With a heavy heart, Tianbei Xiuzhu chose to resist desperately. He still had his own dreams. How could he have died in such a place?The eyes of both eyes were focused, and the right hand gathered a huge Reiatsu and thunder light.

"The Eighty-Eighth Flying Dragon Strikes Thief Thunder Cannon!"

The azure light beam spewed, covering the sky and covering the earth, and the void within a thousand meters was covered up and dimmed.

"Light of Firefly..."

Looking at the oncoming light indifferently, the width is several feet wide. The fluctuation of destruction makes people retreat involuntarily, and my heart is full of despair and haze. In front of this destructive speed of light, it seems that everything is made of paper.

"Hmph, the No. [-] I hit with all my strength is powerful enough to be extremely arrogant in an instant, enough to hit a captain in an instant, even if you are hit, presumably..."

"Boom boom boom!!!"

The huge roar resounded through the sky, and all the white clouds in the sky were blown away and evaporated. The power was indeed strong enough, but the strange thing was that the No. [-] crack that was supposed to explode on the ground suddenly ran into the sky!

"You bastard, how is this possible? What a joke, he slapped my way off with his bare hands?!" Tian Beixiuzhu said in shock, his tone increased several times.

Wuchen raised his hand exaggeratedly and slapped his ghost way, how could he not be shocked!

"To be honest, at your level, I have never paid attention to him, even if it is Aizen Soyousuke, I have always regarded him as a small person..."

Wuchen’s casual and bland way, the realm is different, and the sunlight is naturally different. Maybe Tianbei Xiuzhu seems shocking and unbelievable, but Wuchen is not happy at all.

On the contrary, he was quite disappointed. With this move, he saw through the strength of Tian Bei Embroidery. He was also a weak opponent, but always liked a self-righteous opponent.

Instantly lost the only interest.

"What's the shock to you?"

Seeing Tian Bei Xiusuke's shocked face, Wu Chen said indifferently: "This is the end of the boring game. Compared with this kind of boring battle, I prefer to go to the fourth division to find Lie for a pleasant meal. later activities.”

The dormant vast spiritual pressure collapsed, and the violent air waves shook the earthquake.

"With such a big battle, could it be the legendary No. [-] Breakthrough [One-knife Cremation]?" Suddenly feeling the surrounding heat, Tian Bei Xiuzhu muttered to himself absentmindedly.

"No. [-] broke the road? Did you say cremation with a knife? No no... It's not worth using that against you. A small character like you can do it in an instant by breaking the road on the [-]th."

Wuchen pointed his finger away, and said very seriously, and countless black cold lights slowly appeared, swarming towards Tian Bei Xiuzhu from all directions.

"Ninety of the broken way.... black coffin!"

When one sentence fell, it seemed as if the requiem of doomsday had sounded. The world in front of Tian Beixiuzhu turned dark, and he saw the evil ghost in the underworld beckoning to him, and then suddenly felt extremely stinging.

"Puff! Puff! Puff!"

Countless black lights penetrated Tianbei Xiusuke's body, smashing his body into pieces, shattering it, his flesh and blood flying, and being dismembered inhumanly.

Even if there is no chant, the power is beyond imagination, several times stronger than Aizen Sou-suke's full-strength chant!


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Chapter 1171 Still dying! 【Fifth more】


Recommend a god-level Naruto book, it doesn't look good, you smoke me - "Naruto Super Farm", it is really powerful, book shortage or friends who like it, go to see it, the author guarantees that there will be an update! ! !


The overwhelming strength can be called invincible, even Tian Bei Xiusuke and his pride were smashed together, blood-stained wounds were all over the body, the crushed bones were exposed to the air, and among the crushed bones, even more White liquid oozes out, and the air is filled with a thick smell of blood.

This pungent smell will make you feel uncomfortable when you smell it.

"It seems to have died completely."

Glancing at Tian Bei Xiusuke's corpse, Wu Chen turned and left with a very light pace.Being crushed and obliterated by No. [-]'s broken road, it is very difficult to live.


It was precisely at this moment that the sharp Po Xiao came from behind, and Wu Chen, who was aware of the danger, turned sideways.


Even at a very fast speed, Wuchen's arm was mercilessly chopped off by the knife wind.

"You didn't die?"

Staring at the unharmed Tianbei Xiusuke, Wuchen wondered in his heart: "This guy was obviously torn to pieces by the black coffin, and now that he is back to life, let's not talk about his body's spiritual pressure, it seems that his body's spiritual pressure has also risen several times."

After watching Tian Bei embroidery for a while, Wu Chen came to an astonishing conclusion that his spiritual pressure was absorbed!

"You bastard, I forgot that this guy seems to be able to absorb the enemy's spiritual pressure and use it for himself. I am afraid that all the spiritual pressure I shot from the black coffin just now was absorbed by this guy, so the spiritual pressure has become stronger."

"Tapir Yaodao can absorb the enemy's Reiatsu!"

After experiencing the collapsing spiritual pressure in his body, Tianbei Xiuzhu was extremely confident. He did not expect the dust-free spiritual pressure to be so terrifying. It was just a random breach, and the consumption of spiritual pressure was comparable to that of a captain-level death god!

This is also one of the reasons why Wuchen's use of ghosts is so powerful. Under the endless spiritual pressure instillation, any tricks will undergo earth-shaking changes.

The same is true of the power of the black coffin of No. [-].

"This time our identities seem to have changed, and I have changed from a prey to a hunter!"

The villain's triumphant smile appeared on his face, and he immediately saw him slashing at Wuchen with his Zanpakutō, especially after seeing the arm falling from the ground, Tianbei Embroidery increased his confidence.

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