Sen Han's eyes locked on the left formation of Koma Village, Wuchen's whole body was filled with murderous intentions, and a pair of desolate eyes was even worse than Han Bing.

"Broken Road..."

"Master Chief."

Just when Wuchen was going to subdue the Komaura Left Array, a group of captains came one after another, looking at the situation where the arrows were drawn, all worried.

Aizen Soyousuke is staring at the outside world, what if the inside of the Soul Society fights first?

"Captain Komamura, please get out of the way, is the one beside you Daxu? Arrest her first."

The captain of the second division, Broken Bee said, with a face full of vigilance like an enemy. From this big virtual body, she felt a strong crisis, and the invisible oppression even made Broken Bee very uncomfortable.

"He won't let go, Komaura Zuozhen has already betrayed the Soul Society!"

With a look on his face, Wuchen Achievement fanned the flames: "He stood together with Vastord, which explains everything!"


All the captains were stunned when they heard the words, and looked at the left formation of Komamura in disbelief.

"I won't regret it, Dongxian is my best friend, let him out of the virtual circle..."

"But you are standing with Daxu now!"

Without giving Komamura Zuozhen a chance to speak, Wuchen said in a hoarse voice, "Put down the Zanpakutō before I get angry, and I can let go of the past."

"Master Chief Commander..."

Hearing this, all the gods of death looked at Wuchen in astonishment. They all understood the contradiction between Komaura Zuozhen and Wuchen, but it was a great gift to let him go once now.

"A bunch of idiots, I said that because he would absolutely reject my offer."

Wuchen smiled proudly in his heart, because he understands the character of Komaura Zuozhen and will never give up on Dongxian, so he has this statement, otherwise he would have killed this stinky bear!

"I have to pull Dongxian out of Aizen Soyousuke's black nest, so I'm sorry everyone." Komamura Zuozhen said decisively.

"I asked myself if I treated you badly, but you turned against us for the sake of a mere celestial want, hateful!"

Wuchen said sadly, and immediately ordered a heartbroken: "The captains obey the order, now arrest this traitorous traitor for me!"

The captains looked at each other after hearing the words, but did not do anything.

"Bastard, are you waiting for me to do it myself!"

Wuchen's eyes spit fire, and his eyes swirled around Kuchiki Byakuya, Hitsugaya Toshiro and the others, their faces were full of indifference, apparently taking Wuchen's words as a deaf ear.

"This group of bastards really have two sides. On the surface, they regard me as the captain, but there are almost no people who really buy my account."

The line of sight spreads without a trace, and Wuchen keeps everyone's expression changes in his eyes. He, the new commander-in-chief who has not been there for a year, is naturally not as prestige as Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai.

"Alright, you are not opponents, give me a chance to kill him myself."

Murderous intent bloomed in his eyes, and Wuchen's palms quietly condensed the spiritual pressure, and gave Nilu a subtle wink, signaling her to leave the place of Soul Soul World quickly.


The black cavity flashed out of thin air. Because of the reason, the captain did not expect it. He watched Nilu who was leaving. Everything came so suddenly, they only realized when the black cavity was closed.

"Since you don't repent...then I'm sorry Captain Komamura, but I can only remove you from the Soul Soul Realm... I can't blame others for my own fault."

The icy pupils locked onto Komamura Zuozhen, who was abandoned by the world, and the murderous intent boiled in Wuchen's body.

"Let go, Captain Komamura, we will work with the captain to arrest you."

Kyōraku Chunshui suddenly spoke up, stating his position.Shirou Ukitake glanced at him suspiciously, and nodded as well.If Wuchen did it himself, you would know without even thinking about it, and it would definitely be wiped out in the end.

Komamura Zujin is also the apprentice of Captain Yamamoto. Like Kyōraku Chunsui and Ukitake Shirou, of course, he doesn't like his colleagues who barely have senior brothers to be killed.

"These two bastards are very cunning... but it's best if you guys are willing to take action."

The dust-free heart, the killing intent is restrained.I understand what the two of them are thinking, but it doesn't matter whether Komamura Zuojin dies or not, in short, he will be removed from the Gotei Thirteen Team.

If you don't kill him, the Infernal Hell is also the eternal destination of Komaura Zuozhen!


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Chapter 1183 Uchiha Flame Array [5/6]


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Mao Zhihualie quietly watched the scene in front of him, without sadness or joy, only one thought in his heart - full of pity and sympathy.

"You people, in terms of strength, not opponents, in terms of wisdom, in the face of Chen Jun, who seems to have the ability to predict the future, you are far worse, even worse than him in all aspects, I really can't think why you still will blindly resist.”

Mao Zhihualie couldn't help sighing in his heart. He knew that he was going to die, but he still chose to fight hard. Even if he was killed, he would be looking for his own way of death.

For example, the current Komaura left formation.

"There are only two people I respect most in my life, one of them is the captain who led me on the right path, and the second is Dongxian, who has been with me for a hundred years. If you really want me to be friends, please invite me. Step aside."

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