"What kind of ability is it?"

Kuchiki Byakuya said with an ugly face, Wuchen was quietly mocking him!

"You people..."

Looking down at Kuchiki Byakuya and the others, Wuchen's pupils were as cold as knives.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

Strong vibrations erupted from Wuchen's body, terrifying like a flash flood, the ground trembled and vibrated, and cracks extended to the surroundings.

The scene is extremely shocking, not only the earth, the sky, but even the entire virtual circle is shaking violently!

"What exactly is such a terrifying trick?"

Kuchiki Byakuya and others exclaimed, especially Kuchiki Byakuya the most entangled: "Our tricks don't work for him, and he can be downgraded by his weird ability."


Hearing this, Wuchen sneered all his life, shook his head and said, "I didn't use any ability, this is the strength of my devouring the queen of spirits, your attack will hardly work on me."


Hitsugaya Toushiro and Kuchiki Byakuya shouted at the same time, ignoring the erosion of the Spirit King Collapsing Stream, and they all used their strength to erupt the last Reiki.

"It looks like it's going to be solved."

Seeing this, Wuchen took out two special star badges and handed them to Candice and Bombieta.

"Thank you sir!"

After a moment of surprise, the two women thanked each other excitedly, looked at each other, and naturally knew what Wuchen meant, and hurriedly blocked in front of Kuchiki Byakuya and Hitsugaya Toshiro.

He held up the special star towards the two of them.

Kuchiki Byakuya and Hitsugaya Toushiro were puzzled, but decided to release Zanpakutō.

"Unraveling the Thousand Sakura Jingyan!"

"Swallow the big red lotus ice wheel pill!"

The majestic spiritual pressure overflowed from the body and erupted continuously. When Zanpakutō was about to completely liberate his true posture, the climbing spiritual pressure actually stopped and erupted.Zanpakutō seemed to be dead, without the slightest reaction.

On the other hand, the stars in the hands of Candice and Bombieta are bright, and the two colors of blue and pink are particularly attractive.

"That is……"

Seeing this, Hitsugaya Toshiro and Kuchiki Byakuya were struck by lightning, their minds froze, and they exclaimed in unison.

"My Hiranimaru [Senbonzakura]!!!"

Seeing Hitsugaya Toshiro and Kuchiki Byakuya's old faces turned into pig livers, Wuchen felt indescribably comfortable. In the past, these unsightly cockroaches fought against him every day, but now they won't kill them all, and they have also taken them away. Their sworn solution, there is nothing else to be happy about.

"Cantis, Bombieta, their last value has been drained, and now... all annihilated!"


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Chapter 1207 Ai Rye

The cold and despairing voice gave everyone goosebumps. That cold and emotionless pupil was isolated from the world, without human feelings, looking down at thousands of mortals like a god.

"Jie ha ha... don't forget there is me!"

The violent spiritual pressure swept across the world, golden rays of light impacted the barrier, and the deadly oppression spread.

"Haha, get out of your way, all you bastards!"

Exhausting all his strength, unparalleled fighting power erupted in a short moment, and even the torrent of spirit kings wandering around Zangi Kenpachi stopped flowing.

The golden spiritual pressure that erupted from the body turned into a substantial skeleton, protecting Zenggi Kenpachi from being eroded.

"Oh, it looks majestic."

Staring at the skeleton covering Zenggi Kenpachi with great interest, Wuchen praised it.


The smile on his face suddenly subsided, and it was replaced by an endless haze. Wuchen said coldly: "The existence of two Kenpachis is absolutely not allowed in the same era, so...you should go to death, Captain Zengmu!"

After saying that, a more majestic spiritual pressure began to erupt in Wuchen's body, and the Sealing Six Scarlet Sun Formation creaked.

"The Eighty-Eighth Flying Dragon Strikes Thief Thunder Cannon!"

The incomparably thick beam spewed out, and simply smashed the passing void, leaving conspicuous cracks, especially the sound of breaking the sky moving at the speed of light, which made both ears tremble.

There was blood already flowing out of Hitsugaya Toshiro's ear, and his eardrum was shattered just now!


Kuchiki Byakuya Iceberg's face was full of shock, and he was stunned for a while.

The so-called No. [-] Breakthrough... In other words, the No. [-] Breakthrough played by Wuchen has undergone a new dimensional change in its power, which is more powerful than the most ferocious Breakthrough No. [-], "One-knife Cremation" More than that!

"Boom boom boom!"

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