"Don't you think this is a good place? Even if there is the most fierce battle, you will not realize that this place can be regarded as an empty circle that no one cares about."

Uzhihualie, who completely pulled out his Zanpakutō, was even more shocked. The icy killing intent lowered the surrounding temperature by a hundred times, filled with a biting chill.

"Also, don't you think this is a suitable place to be a cemetery for a group of people?"


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Chapter 1202 Fierce Mao Zhihualie [6/6]

Mao Zhihualie's abnormal appearance naturally attracted everyone's attention. With that murderous awe-inspiring appearance, the whole person's face was as gloomy as if possessed by a ghost, and his whole body was ominous.

"Captain Uzhihualie, it doesn't matter."

Hitsugaya Toshiro asked suspiciously, walked in front of Uzhihualie, looking at Uzhihualie who was running wild, suddenly felt a strange strangeness, and was watched by Wuzhihualie's emotionless eyes. There is a feeling of being on pins and needles.

"I'm afraid this is the outer area of ​​the virtual circle, so our goal is not here, so let's go back."

"Captain Usohana's reaction is extraordinary, what happened?"

Shiruro Ukitake's brows were tightly folded together, and he suddenly saw the murderous intent in the eyes of Uzhikalie, and then found the captain of Hitsugaya who was gradually walking beside Wuzhihualie, with a shocked expression.

"Come back, Captain Hitsugaya, be careful..."


Before Shirou Ukitake could finish speaking, a ruthless blade pierced through Hitsugaya Toshiro.There was a long and narrow scar on his right shoulder, covering almost the entire body from top to bottom.

Clear bones can be seen from the wounds of the skin and the flesh.

"Ah ah ah... he didn't die? The life of a kid is so hard. Or, I haven't really done it for many years, and the Zanpakutō is already rusted."

Uzhihualie said with a gentle smile, but in the eyes of their group captains, they were more terrifying than evil ghosts, and more ruthless than Aizen Soyousuke.

"Go to hell, Captain Hitsugaya!"

With a cold expression, Unohakalie's uniquely curved Zanpakutō lifted up again and slashed towards Hitsugaya Toshiro's head.

"Clang clang!"

The invincible offensive was stagnant for a while, and Mao Zhihualie's sword light was blocked. At the critical moment, a black shadow borrowed a fatal slash for Hitsugaya Toshiro.

"Oops, Captain Kuchiki, it seems that you also like to meddle in your own business. His decision to get rid of you seems to be the right one."

Glancing at the expressionless Kuchiki Byakuya, Uzhihuali smiled.

"Ninety Blacks of Destruction..."

"Jie ha ha... You won't forget me, 卯... zhi... flower... eight... thousand... flow!"

Behind him, a wild and wild laughter came, and the ground trembled, and I saw Kenpachi Zaraki sprinting with a damaged Zanpakutō full of serrated teeth.

Every time he took a step, the ground shook and trembled with his steps.

"My current enemy is not you, Zaragi."

He turned his head and glanced at Zenggi Kenpachi lightly. Uzhihua's tone was full of killing intent. After sensing the spiritual pressure all over his body, he scorned: "Same as before, only the spiritual pressure has risen, and the rest of the place is the same. stupid!"

"Jie haha..."

Unbridled laughter resounded through the dead silence, Kenpachi Zaragi attacked with all his strength, and when he was about to approach Uzhihualie, his huge body suddenly stepped on the ground.


The force that could not bear the huge weight burst with a bang, and Kenpachi Zaragi swept into the air, falling from the sky and slashing towards Unohaka.

"Wang Xu's flash!"

The golden sphere whistled, and the tragic Zaragi Kenpachi was blasted out, lying on the ground covered in smoke.

"Captain Zeraki!"

Seeing this, Shiro Ukitake was startled, and turned his head to look in the direction of the virtual flash, a young woman with wheat-colored skin and blond hair rushed over.

"Captain Uzhihua... You also betrayed the Great Void Alliance of the Soul Society and the Void Circle?"

Shirou Ukitake was extremely heavy, looking at Hitsugaya Toshiro who was hit hard and Kenpachi Zakigi lying on the ground, a heart smashed from the clouds to the depths of hell.

In less than two minutes of the opening, it seemed that two captains were hit hard.

"It's not that I united the virtual circle, but everyone is their own from beginning to end."

Uzhihualie replied, very casually and lightly.Uzhihualie's point of view is quite similar to Wuchen. In her eyes, there are only strong and weak, and Daxu and Death are not important to her.

"Yes, we are our own people from beginning to end."

Harribel, who came, followed and said that she had accepted the rule of Wuchen before, and rushed here to ambush all the captains.

"Whoosh whoosh!!!"

There were several more sounds of breaking air, and three figures fell to the ground at the same time.

"That guy is getting lazy, and actually sent us all to such a desolate place."

Nilu and Bombiata, as well as Cantis and other two Quincy Exterminators all revealed their identities, looking at the empty circle filled with wind and sand, they were all dissatisfied and complained.

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