

After Wuchen took a sip of tea, he showed an expression of enjoyment, and then glanced at the dejected Matsumoto Ranju, reluctantly waved his hand and surrendered: "If I encounter him on the battlefield in the future, I will try to save his life."

Hearing this, Matsumoto Ranju immediately smiled, and while Wuchen was lying on the couch in a state of mind wandering, he stepped his entire head into his splendid mountain.

"Let me go, do you want to kill me?" Wuchen shouted as he struggled.

When he came back to his senses, the corners of his mouth twitched wildly, and he shouted angrily at Matsumoto Ranju: "What kind of style, remember that I am the captain now, not yours..."

The words on his lips came to an abrupt end, and suddenly realized that Wu Chen, who was speechless, quickly changed his words, his eyes widened, and he took the three girls into his eyes, and said with emotion: "I brought you three into the seventh division, and now I have You fall into the first team, and your fate is really elusive."

The Soul World is barely related to Wuchen, and it is Kiryu Hikari and Shutara Chishoumaru from Team Zero, and Karetsu Uno and Yuto Toru from Team No. [-]. There are three girls with the most inferior strength in front of them.

Putting the three of them into the first team is actually an alternative protection.

"come yet?"

Squinting, Wuchen, who was sleeping on the rocking chair, suddenly opened his eyes, and a special figure had appeared in front of him, wearing a kimono of different colors, leaning on a cane, and wearing a blue and white hat.

"Did they agree, Manager Urahara?" Wandering comfortably on the couch, Wuchen asked lazily.

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