Staring at Shirou Shirou, he remembered his identity as the Spirit King's right arm, and Wuchen's eyes flashed with fiery heat. Wuchen has a deep understanding of the benefits of this kind of tonic!

Suddenly remembering something, Shiro Ukitake instinctively realized that it was not good, and asked with an ugly face: "That Daxu named Nilu was the one who came to the Soul Realm to deceive Captain Komaura last time. Could it be that..."

"Jie Jie Jie... It seems that you are not an idiot. It's a rare enlightenment."

Wuchen laughed, silently admitting that it was his own doing. Anyway, this group of people are going to ascend to heaven together, so it's okay to tell them all the cause and effect.

"Komamura Zuojin, Kuchiki Byakuya, and Hitsugaya Toshiro are always fighting against me, and now it's their own fault. As for Zakigi Kenpachi, that idiot jumped in to seek death, and I can only be disrespectful. To take his life, only you are special among these people, Captain Fuzhu."

His eyes shot out a fiery light, and the dust-free voice increased by several decibels.

"I'm very confused that I will attack you? Let me tell you. To a certain extent, the legendary right arm of the Spirit King is stored in your body, which is equivalent to a part of the power of the Spirit King in my body today. If you come, can I just leave you alone?"

After a few words, Shiro Ukitake was struck by lightning.


Panting in horror, Shirou Ukitake looked at Wuchen in a ghostly way. This was his biggest secret, and even the Jiaojingle Chunshui and Captain Yamamoto didn't know it.

But why does this kid know?


Ask for flowers, ask for rewards, and automatically subscribe to all kinds of requests! ! !


Chapter 1204 It's Just a Piece [2/6]

Shirou Ukitake was extremely stunned, the pupils of his eyes enlarged, and his evaluation of Wuchen changed again. This can completely see through the future!

Unfathomable existence like omniscience and omnipotence.


Looking directly at Shiro Ukitake, Wuchen said bluntly: "In the guardian thirteen team, you give me a good impression, at least much better than that cunning old fox in Jingle Chunshui, but unfortunately you are equal to Indirectly, it is the right arm of the King of Spirit, and it is destined that you and I will become enemies."

Shirou Ukitake didn't deny it, and whispered: "It seems that the dozens of Achucas incidents this time are also fabricated by you out of thin air."

"Yes, there are only a handful of Achucas that add up to the virtual circles, not to mention dozens of them."

Up to now, Wuchen readily admits everything, anyway, they are a group of dying people, there is no need to continue to fool them.

"Don't be so sure about what you say, maybe you are the prey."

The cold voice came, Wuchen was stunned, turned his head to look, it turned out to be a large piece of cherry blossoms floating, an exaggerated number of thousands, covering the whole sky.

"So many petals also means thousands of blades...nice ability."

Looking at the incoming petals, Wuchen was indifferent, standing quietly in the same place, not moving, and whispered to himself at the corner of his mouth: "But the petals are always used for admiration, for attack... He is still too weak. already."

"Hmph, I hope you can be so calm later!"

Kuchiki Byakuya snorted softly, waved his hand, and the number of petals soared, forming an oval-shaped giant ball of petals to wrap dust-free.

"Everyone can't fight for a long time, hurry back to the corpse soul world and make this guy's conspiracy public."

Seeing this, Shiro Ukitake shouted loudly, and at the same time tried his best to retreat, rushing towards the depths of the virtual circle, it seemed that he wanted to tip off the news.

Hitsugaya Toshiro nodded, dragging his tired body and leaving at full speed, seeing Byakuya Kuchiki, who had a bad stone, also ran away, and now it is the most important thing to inform the soul world, only the head of Zanaki Kenpachi Qinghe Maozhihua fought fiercely.

"Run? In front of me, you still want to run? No matter how ignorant you have to stop, you are so stupid that I have a headache!"

Inside the giant flower ball, there was a sneering, contemptuous laughter, and then six black iron rods shot out and inserted them in six different directions.

Inside the sakura blade wrapped, Wuchen let out a low voice.

"Six Scarlet Sun Formation!"

The transparent barrier covered the sky and the earth, and the powerful hexagonal barrier emerged from the water, and the surrounding area was not ventilated, and Ukitake Shirou and others were enclosed.

"This is……"

Seeing this, Fu Zhu and other captains looked down. Back then, in the Soul Soul Realm, Wuchen used this trick to stop the Komamura Zuozhen who wanted to escape from the Soul Soul Realm.

Although it was as thin as a cicada's wings, the firmness and hardness were still vivid in their eyes.

"It seems that only by killing him, this barrier will be automatically lifted." Byakuya Kuchiki said in a deep voice, and there was a lot of killing intent in his cold eyes.

Hitsugaya Toshiro is no exception, even if he is already hiding in the encyclopedia, he still chooses hundreds of thousands of copies. It is impossible for him to sit and wait for death.

"As soon as we go..."

"Bang bang bang!"

Before the words fell, Kuchiki Byakuya suffered an absolute blow, and his body was shaky, swaying, and finally fell to the ground completely.

"Damn face paralyzed man, your opponent is me!"

Candice appeared like a ghost and ruthlessly kicked Kuchiki Byakuya to the ground. At the same time, Bumbie Tower also attacked Hitsugaya Toshiro.

Although the two women were extracted with the ability of "Holy Words", but after so many years of careful training by Wuchen, their combat effectiveness is still good.

"You guy..."

Witnessing Cantis and Bambi Aita's love for the two, Shirou Ukitake finally couldn't calm down any longer, and his pupils were filled with a cold murderous aura.

As a god of death, he actually colluded with the Quincy, which was even more hateful than Aizen Sou-suke.

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