Facing Komamura Zuozhen's murderous eyes, Wuchen smiled indifferently, and Chu was shocked.

"In any case, although I don't know how this barrier was made, as long as you kill you as the caster, he will naturally disintegrate and collapse."

While speaking, the giant has already stood up, and a pair of huge eyeballs are like Tongling, even much bigger than the dust-free head!

"Kill me? Just you?"

Hearing this, Wuchen smiled disdainfully, and sneered: "There are so many people who are over-achieving, for the so-called bondage, knowing that they are not the opponent's opponent, but insisting on coming to die, is extremely stupid.

Wuchen also gradually lost his playfulness, his expression was solemn, and he obviously began to take it seriously.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

Obviously aware of the dust-free abnormality, the left formation of Komamura started first, and the huge blade wind wanted to sweep the dust-free.

"Clang clang!"

Even the Zanpakutō was useless, Wuchen's right hand directly grabbed the ten-meter broadsword from the right, without any tricks, just grabbed the broadsword with his hand!

"How terrifying is his body hardness? Even Reiatsu is useless!"

Jingle Chunshui and others were shocked and said that although the captain should have the strength to kill the captain-level Death God in seconds, this scene is too exaggerated. Wuchen did not even break out of spiritual pressure!

"Jie Jie Jie... The truth is dissected to see what it is made of." Nieyong Li Jie Jie sneered, thinking to himself.

"Just because you want to kill me like a half-hearted person? It's barely possible to go home and practice for a few hundred years!"

Holding the huge blade of the long knife tightly, Wuchen suddenly exerted force and threw it out to the left.


Under everyone's astonished gaze, the Komaura Zuo formation with a knife on the other side was naturally thrown away, and all the quilts were thrown away by Wuchen with arrogant force.

"Boom boom boom!"

The huge body slammed into the mountain in the distance, and after the swastika was released, the black rope was thrown out more than twenty meters away, and his huge body collided with an unfortunate mountain and collapsed.

"How terrifying strength does this require?!"

The captains took a breath and suppressed the trembling all over their bodies. They thought that although the captain was strong, he had a limit to measure him. Chongguo was at the same level, or even inferior to him, and now it seems that their thinking is very wrong.

Without mobilizing the slightest Reiatsu, but with the hardness of his body to catch the captain's full-strength blow with his bare hands, there is still a big question mark whether the aged Captain Yamamoto can do it!

All in all, all captains are afraid of Wuchen.


The roar of the whole day resounded in the space within the barrier, and everyone's ears were stuffed. This irritable tone was filled with countless complex emotions such as helplessness and hatred, as well as unwillingness and fear.

As far as the eye can see, it is the sad-looking Komamura Zuozhen.

"Can you just get hold of it?"

Komaura Zuozhen's face was full of unwillingness, but he had to admit that he was not a dust-free captain, he was as fragile as a child who had not grown up, and faced a muscular adult strong man, he could only be beaten.

"The journey of a thousand hands, the unreachable dark hand, cannot be reflected in it... ……………… The big wheel of the treasure, the gray turret, draws the bow far away, and dissipates brightly!"

Komamura Zuojin began to chant for a long time, until at the end a lot of pink light flew out of his hands.

"As expected of the captain's student, ordinary captains may not be able to use this broken way, but you can sing it out, which is indeed worthy of praise." Wuchen handed over his admiring eyes, No. [-] Ghost Road is indeed powerful.

"Ninety-one thousand-handed smashing cannons of the broken way!"

Countless pink rays of light swept in, and there were thousands of them, and there was no time to dodge at all, just like the number of rainstorms that blocked all escape routes.

"But with your level, it's still too far, let's stop there."

Focusing on the oncoming flash, Wuchen's right eye changed, white flower eyes flashed, his hands were folded, and a huge tornado followed.

"The silver wheel is reborn!"

The violent wind swept out, and the incoming light was instantly shattered and fragile. The huge body of Komamura Zuozhen was a rare living target, and was completely swallowed by the tornado.

"Puff! Puff! Puff!"

Inside the tornado, a bloody scene was staged. The bitter wind and waves turned into thousands of cold light blades, mercilessly swung the butcher's knife towards the left formation of Koma Village, and dismembered him in an instant!

Large pieces of body shreds fell from the ground, and Komaura Zuozhen seemed to be executed by Ling Chi.Involuntarily and dust-free opened a distance.


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Chapter 1186 Let Him Go [2/6]

Yin naturally saw the abnormal state of the captains, and he didn't care. As the captain, he had to maintain the absolute strength enough to shock the thirteenth team of the Guardian, and let them understand the gap between each other.

There are always over-the-top idiots in the province to challenge him.

"Well? Can you still stand up? The resilience of the human wolf is so amazing."

The plain tone, vaguely added a touch of consternation, following Wuchen's line of sight, I saw Komamura Zuozhen stood up again, even though his whole body had been crushed, he had not given up.

"No, he has run out of oil and burnt out. It's his willpower that supports him... It's really sad."

Seeing this, perhaps because of the sadness of the scene, Wuchen has a little more sympathy for this big bear who hates the most. He cares about Dong Xian Yao, but Dong Xian Yao only has a blue dye in his eyes. .

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