"Oh, you guys are the reinforcements she said, right? One by one really closed the moon and shamed the flowers, and the country and the city were all over the place. It seems that Lord Chen is really bad enough."

Mao Zhihualie's eyes narrowed into slits, and his mouth was like that, and his tone was actually quite tasty.

"Mister Dust?"

Hearing this name taboo, Shirou Uzumaki couldn't help frowning, he always felt a little familiar, but he couldn't think of a reason even though he scratched his head.

"I thought I didn't need to come and have a look. Who would have guessed that there was a big problem here."

The void burst, and a black shadow walked out of it, and the dust-free floating in the sky stood with his hands behind his back, quietly looking down at the crowd fighting below, finding his way safely.

"Master Chief?"

The defeated Captain Death witnessed the appearance of Wuchen, his face flushed like a chicken blood, and his eyes were alive and watching Wuchen.

Even Zaraki Kenpachi, who was stunned before, tried his best to open his eyes and moved closer to Wuchen as if he had found his backbone.

"not good!"

Noticing that Wu Chen's eyes were as cold as Uno Hana Lie's, Shirou Ukitake's heart suddenly thumped, and he cursed badly.In my heart, I can't help but unite Chen Jun and Wuchen to the same person.


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Chapter 1203 Showdown [1/6]

Shiro Ukitake was shocked, even though he was sick, it didn't mean he was stupid, not only that, Shiruro Ukitake was very careful, thoughtful, and had an extraordinary mind.

"Is that so? Captain Unohana betrayed us. I'm also very sad, Captain Hitsugaya."

Looking at the approaching Hitsugaya Toshiro, Wuchen pretended to be sad, and the golden Tiancong Yunjian appeared in his hand, with infinite power.

"It's good that the commander-in-chief knows."

Hearing that, Ripangu Dongshilang let out a sigh of relief. With Wuchen, the strongest fighting force, joining in, the victorious Libra would inevitably fall to them, and his thoughts were reorganized. When he was about to expose the crimes of Maozhihualie, Wuchen was full of jokes. Looking at him, his eyes are full of playfulness.

"Let's get out of the way, Captain Hitsugaya, the Captain and Captain Unoka are accomplices!"

Shiruro Ukitake's anxious reminder came, and Hitsugaya Toshiro's face froze when he heard the words, and suddenly he felt a pair of emotionless eyeballs staring at him, and his body retreated out of a neural reflex.


Hitsugaya Toshiro flashed fast, and his body turned into a photon to chase the dust-free faster, just like the space moving to seal the escape route of Hitsugaya Toshiro, and the sharp edge of Tiancong Yunjian smashed him!


Dust splashed on the ground, blood wet the dry desert, and a young arm was clearly visible.

"Hey, it turned out to be wrong..."

Wuchen let out a snort, looking at Hitsugaya Toshiro, who looked in pain, scratching his head embarrassedly, and apologizing: "Oh, I'm sorry, Captain Hitsugaya, I wanted to kill you all at once and let you Die without pain, who would have expected your reaction speed to be so fast that I would miss the cut, but it doesn't matter, I will make up for it now!"

Wuchen apologized earnestly with apologetic face, but the fox smile raised on his face is not flattering.

"You bastard..."

Looking at the bleeding shoulder, Hitsugaya Toshiro was in excruciating pain, Emerald's eyes were dull, he was severely injured in an instant, and his body was shaky.

"Hina Sentao will be taken care of by me, and you will die."

The Amangura Cloud Sword swung again, and the golden edge slashed towards Hitsugaya Toshiro's head.

"The Sixty-One-Six-Stand Light Prison of the Dao!"

Seeing that Hitsugaya Toshiro was about to be separated by Wuchen's corpse, six huge bands of light would attack in all directions, stopping Wuchen's attack.

Seeing the right time, Hitsugaya Toshiro flashed back and was able to avoid the catastrophe.

"There's always a lot of things that don't know what to do."

Turning his head and glancing at the figure who cast the "Six-Stand Light Prison", Wuchen said softly, "Captain Kuchiki, let Rukia take care of me too. In this way, even if you die, you will have no regrets!"


He slightly lifted his footsteps and twisted his body, and cracks appeared in the six huge light strips in the blink of an eye.

Eagle Falcon stared at the slim and graceful figure, Wuchen looked stern, and gave a cold command: "Lie, Halibel, Nilu..."

Looking at the three women, and then turning to look at the remaining two women, Wuchen said softly: "And Cantis and Bambi Aita... Destroy all the captains except Shiro Ukitake."

"Whoosh whoosh!"

With an order, the girls each rushed towards their enemies and launched a fierce pursuit.


The ground suddenly splashed with smoke and dust, and graceful figures fell from the sky.

Shirou Ukitake raised his head, and the dust-free person that caught his eye was extraordinarily unfamiliar, with a cold little face isolated from the world, without the slightest emotional fluctuations, as if the smiling chief captain was pretending.

"You are already the captain, why do you still do such a thing?"

Shirou Shirou, who looked pale, questioned, and was deeply puzzled by Wuchen's actions, which was completely detrimental to others and not himself, and continued to ask questions: "Leave us as a group, and you can still deal with Aizen Soyousuke. ..."

"Stop laughing, thinking that with your strength, you want to compete with Aizen Suyousuke? It's better to say less about such absurd words, and you are completely superfluous to me, especially you, Captain Ukitake."

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