After obtaining the power of the Spirit King, Wuchen's strength has been improved in dimension. Seeing these living beings, there is only one feeling - raise your hand and destroy it!


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Chapter 1198 Mass Production of Collapsing Jade [2/6]

This destructive power made Shutara Qianshoumaru and Hikune Kiryu both stunned and their scalps were numb. Team members kill in seconds.

"Are you surprised? To be honest, I was surprised too."

Wuchen showed a faint smile, felt the vigorous power fluctuations in his body, and showed an expression of infatuation and enjoyment. This endless source of spiritual pressure made him seem to be floating in the clouds, very comfortable.

"This is just a part of the Spirit King. His limbs and a heart are still floating outside and must be recovered."

Ignoring the surprises of Shutara Senjumaru and Hibune Kiryu, Wuchen whispered to himself.

"I can warn you, you are the Spirit King now, and you are not allowed to leave the Spirit King Palace!"

Xiutuo Qianshouwan's face is not good, the dignified king of the spirit, the wedge of all things, once the dust-free as the king of the spirit hangs, all of them will follow the unlucky, this is also the zero team working hard to protect the spirit king one of the fundamental reasons.


Hearing this, Wuchen smiled strangely and said flatteringly: "Since you admit that I am the Spirit King, then you should help me."

Hikune Kiryu and Shutara Senjumaru frowned, especially now that all the spiritual pressure hidden in Hikune Kiryu's body was used up, and restoring that hot body was particularly attractive, attracting dust-free eyes like a gravitational force.

"This bastard..."

Shutara Qianshoumaru cursed in his heart, secretly scolding Wuchen for eating what was in the bowl and thinking about what was in the pot.His eyes were straight when he looked at Hizune Kiryu Xue~feng.

Green and full of nostalgia, it is really hateful to fall in the eyes of Shutara Qianshouwan.

"Cough cough..."

In the dark, he seemed to sense Shutara Qianshoumaru's resentful eyes, and Wuchen smiled shyly and retracted his eyes, saying: "Whether it's Shirou Uzumaki, Yuhabach, or some of his personal guards, they They are all part of the identity of the Spirit King, and I must take them all back!"

"You two have to help me... this is an order!"

Wuchen said with a stern face, there was no room for manoeuvre, and his firm tone could not be shaken.

"It's okay to talk about Yuhabach, but Ukitake Shirou..."

Hibune Kiryu and Shutara Qianshoumaru looked at each other, and both could see the hesitation and hesitation in the other's eyes. They killed Shirou Ukitake for no reason. They couldn't make it through. time.

"I really can't count on you."

Wuchen sighed, he just said it casually, and didn't hold much hope, he could do it himself.

"However, there is one thing you have to do for me completely."

Wuchen retreated and asked for the next best thing, and said: "Presumably the construction principle of [Bengyu], you should all understand, I need you two to make a batch for me."

"A batch?"

Hearing the words, Shutara Qianshoumaru and Hibune Kiryu both twitched, looked at Wuchen in disbelief and speechless, and questioned: "Now that you already have the power of the Spirit King, things like Bengyu should be optional. Bar."

"And how many collapsed jades you said? It shouldn't be as simple as one or two." Yuzhou Kiryu looked at Wuchen in surprise, and continued to ask: "Do you mean to give the collapsed jades to others?"


Wuchen nodded and admitted, and answered bluntly: "I have many subordinates, but the overall strength is not strong, I need Bengyu to improve their strength."

"Then there's no need to make a batch..."

Shutara Qianshoumaru was speechless, but he felt a little sense of belonging to Wuchen in his heart, and those who could understand and take care of his subordinates were the best.

"Now that the Lingwang Palace has been destroyed, it is impossible for us to make Bengyu."

Shutara Qianshoumaru and Hibune Kiryu gave Wuchen a vicious glance, and then said angrily, "You are the one who started all this!"

"It's very simple. It just so happens that the previous spirit king is gone. Now that I have replaced it, it is natural to change to a new spirit king palace."

Hearing this, Wuchen smiled, and a sphere flew out of his hand, slowly floating in the air, and continuously enlarged.

"What is this?"

Hibune Kiryu's face was full of curiosity, and he immediately asked, "Aren't you planning to use this to recreate the Spirit King?"

"What can't you do?"

Wuchen asked, and immediately thought erupted, and the "seeking jade" in the void continued to enlarge, turning into an unprecedented super-large sphere.

All the substances in contact with the outside world of Qiu Daoyu collapsed, and the inside of Qiu Daoyu, an ideal world, was slowly taking shape according to the dust-free will.

In a blink of an eye, a pavilion and pavilion is formed inside the Qiudao Jade, a retro world of rockery and flowing water, and even a few migratory birds swaying in the sky, and there are rare rabbits on the green grass.

"This, how is this possible!"

Shutara Senjumaru and Hibune Kiryu opened their mouths wide, and their jaws were so shocked that they could not close together. Both of them belonged to the type of mad scientists, and they had endless curiosity about unsolved mysteries.

"Is this also the ability you obtained by swallowing the Spirit King?"

Yuzhou Kiryu asked in a stunned and stunned manner, staring at Wuchen with starry eyes, panting heavily, and the stalwart Xue~feng in front of him was about to be completely exposed.

Wuchen couldn't help laughing and laughing when he saw the adoring eyes of Yuzhou Kiryu. He was really unhappy, I'm afraid she was thinking of dissecting herself at the moment.

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