
At the critical moment, a black shadow blocked in front of Tenshiro in Kylin Temple, and his thick brush Zanpakutō wrote a huge "Feng" to the sky.

"Boom boom boom!"

The flash slammed into the invisible enchantment, and the edge was immediately restricted.

"This goddamn bald monk is really tricky. Such a convenient ability actually falls on someone like him. God is really blind sometimes." Ability is too convenient.

However, this was just the beginning, and an even more incredible scene happened next.I saw a soldier, the head of the army, write a word "hidden" on the body of Tianshilang in Kirin Temple, and he disappeared completely.

Wuchen let go of his majestic perception and carefully noticed the changes around him, but found that even the Qilin Temple Tianshilang Lingya did not stay, and disappeared completely like death.

There is no trace of using the domineering look.

"Don't waste your efforts, this is one of my abilities, and there's no need to be surprised. The Spirit King Palace has existed in the world for countless years. If it could be easily defeated by you, it might have been trampled to the ground thousands of years ago."

The head of the army, a soldier, said calmly, calmly, confident in his own abilities, and looked unafraid of danger, as if everything was under control.

"Bang bang bang!"

The powerful force hit the left side without any warning, and Wuchen, who was unaware, was hit hard, his abdomen was sunken, he groaned in pain, he was instantly knocked out, and smashed hard on the far wall, and a large crack full of cracks appeared. pit.

"I don't even feel the slightest bit?"

Wuchen was stunned and said that the person who attacked him was definitely Tianshilang of Qilin Temple, but he didn't feel the slightest bit.

"The world is impermanent. I have challenged countless powerhouses. I didn't expect you to fall over here. If I remember correctly, this is the first time in my life." nothing.

"You can't have a second chance if you care about it once, and good luck can't accompany you forever."

Wuchen secretly used the elementalization ability of the glittering fruit, and just took a small loss by underestimating the enemy, but this kind of good opportunity is absolutely impossible to have a second time.


Asking for flowers and asking for a reward, it will automatically subscribe to various requests!


Chapter 1191 Destroy the Spirit King Palace [1/6]

Wuchen's confident words made everyone stunned for a moment, followed by a burst of disdain sneer.

"There is no exception to my ability, you should capture it without your hands!" The head guard of the army said with a contemptuous smile, full of confidence in his own ability.

"You will regret it if you resist desperately!"

Showing off his power, he looked as if it was dust-free, and the head of the army, a soldier, appeared next to Kiryu Hizune, Shutara Senjumaru and the others.

The word "hidden" was written on them respectively!When the same scene was staged later, the moment the pen stopped, several people disappeared one after another, neither the spiritual pressure nor the smell could be sensed. Wuchen tried again to use the domineering look to search for the traces of several people, and the result was the same as just now. same.

"This ability is really good, and I can't even find the domineering and domineering."

Wuchen sighed with emotion that in the huge world today, only he and the soldier's main army, a soldier, are left.All the others, the main soldier, Ichibei, hide with their abilities.


The rays of light scattered all over the body, splashing all over the ground like raindrops.

"Hmph! The teeth are sharp and the mouth is sharp, and now the body is not still injured."

Seeing that Wuchen's body was divided into two, the soldier's main body, a soldier, sneered: "Young man, there is no invincible ability in this world, you should..."

The words on his lips stopped abruptly, and he followed the line of sight of the soldier's main department, a soldier, and the body that fell to the ground, which was divided into two parts, actually emitted a faint light, turning into thousands of light particles close to the dust, repairing it. The damaged body was restored in a blink of an eye.

"You are right, there is no invincible ability in this world, but at least my ability is invincible to you!" Wuchen sneered, and the words made the old soldier's face green, embarrassed and angry .

His eyes circled quietly around the void in front of him. Even if he couldn't see anyone, Wuchen knew that the members of Team Zero were quietly waiting for an opportunity.

"Although I can't see you, that doesn't mean you can do whatever you want."

There was a wave of air from the void, and the words of Wuchen fell into everyone's ears.

"You can't even see the enemy, what qualifications do you have to fight?" In front of his arms, a soldier of the main army asked sarcastically.

Wuchen quietly looked at the head of the army, Ibei, and finally knew that Yuhabach chose to forcibly divide him in the future.

"This guy is not very strong. It's hard to tell who is stronger or weaker than Captain Yamamoto. He has a great temper."

Wuchen said in his heart, and at the same time, a pitch-black energy ball appeared in his hand. The density was extremely high and extremely dangerous. The moment it appeared, the entire world was affected by an invisible energy fluctuation.

"Although I can't see you, but...&"

There was a raging smile on the corner of his mouth, and the dust-free eyes shot out a terrifying red light, and the suppressed smile made the world of the Lingwang Palace dead silent.

"As long as I destroy this world, they can't forgive me!"

When the voice fell, the sphere in Wuchen's hand floated to the sky, and at the same time, the palms gathered two diametrically opposed forces of yin and yang. A moon appeared on one hand, and a sun appeared on the other hand.

"Six Paths Earth Blast Stars!!!"

The vigorous explosion fell, everything was destroyed, the ground was shaking, the sky was screaming, and the sky of the Lingwang Palace, which was originally cloudless, was bleak.

The powerful gravitational force that is enough to destroy the world slams down!


Contained by the boundless spiritual pressure, the Lingwang Palace collapsed in an instant, and everything was destroyed. The Lingwang Palace, which had been established for nearly a thousand years, collapsed in an instant.

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