The light that covered the sky was coming, and Kenpachi Zaraki instinctively smelled the smell of death, but the character of the beast still prompted him to push it to the end.

Lying on the sword with both hands, raised it high, a huge golden sword pressed against the Zanpakutō!

"Whoosh whoosh!"

With both hands on the ground, Kenpachi Zeraki used all the strength of his entire body to throw a slash, trying to shred the oncoming cold light, but his wish was about to fail after all.


At the moment when the two rays of light touched, the slash of Zaraki Kenpachi instantly collapsed, annihilated it, and swept towards Zaraki Kenpachi with an unprecedented raging attitude!


The light shot straight into the sky, wanting to destroy the unscrupulousness of the whole world.

As for the silhouette of Zenggi Kenpachi, he has completely disappeared. His Reiatsu, his body, and his Zanpakutō have all disappeared, and are directly evaporated by the fiery temperature of No. [-]'s Dao!

"Boom boom boom!"

The violent explosion resounded through the sky, and there were actually many fragments falling. Looking up, it shattered the Six Red Sun Formation!

"Oh, I didn't control my strength, it's going to be bad now."

Wuchen apologized with a face full of apology, which caused everyone to roll their eyes!

"Retreat, Captain Hitsugaya!"

Kuchiki Byakuya shouted, and quickly urged Hitsugaya Toshiro, who was in a daze, to disappear into a scene.


In the blink of an eye, the two disappeared and escaped from the Six Red Sun Formation along the gap that was smashed by Wuchen.

"After devouring the power of the Spirit King, the technique of controlling the power seems to have deteriorated a lot."

The corners of Wuchen's mouth murmured to himself, his eyes lifted slightly, and they penetrated thousands of miles in an instant, and the two who fled wildly became close at hand.

"Xianfa Ming Shenmen!"

The mahogany fell from the sky, and in a short period of time, the two of them were smashed to pieces, their flesh and blood blurred.


Time flies, dozens of days in a flash!

The captains who rushed to the virtual circle, except for Mao Zhihualie's "accidental" survival, all the other captains were killed. This huge bad news made the entire Soul Society tremble, a cloud of darkness.

And the culprit, the best guilt lamb is naturally Aizen Sangyousuke, Wuchen and Wuzhihua are in a state of embarrassment. Black pot!

"Master Captain, we should immediately attack the virtual circle, sooner or later we will be lonely one by one!" Jingle Chunshui said with red eyes.

Shiro Ukitake's "death in battle" was a virtual circle, and the blow to him is self-evident.

"Jie Jie... If you people know that I'm a black hand... will I be smashed to ashes?"

Wuchen smacked his lips and thought to himself, at this moment, the captains are united, everyone is full of indignant expressions, and the hatred for Lan Ranxu Youji has reached an unprecedented level. between.

"Everyone Aizan Suoyousuke naturally has to clean up. The hatred of the captains of the corpse and soul world must be washed with the blood of Aizan Suoyousuke. The chief captain treats us..."

In the face of such a perfect environment, Wuchen immediately launched a big trick, Aizen Soyousuke must be fighting, but there is also a hidden friend Harbach who must also be released.

Wuchen knows the fundamentals of Aizen Susuke Yousuke, and his understanding of Youhabach is limited to a few words. Even after he has become the Spirit King, he has very little knowledge of Youhabach.

"Master Chief, there is a big event happening in this world!"

At this moment, the Xing Jun personnel in black clothes suddenly knelt down on one knee, looking very nervous, panting like a cow, and frowning straight at the dust-free look.

"Stand up, could it be that Aizen Sosuke is attacking the world in an all-round way?"


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Chapter 1208 Aizen is in action


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Hearing Wuchen's remarks, the captains all looked at each other with expressions of indignation.

"Humph! That's outrageous, that Aizen Sangyoujie is so daring! Has he been so arrogant? He just killed several captains of the Soul Society, and now he is openly daring to attack the world!"

The captain of the second division, Suifeng, said angrily, although she is small, her temper is not small, and the azure blue spiritual pressure in her body erupted uncontrollably, causing the sad and urging Xing Jun personnel to almost faint.

"That's not true. Ichigo Kurosaki, who was alive just now, received news that one of their teammates, the girl named Orihime Inoue, was taken away by Aizen Sou Yusuke's men."

Xing Jun, who was overwhelmed, hurriedly reported, for fear that the crushing bee would accidentally magnify the spiritual pressure and shatter him.

"Okay, you go down."

Glancing at the Xing Jun personnel, Wuchen opened his mouth, but when he was about to speak, someone spoke first.

"Orihime Inoue? The woman with Kurosaki Ichigo? It looks like an ordinary human."

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