"poor person must have something mean."

The fingertips swept endless rays of light, and the beam of destruction locked on Komamura Zuojin.

"Broken Road..."

"Master Chief."

Without giving Wuchen a chance to attack, Shirou Ukitake came to intercede and said, "Captain Komamura is guilty first, but he is not guilty of death, not to mention that he has worked for the Soul Society for hundreds of years, and he has worked hard for no credit. Why don't you think about putting him in the [Uninterrupted Hell] first?"

Hearing this, Wuchen didn't speak, the flash in his hand continued to beat, his indifferent eyes silently observed the captains, and after a few seconds, the huge light calmed down.

Looking at the miserable appearance of Komamura Zuozhen, even if he can recover, his combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced. After all, the Zanpakutō has been crushed into powder by Wuchen.The most important thing is that this unsightly minion will leave from the captain's position. You can kill him or not, as long as you leave the [-]th Team of the Guardian.

"Then let him go."

Wuchen pondered, his eyes turned into writing wheel eyes, his eyes were fixed on the left formation of Komamura, and Gouyu exuded strange fluctuations.


In the end, under the horrified gaze of everyone, Komamura Zuozhen was overwhelmed and fell to the ground, and he also instantly released his posture of severance when he was exhausted.

"Lord Commander, even if Komamura Zuozhen can be spared the death penalty, he must be sentenced to death."

The captain of the second division, Suifeng, took a step forward and suggested: "To dare to openly associate with Da Xu, this has touched the bottom limit of what the Soul Society can tolerate, and it will at least be sentenced to thousands of years."

This remark was approved by all the captains, and they all nodded in approval.

"It's not as good as..."

Jingle Chunshui and Ukitake Shiruro looked at each other in dismay, then took back the words on their lips... Glancing at the two of them, Wuchen could see what they meant.

"There is no need to detain him for so long. I believe that Captain Komamura is loyal to the Soul Society, but he was only lured by that hateful Vastord-level Daxu~ and by Aizen Sousuke."

When mentioning Aizen Susuke, Wuchen made a look of gnashing his teeth, and finally decided: "So I decided that this time the death penalty can be avoided, and the life crime cannot be escaped. The captain of Guanzong Village will be imprisoned for three years, and I hope he will reform his life. , the Guardian Team Thirteen will welcome him back!"


These words fell, so the captain lost his ability to think in his mind, and stared at Wuchen in a stunned manner.

When did this scrupulous commander become so generous?All the gods of death felt that it was impossible, and immediately looked at Hao Ran's righteous Wuchen with awe.

"Everyone, the Corpse Soul Realm still needs everyone's concerted efforts. In the face of the enemy in front of us, we must unite as one." Wuchen said forcefully, his face full of generosity, forgetting the grievances between him and the Komaura Zuozhen.

"You idiots, you believe this kind of thing!"

Wuchen has a just face, but his heart is full of laughter, because the whole world may end in three years in the future, he would pat his butt and leave at that time. Of course, there is no need to detain Komamura Zuozhen for so long. Can win people's hearts.

"This is the end of it, everyone, go back."

Waving his hand, Wuchen said solemnly.


Time flies, and seven days have passed in a blink of an eye.

Inside the first team's quarters.

Wuchen had just listened to the report of the [-]th Division. Ever since Lan Ran Sou Yousuke defected, his every move has been monitored by the Soul Society.

"It seems that it will take a while, and I can't expect Aizen Soyousuke to create [Wang Jian]. The only way is to directly invade the Spirit King Palace by myself..."

In the empty team building, a dust-free whisper sounded.

"Do you need me to go with you?"

Mao Zhihualie asked in anticipation. To be honest, she was quite curious about the Lingwang Palace that was handed down from generation to generation.

"This is not necessary. If you go, I will have a lot of scruples. Team Zero is not a good thing. For the sake of King Spirit, they can abandon everything, and even their former friends can face each other with swords."

Wuchen shook his head and said, thinking of the strange appearance of the King of Spirit, he couldn't help laughing, there was really nothing good in that appearance.

It was nothing but a monster whose limbs were cut off.

"Where's the Soul World? The inexplicable departure of the commander-in-chief is suspicious." Mao Zhihua said fiercely.

"It doesn't even matter. Didn't you see it? When Nie Yuli looked at me just now, his eyes were quite respectful. Before this old boy and I had not resolved their grievances, they were always yin and yang against me."

Wuchen chuckled. After bypassing the left formation of Komamura, the captains of the Gotei Thirteen Team had a great change in their opinion of him.

"You are so despicable, Lord Chen."

Uozhihualie said with admiration and admiration for Wuchen's ability to win over people's hearts. I'm afraid it won't be long before Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai's influence will dissipate.


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Chapter 1187 Invasion of the Spirit King Palace [3/6]

It is also undeniable that soft knives are sometimes more useful than hard knives, and the effect is greater.

"Also, I can leave the [Shadow Clone] in the Soul World to hide people's eyes and ears, and I can cancel it when I meet the captain's meeting. It's just a passing scene."

It doesn't matter if there is no dust, let alone impossible to find it, take [-] steps back, what if the group of captains found it righteously?There is very little they can do, because the Soul Realm does not have any way to contact the Spirit King Palace.

"Lie, when we meet next time, I'm going to change my identity. Do I need to celebrate?" After the conversation changed, Wuchen suddenly laughed.

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