
Wuchen sighed slightly, and found that she couldn't kill this woman, but felt a little guilty, forcibly took her chastity, and also used the space coordinates in her body to successfully invade the Lingwang Palace.

If he wanted to kill her, he couldn't raise the butcher's knife, so he secretly shook his head and threw out six rays of light.

"The Sixty-One-Six-Stand Light Prison of the Dao!"

Shutara Qianshoumaru's cold offensive was contained, and he couldn't shake his body even with all his might. Suddenly, he found that the "six sticks light prison" that could be easily torn apart was extremely difficult to deal with at this moment.

"Bastard, you have a way to let me go!"

With a pretty face, the unappreciative Shutara Qianshoumaru pointed at Wuchen and scolded: "If you are afraid of death, get out of the way. Isn't a place like the Spirit Palace that someone like you can blaspheme?"

"I can't blaspheme? Who can blaspheme? Waiting for Yohabach to blaspheme?" Wuchen asked calmly, and one sentence made Shutara Qianshoumaru speechless.

"Hehe... I finally delivered it."

Right at this moment, the happy laughter of the two house kings came, Wuchen turned his head and waved his hand, and he took out a sheathless Zanpakutō from the container filled with the mysterious liquid.

The whole body of the blade is cold, slender and beautiful, which is quite extraordinary.

"My nickname is [Sword God], and this Zanpakutō is called [Sheath Fu]. Because it is too sharp, there is no suitable scabbard for him..."

"Nonsense for a long time, what do you want to say?" The tone exhaled a touch of irritability, and Wuchen said impatiently.

Interrupted by Wuchen arrogantly, the two house Wang Yue did not get angry, but the spiritual pressure moved, and the body instantly came to Wuchen, and the knife wind swept towards his face.

"I'm trying to say... There is nothing in front of Sheath Fu that can be slashed, even Yuan Liu Zhai's residual fire sword is no exception!"


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Chapter 1190 Dying struggle [6/6]


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"I'm trying to say... There is nothing in front of Sheath Fu that can be slashed, even Yuan Liu Zhai's residual fire sword is no exception!"

The moment the voice fell, the Zanpakutō released a cold light, stabbing towards Wuchen's eyeballs.


Between the lightning and flint, there was a loud roar, and the two Wu Wang Yue's arms holding the Zanpakutō trembled, and suddenly found that something resisted his attack.

"It doesn't matter if you can destroy Captain Yamamoto's Zanpakutō... But please make sure you understand one thing, I'm not Captain Yamamoto."

Dust-free and dry mouth spit out icy cold air. Looking up, he saw that his left arm was covered with a domineering armed color, and he grabbed the incoming black knife light with his bare hands!


All members of Team Zero were stunned, including Shutara Qianshoumaru, and her beautiful eyes widened.Even the head of the army, Ibei, is no exception. He has no doubts about the sword-making skills of the two Wuwangyue. When this invincible Zanpakutō was released, the two Wuwangyue even asked them to show it off. , can easily sever a death god's Zanpakutō.

Now it was caught by the dust-free empty-handed!

"get out."

With a soft whisper, the left eye quickly twisted into a Tenseigan, and the majestic repulsion erupted from the palm of his hand.

"Bang bang bang!"

Affected by the repulsive force of Wu Yubi Lun, the two Wang Yue disappeared instantly.

The soldiers of the main army, a soldier, hurriedly glanced at several people. The members of the zero team were puzzled when they saw it, but they also nodded, and they attacked Wuchen fiercely.

However, Yu Wuchen, who was wearing the "Cunri Prison Clothes" all over his body, all used the broken way to attack Wuchen. It seemed that he wanted to delay the time. The members of the Zero Squad were also afraid of getting close to Wuchen. Fifteen million degrees of heat is no joke.

Enough to melt and evaporate a person in an instant.

Qilin Temple Tianshi Langyue raised the palm of his hand, the spiritual pressure floated, and a majestic dragon head appeared, and he shouted vigorously: "The three iron wind kills the road!"

"Whoosh whoosh!"

The violent wind and waves suddenly blew on the front, and the power was endless. The entire Lingwang Palace was shaking, and the many palaces floating in the void seemed to collapse, and they all shook.

Not only that, the "Cunning Sun Prison Clothes" covering the dust-free body was also blown away by the violent hurricane.

"Breaking the road?"

Hearing this, a hint of doubt flashed in Wuchen's eyes, looking at the dragon head in the hands of Tianshilang in Qilin Temple, his eyes filled with surprise. Represents the identity of Team Zero.

"Tips for carving insects."

Experience the oncoming hurricane without fear, and walk forward without any dust. This storm is extremely terrifying, as sharp as a blade, and there will be deep cracks wherever it passes.

He raised his right arm indifferently, a huge flash floated, and the target was directly locked on the two house Wang Yue.

"The Eighty-Eighth Flying Dragon Strikes the Thief, Shatters the Sky and Thunder Bubble!"

The incomparably thick golden light roared out, like a golden spear of the world stabbing the two house kings Yue, and the sky swept across was distorted.

"This guy is so accomplished in breaking the Dao... The eighty-eighth can actually exert a power that surpasses the No. [-]'s breaking the road." Kylin Temple Tenshiro said in shock.

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