"Boom boom boom!"

The powerful spiritual pressure burst out, and the Komaura left formation did not hold back at all, and planned to make a desperate fight. Only in this way could they break through the defenses of these captains.

He has to save the only friend left in this world - Dong Xian Yao!

"Although Chen-jun's methods are a bit despicable, this Komaura Zuozhen is also dead-headed. He follows Aizen Soujie with all his heart, how could you be able to persuade him back in a few words."

Uzhihualie couldn't help shaking her head. In her opinion, Komaura Zuozhen was just asking for his own death. He obviously didn't have enough strength, but he had to show his strength. This kind of person would die the fastest.

"The Eighty-Eighth Flying Dragon Strikes Thief Thunder Cannon!"

The thick laser came oncoming, like an unsheathed divine sword, cutting the entire sky into two pieces.

"Want to run?"

The pupils narrowed slightly, and Wuchen suddenly noticed that the left formation of Komaura was showing signs of slipping away, and immediately snorted: "If you run away in front of me, then this captain might as well give it to you!"

Wuchen sneered, and at the same time shot six black iron rods from his hand.A hexagonal special enchantment was formed immediately, isolating the entire world and completely losing contact with the outside world.

"Six Scarlet Sun Formation!"

As the sound of Wuchen fell, the sealed world was airtight, and there was no corner to go out, and Komamura Zuozhen was also sealed in it.

This enchantment is unimaginably hard. It can even withstand the ten-tailed beast jade without any influence. The power is self-evident. There are almost no attacks in this world, and any creature can leave.

Except for the aliens who can open the black cavity at will.

"Don't show the light of sesame and mung bean to show your ugliness!"

The dust-free old eyes of the flash thorn were dimmed, and he simply waved his hand to crush it, and the flying beam exploded beside him, but it had no effect.

He didn't even touch the dust-free clothes, and in an instant he became a transparent person who could ignore all attacks. It was like setting off fireworks in the sky, just for viewing, and the chance of hurting people was zero.


When the battle was going on fiercely, Wuchen's stomach suddenly rang out.

"Oops... It seems that the battle is going to be resolved quickly. It's not worth it to delay my hunger because of you. The food in the Soul World is still my favorite."

Komamura Zuozhen's head was covered with black lines, and his hands holding the Zanpakutō almost fell down, staring at Wuchen indignantly. It is to treat him with disdain and treat him as worthless garbage!

Jingle Chunshui and others are all helpless, and the first thing to learn in the fight against the dust-free single is not to learn skills, but to prevent themselves from being mad.

"Untie the black rope and punish King Ming!"

The giant in armor has his head on the sky and his feet on the ground. His powerful legs can smash the sky and the ground, and the slender long sword can wipe out all living beings without any effort.

"Look, I will forcibly destroy your garbage barrier right now." Komamura Zuozhen shouted after the swastika, his self-confidence surged, and he looked at the barrier that was thinner than paper with contempt, his face full of sarcasm.

"up to you."

Wuchen chuckled, looking at Komaura Zuozhen playfully, he didn't know where to grab a piece of grass in his hand, his face was frivolous, and he stuffed it into his mouth with a schadenfreude expression.

"Bang bang bang!"

Just taking two steps, the huge body shakes the mountains and rivers, the earth is as fragile as paper, and if you step lightly, countless cracks will appear.

"Clang clang!"

The big sword pulled out its scabbard, and after accumulating enough strength, Komamura Zuozhen slashed towards the barrier with all his strength.

"Bang bang bang!"

I thought the barrier would burst in an instant, but it was unexpected and intact.Instead, the huge body of King Ming was ruthlessly bounced, and he fell to the ground in a miserable state. The mountains behind him were smashed to pieces by him.

"This enchantment... what kind of ghost is it, so extraordinary?"

The captains were stunned, and Wuchen threw out six black iron rods at will. I thought it was just delaying time. Now it seems that although it is as thin as a cicada's wings, its hardness exceeds any known barrier!

The most unpleasant thing is that this kind of powerful enchantment seems to be used by Wuchen alone, which is not fair!


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Chapter 1185 Silver Wheel Reincarnation Explosion [1/6]

Wuchen looked at the embarrassed Komamura Zuozhen with a smile, and at the same time did not forget to wink at the captains beside him.

"If you don't see it, this is the end of your own strength. Everyone should take this as a lesson."

When the captains heard the words, their expressions changed slightly, which may be a joke in the eyes of others, but in the ears of their group, it is more like a warning and a shock to a certain extent.


Jingle Chunshui and Ukitake Shirou looked at each other, and both could see the helplessness and desolation in the other's eyes.This is to secretly warn them that this group of captains should know each other, otherwise they may face the same fate in the future.

These captains are not fools. According to Wuchen's strength, three or two strokes are enough to take down the left formation of Komamura. Repeatedly humiliating him is probably going to knock the mountain and shake the tiger.

The drunkard's intention is not to drink, the real direction of the target is their group of captains.

"Boom boom boom!"

The domineering spiritual pressure swept away, and the entire world within the seal was crumbling, and it could collapse at any time, and the heavy murderous intent locked the dust-free.

"Oh, you don't have to stare at me, I won't let you out."

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