If a person loses an arm, his combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced!

"Idiot, it's just in time, thinking you can win this way? Or die, idiot!"

Wuchen's mouth is full of ridicule. He doesn't care about such things as arms. He can grow one at any time without any impact. Thinking that the victory is in his hands is just Tian Beixiu's wishful thinking.

The severed arm glowed with a faint luster, overflowing with a milky white mysterious liquid.

Tian Beixiu jumped at this unbelievable speed, but he still gritted his teeth decisively and rushed towards Wuchen Storm.Since it is difficult to escape the end of the fall, he chose to die in an upright battle!


The long knife swept across, straight to the key point, and specially selected tricky places to swept away. When the attack was ruthless, ordinary people might have their heads chopped directly.

The skill of swordsmanship is unprecedented, and there is no room for evasion.

"bring it on."

Seeing that there was no chance to escape, Wuchen simply gave up the plan to take shelter from the wind, and said extremely provocatively: "Just a running dog, Gou Peng is your kid's home, and I'm so blind to call you captain, really hateful! "

"you wanna die!"

Hearing this, Tian Beixiu shivered with the help of his anger, a rough and weathered old face turned green, and the perfect swordsmanship was mixed with dust, and suddenly there were many flaws, and there were loopholes all over his body.

Once a person loses his mind, he will inevitably lose his mind.At the same time, it also means that this person is about to go to the abyss of the underworld. After all, not everyone is carved out of the same mold as Wuchen, and has countless means of life-saving and unlimited regeneration.

The little foot carrying the absolute blow of the flash rose from the ground, and the temperature of the light was too terrifying, and it directly melted the skin of Tianbei Embroidery...

"Ahhhh...it hurts! You bastard!"

The miserable screams and howls are terrifying, and the heart-piercing screams seem to regret living in the world, and life is better than death!

"Light speed kick!"

A ruthless light was exposed on Tian Bei Xiusuke's chest, mercilessly blasting him back, and it was fleeting after an explosion.

"Boom boom boom!"

The huge vibration attracted the attention of the captains of Jingling Court, and they all looked at the blazing fire in the void in disbelief, and they rushed over without stopping.

It’s okay for the captain to get angry, but he can’t pull his own family into it. That kind of indiscriminate attack, contamination will either kill or hurt.

Everyone in the world understands the pain of Tian Bei Embroidery, and sometimes it is definitely more painful to live than to die.

"If I can kill you an idiot once, I can kill you twice, three times, four times... a thousand times."

Wuchen said softly, his casual tone was filled with indifference and confidence. He has never looked up to a small person like Tian Bei Xiu Zhu. The grains of sand are always grains of sand, and it is impossible to evolve just because of the dazzling moment. , also impossible.

The colorful divine rainbows in the void bloomed together, with the same destination, all of which were dust-free places.Who makes him the leader of the Soul Society now, or the appointed commander-in-chief of Team Zero, has the absolute right to speak.


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Chapter 1172 Huge crisis [sixth more]


Recommend a god-level Naruto book, it doesn't look good, you smoke me - "Naruto Super Farm", it is really powerful, book shortage or friends who like it, go to see it, the author guarantees that there will be an update! ! !


At the same time, a huge change has taken place in the other direction, and the entire city has become a ruin!

"Damn, damn, why are there so many people? We don't have enough manpower, and the human beings in this world are about to be killed by the Daxu. We must feel the need to ask the Soul Society for support, otherwise, the entire human race will be killed. Sooner or later they will be slaughtered and slaughtered by these hateful Killians!"

Kakuza-cho, Kurosaki Ichigo, Hitsugaya Toshiro, and Komamura Zuojin of the fourth phase of the fire were close together, and they looked around at countless large voids. Come quickly.

The Grim Reaper brought by Komamura Zuozhen and Hitsugaya almost wiped out the entire army, and all of them wailed unwillingly, and finally fell powerlessly into the burning ruined city.

In the war, it is the ordinary people at the bottom who are the first to be unlucky.

"I have already told the Soul Soul World that most of the Kylians have appeared. Why are you only the two of you? The number of death gods brought is also very average, and we are now under siege!"

Kurosaki Ichigo roared loudly, with a hysterical tone in his voice.

"This is arranged by the commander-in-chief."

Hitsugaya Toshiro's green eyes flashed with bleakness, and then he comforted Kurosaki Ichigo and Komamura Zuozhen: "The reinforcements from the Soul Society may be close at hand, we just need to hold on for a while."

Naturally, these remarks were to fool Kurosaki Ichigo and Komamura Zuojin.

Wuchen deliberately did this to create a favorable time for Aizen Suoyousuke to create the king key. At that time, he took a ride to the Lingwang Palace to devour the Lingwang.

"You can only hold on for the time being."

Kurosaki Ichigo could only sigh in frustration, and until now, he can only wait for the silent reinforcements.Despite knowing that he might have been deceived, Ichigo Kurosaki chose to wait.

The hope is slim, but it is better than nothing, at least it can give him the motivation to persevere.


At this moment, Void suddenly made a huge hole, and a large Void that was obviously different from Kilian walked out of it. All of them were wearing white uniforms. Obviously, they all came from the same faction.

"That is……"

Hitsugaya Toshiro and Komamura Zuozhen looked up, and after recognizing it, their expressions changed dramatically. They were stunned to find that these people were Achucas.

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