The name of Komamura Zuozhen replied stubbornly, and Zanpakutō's words shone with a icy cold light.

"Captain Komamura, don't be obsessed with it, the Soul Realm is your destination, and Dongxian must have fallen into nothingness."

Jingle Chunshui's tone of persuasion was very contagious, which made people involuntarily let go of their guard, but if his object was a piece of wood, even Jingle Chunshui's eloquence would be useless.

This is the case with the left formation of Komaura now, and only Dongxian wants to have a mentality, and Jingle Chunshui's words are regarded as a deaf ear.

"After all, you haven't done anything for a long time. Sure enough, it's more appropriate to leave this kind of thing to me. Who made me be a habitual bad guy..."

Wuchen stretched his waist, took a step forward, and swept in front of Jingle Chunshui and others.

"Master Captain, how can you say that Captain Komamura is also a former colleague, you can just catch him, there is no need to kill him." Thinking of the cruel method of cutting grass and rooting without dust, Shiro Ukitake reminded worriedly.

"It's very difficult to control strength. It would be best if Captain Komamura surrendered himself. If he chooses to fight to the death, it is normal for him to lose his arms and legs."

Wuchen smiled very evilly. If the former captain was as warm as the sun, Wuchen in front of him was as dark and terrifying as hell.

An ominous aura permeated all over his body, like a devil in the garb of death. The corners of his mouth and his playful eyes, including his cynical smile, were the most realistic portrayals.

"Don't give me a look of nothing, even if you are the captain, the old man doesn't approve of you. You bastard, Dongxian has fallen into nothingness, a big factor is because of you!"

The enemy was extremely jealous when they met, and this was the case with the Komamura Left Array. The huge eyes turned red, and the whole body was filled with violent destructive fluctuations.

"The Seventy-three Double Lotus Cang Fire Pendant of the Broken Dao!"

The fiery explosions swept in, increasing the temperature in the surrounding air without limit, evaporating the moisture in the atmosphere, and the boring feeling was disgusting and extremely uncomfortable.

"Destructing the environment is a big problem. As the captain, you don't even have the determination to protect the Soul Society."

Wuchen's laughing appearance made all the captains stagnate, and they bowed their heads invariably. It is not without reason that he could sit on the captain's seat. At least, the ability of Taishan to collapse in front of him without changing his color, none of them captains.


At this moment, a ripple suddenly appeared in the void, and a vortex gradually enlarged.

"Divine power!"

The dust-free low drink fell, and the vortex instantly magnified a hundred times, forming a small black hole, and the attacking broken road was immediately absorbed.

Like a stone sinking into the sea, there is no movement at all.

"Hateful! It's just that God sent me to oppose me on purpose."

Komamura Zuozhen, who clenched his iron fist tightly, whispered, his mouth full of fangs was frightening, but his eyes looking at Wuchen were full of fear and unwillingness.

Gritting his teeth, Komamura Zuozhen finally chose to liberate the Zanpakutō: "Roar, God's Retribution!"


The sky was suddenly dark and irrelevant. The captains raised their eyes and looked into the depths of the void. A giant big foot fell from the sky, and the exaggerated area was comparable to a mountain.

"Retreat quickly, this is a localized scourge of King Ming."

His pupils shrank, and the well-informed Jingle Chunshui hurriedly ordered that he took the lead in pulling Shiro Ukitake back to avoid the falling giant feet.

"Retreat? Our group of gods of death will retreat in the face of a traitor. Who else should guard the Soul Soul Realm?"

Looking at the giant feet that fell from the void, Wuchen murmured softly from the corner of his mouth, the earth cracked, and the mountains in the distance disintegrated into particles.

"Uchiha Flame Array!"

The stable ground trembled inexplicably, like an earthquake, and then a fiery flame erupted from the Arabian Nights, and a red demonic sheen rose from the ground, and a flame barrier with a height of several tens of meters was exposed to the air.

"What kind of weird thing is that?!"

Jingle Chunshui and the others exclaimed with wide-eyed eyes, when this unprecedented giant barrier came, it seemed to be in the furnace of the underworld in an instant, and the whole world was very hot.

"Bang Bang!!"

In the end, under everyone's astonished gaze, the giant foot fell on the flame barrier. The flame barrier trembled fiercely, as if it was about to burst. Most people thought it was a lose-lose ending. The giant feet were directly evaporated like water, and disappeared without a trace.

Between heaven and earth, only the vicissitudes of the ancient flame enchantment is left, filled with the breath of ancient times.


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Chapter 1184 Six Scarlet Sun Formation [6/6]


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Komamura Zuozhen was trembling with anger, and even because he was a human wolf, all the hair on his body stood up, and his face was full of despair, unwillingness and hatred.

"Why is it that the more sinister and despicable people are, the more powerful they are?" Komamura Zuozhen asked upwards, an extremely rare resentment, with a desolate tone.

"Sad bugs, the more rigid they are, the weaker they tend to be. Those who know how to opportunistically are often stronger and more shocking."

Wuchen completely turned a deaf ear to Komamura Zuozhen's hatred. There were not a hundred thousand or a thousand people who hated him. There was no need to care about so many people, they were just little bugs worth mentioning.

The kind of person who always likes to hate others is actually the most useless.Take Komamura Zuozhen as an example, if he has the strength to kill Wuchen, then he will not hate him.

It is possible to kill Wuchen directly with one knife, and let the heart be quiet without seeing it.But he can't do it, so he will hate Wuchen.

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