"This is one of my own abilities, and it has nothing to do with the Spirit King."

Wuchen inserted his hands into the large sleeves of the captain, and said plainly: "The name of this technique is [Gu Dao Jade], to be more precise, it is called [Expansion Qiu Dao Jade]. It can create and destroy the world, which is unique to me. technique."


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Chapter 1199 Trample Your Dignity [3/6]

Time flies, three days in a blink of an eye.Wuchen has been staying in the Lingwang Palace, and there are only Wuchen, Shutara Qianshoumaru and Yushu Kiryu in the big world.

"Qianjumaru, I need to grab some virtual souls, and leave the rest to you."

Yuzhou Kiryu said that the development of Bengyu requires a lot of souls, especially mass production of Bengyu, which requires more souls, and their hasty preparations are simply insufficient.

"No problem, leave it to me."

Shutara Senjumaru tapped her white chin, confident in her work efficiency, and gave Kiryu Hizune a reassuring look.

The latter nodded lightly and walked away, only Shutara Qianshoumaru was left in the laboratory.

"She's gone, you can come out after a long time, my Lord Spirit King."

Daimei raised her eyebrows lightly and glanced at the figure in the dark corner. Shutara Qianshoumaru said sarcastically, "Your concealment skills are too poor."

"no no…"

After saying a few nos in succession, Wuchen smiled meaningfully: "If I don't expose my breath, Kiryu Hizune won't be able to detect it, and she will die, and I'm witty!"

"so what."

Hearing this, Shutara Qianshouwan swept a glance at Wuchen, then continued the experiment in his hands, and asked indifferently, "Is this the reason for you to be sneaky?"

Wuchen's old face was embarrassed for a while, peeping at others is indeed a shameful thing.


After experiencing several worlds, Wuchen had already cultivated a thick skin, and immediately approached Shutara Qianshoumaru with a smile: "Don't say it so badly, how can we say it too..."

"We are nothing..."

Xiutuo Qianshou Wan directly interrupted Wuchen and sneered ruthlessly: "I thought I was bitten by a dog before, don't think too much."

"What did you say?!"

Hearing this, Wuchen's face turned green, staring at Shutara Qianshoumaru's graceful body, her pupils raging with red light, and said, "Then I will continue to bite you now!"

The spiritual pressure in the body vibrated, and a ray of light waved out, and the clothes on Shutara Qianshoumaru burst, revealing a white carcass, concave ~ convex ~ there ~ ~.

Wuchen suddenly changed his mind, and his clear eyes turned red in an instant. He could take care of some women and melt her with a fiery heart, but dealing with a noble woman like Shutara Qianshoumaru could only shatter her dignity.

Panting heavily, he originally wanted to resolve the grievances with Shutara Qianshoumaru, but who would have expected this woman to be so ignorant, since it is useless to be arrogant, she can only continue to use strength!

Thoroughly trample until she wears it!

"Bastard, what do you want?"

After being stunned for a while, Shutara Qianshoumaru screamed, with endless indignation and killing intent.

Without thinking about it, he directly hit Wuchen with a powerful trick.

"The Eighty-Eighth Flying Long Attacking Thief Thunder Cannon!"

A thick beam of light flew out, and the incident suddenly exploded without any accident, causing a huge explosion.

"What kind of monster is that?"

Witnessing the unharmed figure in the flames, Shutara Qianshou Maru's hope was instantly lost, Wuchen was hit by No. [-], and he had no defense, but he himself was fine.

Only the clothes were slightly burnt.

"What did you just do?"

After returning to his senses, Wuchen asked, turned his head to measure up and then the beam of light that flashed away, said with a stern face: "Attack on the Spirit King is a big problem, and now it's a crime!"

After saying that, Wuchen rushed towards Shutara Qianshoumaru.

"Bastard, let me go!"

Xiutuo Qianshouwan blushed and struggled violently with a thick neck. She used all her strength to resist Wuchen, but her effect was minimal. In front of absolute strength, her meager strength was not worth mentioning to Wuchen.

After a while, she used up all her strength and could only let the crazy hungry wolf in front of her be violent.

"I just like to clean up an ignorant woman like you."

Putting Shutara Qianshouwan down, Wuchen said with a resolute expression: "To deal with people who are not literate, the means you need to take are extremely simple, and that is to be more violent than him!"

"you this..."


Before he could finish speaking, Wuchen arbitrarily sealed Shutara Qianshoumaru's mouth, and his hands were even more wanton swimming.


It was not until five or six hours later that Wuchen walked out of the laboratory in a refreshing state of mind.

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